– 2 –





HAVING REGARD TO the Agreement providing for the Provisional Application of the

Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road

Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road, done at Geneva on

16 June 1949, and in particular, to Article V of the Agreement, which provides

that in the event that world-wide conventions dealing with the subject matter of

the draft conventions provisionally applied by the Agreement “should be

concluded, and upon their entry into force, any Government party to this

Agreement, which becomes a party to one or more of those Conventions shall

automatically be regarded as having denounced the present Agreement with

respect to the Draft Convention or Conventions corresponding to any of those

Conventions to which that Government has become a party”;

HAVING REGARD TO the Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring

and the Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road

Vehicles, both done at New York on 4 June 1954;

CONSIDERING that unlike the Draft International Customs Convention on Touring

brought into provisional application by the Agreement of 16 June 1949, the

said Conventions contain no provision concerning temporary duty-free

importation of aircraft and pleasure boats other than kayaks and canoes in use

and under 5.5metres in length;

DESIRING to facilitate the development of international touring by means of aircraft and

pleasure boats;

HAVE agreed as follows:

– 3 –

Chapter I


Article 1

For the purpose of this Convention:

(a) the term “import duties and import taxes” shall mean not only Customs duties but

also all duties and taxes whatever chargeable by reason of importation;

(b) the term “boats” shall mean all pleasure boats and pleasure vessels with or

without engines together with their spare parts, and their normal accessories and

equipment when imported with the boats or vessels;

(c) the term “aircraft” shall mean all aircraft with or without engines together with

their spare parts and their normal accessories and equipment when imported with

the aircraft;

(d) the term “private use” shall mean the use of aircraft or boats, by their owners or

by persons who have possession or control of them, whether on hire or otherwise,

for non-commercial purposes and, in particular, for purposes other than the

transport of persons for remuneration, reward or other consideration or the

industrial and commercial transport of goods with or without remuneration;

(e) the term “temporary importation papers” shall mean the Customs document

identifying the aircraft or boat and providing evidence of the guarantee or deposit

of import duties and import taxes;

(f) the term “persons” shall mean both natural and legal persons unless the context

otherwise requires.

Chapter II



Article 2

1. Each of the Contracting Parties shall grant temporary admission without payment of

import duties and import taxes and free of import prohibitions and restrictions, subject to

re-exportation and to the other conditions laid down in this Convention, to aircraft and boats

owned by persons normally resident outside its territory which are imported and utilized, for

their private use on the occasion of a temporary visit, either by the owners of the aircraft or boats

or by other persons normally resident outside its territory.

– 4 –

2. Such aircraft and boats shall be covered by temporary importation papers guaranteeing

payment of import duties and import taxes, and if the case should arise, of any Customs penalties

incurred, subject to the special provision of paragraph 4 of Article 27.

Article 3

The fuel contained in the supply tanks of aircraft and boats temporarily imported shall be

admitted without payment of import duties and import taxes and free of import prohibitions and

restrictions, provided that the supply tanks are of normal capacity, are located in the usual places

and are connected to the engine, it being understood that the fuel contained in these tanks is

intended exclusively for consumption by the aircraft or boat.

Article 4

1. Component parts imported for the repair of a particular aircraft or boat already

temporarily imported shall be admitted temporarily without payment of import duties and import

taxes and free of import prohibitions and restrictions. Contracting Parties may require these

parts to be covered by temporary importation papers.

2. Replaced parts which are not re-exported shall be liable to import duties and import taxes

except where, in conformity with the regulations of the country concerned, they may be

abandoned free of all expense to the Exchequer or destroyed, under official supervision, at the

expense of the parties concerned.

Article 5

Temporary importation papers sent to associations authorized to issue the papers in

question by the corresponding foreign associations, by international organizations or by the

Customs authorities of the Contracting Parties, shall be admitted without payment of import

duties and import taxes and free of import prohibitions and restrictions.

Chapter III


Article 6

1. Subject to such guarantees and under such conditions as it may determine, each

Contracting Party may authorize associations, such as those affiliated to an international

organization, to issue either directly or through corresponding associations the temporary

importation papers covered by this Convention.

– 5 –

2. Temporary importation papers may be valid for a single country or Customs territory or

for several countries or Customs territories.

3. The period of validity of these papers shall not exceed one year from the date of issue.

Article 7

1. Temporary importation papers valid for the territories of all or several of the Contracting

Parties shall be known as carnets de passages en douane and shall conform in respect of aircraft

to the standard form contained in Annex 1, and, in respect of boats, to the standard form

contained in Annex 2, to this Convention.

2. If a carnet de passages en douane is not valid for one or several territories, the issuing

association shall indicate the fact on the cover and on the importation vouchers of the carnet.

3. Temporary importation papers intended for boats and valid only for the territory of a

single Contracting Party may conform to the standard form contained in Annex 3 to this

Convention. Contracting Parties may also use other documents, in accordance with their

legislation or regulations.

4. The period of validity of temporary importation papers other than those issued by

authorized associations as provided for in Article 6 shall be laid down by each Contracting Party

in accordance with its legislation or regulations.

5. Each Contracting Party shall, upon request, supply the other Contracting Parties with

models of temporary importation papers valid for its territory, other than those appearing in the

Annexes to this Convention.

Chapter IV


Article 8

Temporary importation papers issued by authorized associations shall be made out in the

name of the persons who own the aircraft or boats temporarily imported or who have the

possession or control of them. When such papers, issued in respect of hired aircraft or boats are

made out in the name of the person letting out on hire, the words “ON HIRE TO …” followed by

the name and the address of the normal residence in a foreign country of the person concerned,

shall, when the Customs authorities of the country of temporary importation so require, be

inserted on all counterfoils and vouchers used in connection with the journeys of the person

taking the aircraft or boat on hire.

– 6 –

Article 9

1. The weight to be declared on temporary importation papers is the net weight of aircraft or

boats. It shall be expressed in the metric system. In the case of papers valid for one country

only, the Customs authorities of that country may prescribe the use of another system.

2. The value to be declared on temporary importation papers valid for one country only

shall be expressed in the currency of that country. The value to be declared on a carnet de

passages en douane shall be expressed in the currency of the country where the carnet is issued.

3. The articles and tool-kit which form the normal equipment of aircraft or boats need not

be specially declared on the temporary importation papers.

4. When the Customs authorities so require, spare parts and accessories not considered as

constituting the normal equipment of the aircraft or boat shall be declared on the temporary

importation papers with the necessary particulars (such as weight and value) and shall be

produced on exit from the country visited.

Article 10

Any particulars inserted on temporary importation papers by the issuing association may

be altered only with the approval of the issuing or guaranteeing association. No alteration to the

papers may be made after they have been passed by the Customs authorities of the country of

importation except with the consent of those authorities.

Chapter V


Article 11

1. Aircraft and boats admitted under cover of temporary importation papers may be used,

for their private use, by third persons duly authorized by the holders of the papers, provided that

those third persons normally reside outside the country of importation and also fulfil the other

conditions laid down in this Convention. The Customs authorities of the Contracting Parties

shall have the right to require evidence that such third persons have been duly authorized by the

holders of the papers and fulfil the aforesaid conditions. If this evidence does not appear

sufficient, the Customs authorities may refuse use of these aircraft and boats in their country

under cover of the papers. In the case of aircraft or boats which have been hired, each

Contracting Party may require that the person taking the aircraft or boat on hire be present at the

time of importation of the aircraft or boat.

– 7 –

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Customs authorities of

the Contracting Parties may permit, under conditions of which they shall be the sole judges, an

aircraft or boat circulating under cover of temporary importation papers to be manned by a crew

composed of persons who are normally resident in the country of importation, in particular when

the crew of the aircraft or boat acts on behalf of or under instructions from the holder of the

temporary importation papers.

Article 12

1. Aircraft or boats mentioned in temporary importation papers shall be re-exported in the

same general state, except for wear and tear, within the period of validity of such papers. In the

case of aircraft or boats which have been hired, the Customs authorities of the Contracting

Parties shall have the right to require the re-exportation of the aircraft or boat as soon as the hirer

has left the country of temporary importation.

2. Evidence of re-exportation shall be provided by the exit visa properly appended to the

temporary importation papers by the Customs authorities of the country into which the aircraft or

boat was temporarily imported.

3. Contracting Parties may, however, make the discharge of temporary importation papers

for aircraft subject to proof of the arrival of the aircraft in foreign territory.

Article 13

1. Notwithstanding the requirement of re-exportation laid down in Article 12, the

re-exportation of badly damaged aircraft or boats shall not be required, in the case of duly

authenticated accidents, provided that the aircraft or boats:

(a) are subjected to the import duties and import taxes to which they are liable; or

(b) are abandoned free of all expense to the Exchequer of the country into which they

were imported temporarily; or

(c) are destroyed, under official supervision, at the expense of the parties concerned,

any salvaged parts and materials being subjected to the import duties and import

taxes to which they are liable,

as the Customs authorities may require.

2. When an aircraft or boat temporarily imported cannot be re-exported as a result of a

seizure, other than a seizure made at the suit of private persons, the requirement of re-exportation

within the period of validity of the temporary importation papers shall be suspended for the

duration of the seizure.

– 8 –

3. The Customs authorities shall notify, so far as possible, to the guaranteeing association,

seizures made by or on behalf of those Customs authorities of aircraft or boats admitted under

cover of temporary importation papers guaranteed by that association and shall advise it of the

measures they intend to take.

Article 14

An aircraft or boat imported into the territory of one of the Contracting Parties under

cover of temporary importation papers may not be used, even incidentally, for transport against

remuneration, reward or other consideration between points within the frontiers of that territory

or outwards from that territory. It may not be hired out after importation and if it was imported

on hire it may not be re-hired to any person other than the person who hired it originally.

Article 15

Persons entitled to temporary importation facilities may, during the period of validity of

temporary importation papers, import the aircraft or boats covered by those papers as often as

necessary, on condition that they have each passage (entry and exit) established by a visa of the

Customs officers concerned if the Customs authorities so require. Temporary importation papers

may however be made valid for a single journey only.

Article 16

When temporary importation papers without detachable vouchers for each passage are

used for boats, the visas given by the Customs officers between the first entry and the final exit

shall be provisional. Nevertheless, when the last visa is a provisional exit visa, it shall be

admitted as proof of the re-exportation of the boat or component parts temporarily imported.

Article 17

When temporary importation papers with a detachable voucher for each passage are used,

each entry visa implies the passing of the document by the Customs authorities, and each

subsequent exit visa constitutes its final discharge, except as provided in Article 18.

Article 18

When the Customs authorities of a country have finally and unconditionally discharged

temporary importation papers they can no longer claim from the guaranteeing association

payment of import duties and import taxes, unless the certificate of discharge was obtained

improperly or fraudulently.

– 9 –

Article 19

Visas on temporary importation papers used under the conditions laid down in this

Convention shall not be subject to the payment of charges for Customs attendance, provided

such visas are issued at a Customs office or post during athorized hours.

Chapter VI



Article 20

The lack of proof of re-exportation within the time allowed of aircraft or boats

temporarily imported shall be disregarded when the aircraft or boats are presented to the

Customs authorities for re-exportation within fourteen days from the expiry of the papers and

satisfactory explanations of the delay are given.

Article 21

Each of the Contracting Parties shall recognize as valid extensions of validity of carnets

de passages en douane granted by another Contracting State in accordance with the procedure

laid down in Annex 4 to this Convention.

Article 22

1. Requests for extension of validity of temporary importation papers shall be presented to

the competent Customs authorities before the expiry of the period of validity of these papers,

unless this is rendered impossible by force majeure. If the temporary importation papers have

been issued by an authorized association, the request for extension shall be made by the

association which guarantees the papers.

2. Extensions of time necessary for the re-exportation of aircraft or boats or component

parts imported temporarily shall be granted when the persons concerned can establish to the

satisfaction of the Customs authorities that they are prevented by force majeure from

re-exporting the said aircraft, boats or component parts within the time allowed.

Article 23

Each of the Contracting Parties shall, unless the conditions of temporary admission are

no longer satisfied, authorize, subject to whatever measures of control it may consider necessary,

the renewal of temporary importation papers issued by the authorized associations and relating to

aircraft, boats or component parts temporarily imported into its territory. Requests for renewal

shall be presented by the guaranteeing association.

– 10 –

Chapter VII


Article 24

1. If temporary importation papers have not been regularly discharged, the Customs

authorities of the country of importation shall (whether the papers have expired or not) accept as

evidence of re-exportation of the aircraft, boats or component parts the presentation of a

certificate based on the standard form shown in Annex 5 to this Convention, issued by an official

authority (consul, Customs, police, mayor, judicial officer, etc.), attesting the facts that the

aircraft, boat or component parts in question have been presented to it and are outside the

country of importation. The said Customs authorities may also accept any other documentary

evidence that the aircraft, boat or component parts are outside the country of importation. In the

case of papers, other than carnets de passages en douane, which have not expired, the said

Customs authorities may required the papers to be surrendered to them before the date on which

the aircraft or boat in question was certified to be outside the country of temporary importation.

In the case of carnets, account shall be taken, as evidence of re-exportation of the aircraft, boats,

or component parts, of the visas entered thereon by the Customs authorities of countries

subsequently visited.

2. In the case of the destruction, loss or theft of temporary importation papers not regularly

discharged but relating to aircraft, boats or component parts which have been re-exported, the

Customs authorities of the country of importation shall accept as proof of re-exportation the

presentation of certificates based on the standard form shown in Annex 5 to this Convention

issued by an official authority (consul, Customs, police, mayor, judicial officer, etc.), attesting

the facts that the aircraft, boats or component parts in question have been presented to it and are

outside the country of importation after the date of expiry of the papers. They may also accept

any other documentary evidence that the aircraft, boats or component parts are outside the

country of temporary importation.

3. In the case of the destruction, loss or theft of carnets de passages en douane while

aircraft, boats or component parts to which they refer are in the territory of one of the

Contracting Parties, the Customs authorities of that Party shall, at the request of the association

concerned, accept replacement documents the validity of which shall expire on the date of expiry

of the validity of the carnets which they replace. This acceptance will annul the previous

– 11 –

acceptance of the carnets destroyed, lost or stolen. If, instead of replacement documents, export

licences or similar documents are issued for the re-exportation of the aircraft, boats or

component parts, the exit visas on these licences or documents shall be considered as sufficient

proof of re-exportation.

4. If aircraft or boats are stolen after having been re-exported from the country of

importation, without the exit having been regularly endorsed on the temporary importation

papers and in the absence of entry visas on the papers entered thereon by the Customs authorities

of countries subsequently visited, the papers may nevertheless be regularized provided that the

guaranteeing association furnishes the papers together with such evidence of theft as may be

considered sufficient. If the temporary importation papers have not expired, the Customs

authorities may require their surrender.

Article 25

In the cases referred to in Article 24, the Customs authorities shall have the right to

charge a regularization fee.

Article 26

Customs authorities shall not have the right to require from the guaranteeing association

payment of import duties and import taxes on aircraft, boats or component parts temporarily

imported when the non-discharge of the temporary importation papers has not been notified to

the guaranteeing association within one year of the date of expiry of the validity of those papers.

Article 27

1. The guaranteeing associations shall have a period of one year from the date of

notification of the non-discharge of temporary importation papers in which to furnish proof of

the re-exportation of the aircraft, boats or component parts in question under the conditions laid

down in this Convention.

2. If such proof is not furnished within the time allowed, the guaranteeing association shall

forthwith deposit or pay provisionally the import duties and import taxes payable. This deposit

or payment shall become final after a period of one year from the date of the deposit or

provisional payment. During the latter period, the guaranteeing association may still avail itself

of the facilities provided by the preceding paragraph with a view to repayment of the sums

deposited or paid.

– 12 –

3. For countries whose regulations do not provide for the deposit or provisional payment of

import duties and import taxes, payments made in conformity with the provisions of the

preceding paragraph will be regarded as final, it being understood that the sums paid may be

refunded when the conditions laid down in this article are fulfilled.

4. In the case of the non-discharge of temporary importation papers, the guaranteeing

association shall not be required to pay a sum greater than the total of the import duties and

import taxes applicable to the aircraft, boats or component parts not re-exported, together with

interest if applicable.

Article 28

The provisions of this Convention do not affect the right of the Contracting Parties, in the

event of fraud, contravention or abuse, to take proceedings against holders of, or the persons

using, temporary importation papers, for the recovery of the import duties and import taxes and

also to impose any penalties to which such persons have rendered themselves liable. In such

cases, the guaranteeing associations shall lend their assistance to the Customs authorities.

Chapter VIII


Article 29

The Contracting Parties shall endeavour not to introduce Customs procedures which

might have the effect of impeding the development of international touring.

Article 30

Any breach of the provisions of this Convention, any substitution, false declaration or act

having the effect of causing a person or an article improperly to benefit from the system of

importation laid down in this Convention, may render the offender liable in the country where

the offence was committed to the penalties prescribed by the laws of that country.

Article 31

Nothing in this Convention shall prevent Contracting Parties which form a Customs or economic

union from enacting special provisions applicable to persons normally resident in the countries

forming that union.

– 13 –

Article 32

Nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to prejudice the right of each Contracting

Party to apply import prohibitions or restrictions based on considerations other than economic in

character, for example considerations of public morality, public security, public health or


Chapter IX


Article 33

1. Countries members of the Economic Commission for Europe and countries admitted to

the Commission in a consultative capacity under paragraph 8 of the Commission’s Terms of

Reference, may become Contracting Parties to this Convention:

(a) by signing it;

(b) by ratifying it after signing it subject to ratification;

(c) by acceding to it.

2. Such countries as may participate in certain activities of the Economic Commission for

Europe in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Commission’s Terms of Reference may become

Contracting Parties to this Convention by acceding thereto after its entry into force.

3. The Convention shall be open for signature until 31 August 1956 inclusive. Thereafter, it

shall be open for accession.

4. Ratification or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the

Secretary-General of the United Nations

Article 34

1. This Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day after five of the countries

referred to in article 33, paragraph 1, have signed it without reservation of ratification or have

deposited their instruments of ratification or accession.

2. For any country ratifying or acceding to it after five countries have signed it without

reservation of ratification or have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession, this

Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the said country has deposited its

instrument of ratification or accession.

Article 35

1. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Convention by so notifying the

Secretary-General of the United Nations.

– 14 –

2. Denunciation shall take effect fifteen months after the date of receipt by the

Secretary-General of the notification of denunciation.

3. The validity of temporary importation papers issued before the date when the

denunciation takes effect shall not be affected thereby and the guarantee of the association shall

hold good. Extensions granted in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 21 of this

Convention shall similarly remain valid.

Article 36

This Convention shall cease to have effect if, for any period of twelve consecutive

months after its entry into force, the number of Contracting Parties is less than five.

Article 37

1. Any country may, at the time of signing this Convention without reservation of

ratification or of depositing its instrument of ratification or accession or at any time thereafter,

declare by notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations that this

Convention shall extend to all or any of the territories for the international relations of which it is

responsible. The Convention shall extend to the territory or territories named in the notification

as from the ninetieth day after its receipt by the Secretary-General or, if on that day the

Convention has not yet entered into force, at the time of its entry into force.

2. Any country which has made a declaration under the preceding paragraph extending this

Convention to any territory for whose international relations it is responsible may denounce the

Convention separately in respect of that territory in accordance with the provisions of Article 35.

Article 38

1. Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or

application of this Convention shall so far as possible be settled by negotiation between them.

2. Any dispute which is not settled by negotiation shall be submitted to arbitration if any

one of the Contracting Parties in dispute so requests and shall be referred accordingly to one or

more arbitrators selected by agreement between the Parties in dispute. If within three months

from the date of the request for arbitration the Parties in dispute are unable to agree on the

selection of an arbitrator or arbitrators, any of those Parties may request the Secretary-General of

the United Nations to nominate a single arbitrator to whom the dispute shall be referred for


3. The decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators appointed under the preceding paragraph shall

be binding on the Contracting Parties in dispute.

– 15 –

Article 39

1. Each Contracting Party may, at the time of signing, ratifying, or acceding to, this

Convention, declare that it does not consider itself as bound by Article 38 of the Convention.

Other Contracting Parties shall not be bound by Article 38 in respect of any Contracting Party

which has entered such a reservation.

2. Any Contracting Party having entered a reservation as provided for in paragraph 1 may at

any time withdraw such reservation by notifying the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3. No other reservation to this Convention shall be permitted.

Article 40

1. After this Convention has been in force for three years, any Contracting Party may, by

notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, request that a conference be

convened for the purpose of reviewing the Convention. The Secretary-General shall notify all

Contracting Parties of the request and a review conference shall be convened by the

Secretary-General if, within a period of four months following the date of notification by the

Secretary-General, not less than one third of the Contracting Parties notify him of their

concurrence with the request.

2. If a conference is convened in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the

Secretary-General shall notify all the Contracting Parties and invite them to submit within a

period of three months such proposals as they may wish the conference to consider. The

Secretary-General shall circulate to all Contracting Parties the provisional agenda for the

conference together with the texts of such proposals at least three months before the date on

which the conference is to meet.

3. The Secretary-General shall invite to any conference convened in accordance with this

article all countries referred to in Article 33, paragraph 1, and countries which have become

Contracting Parties under Article 33, paragraph 2.

Article 41

1. Any Contracting Party may propose one or more amendments to this Convention. The

text of any proposed amendments shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General of the

United Nations who shall transmit it to all Contracting Parties and inform all other countries

referred to in Article 33, paragraph 1.

– 16 –

2. Any proposed amendment circulated in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be

deemed to be accepted if no Contracting Party expresses an objection within a period of six

months following the date of circulation of the proposed amendment by the Secretary-General.

3. The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, notify all Contracting Parties whether

an objection to the proposed amendment has been expressed. If an objection to the proposed

amendment has been expressed, the amendment shall be deemed not to have been accepted and

shall be of no effect whatever. If no such objection has been expressed the amendment shall

enter into force for all Contracting Parties three months after the expiry of the period of six

months referred to in the preceding paragraph.

4. Independently of the amendment procedure laid down in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this

Article, the annexes to this Convention may be modified by agreement between the competent

Administrations of all the Contracting Parties. The Secretary-General shall fix the date of entry

into force of the new texts resulting from such modifications.

Article 42

In addition to the notifications provided for in articles 40 and 41, the Secretary-General

of the United Nations shall notify the countries referred to in Article 33, paragraph 1, and the

countries which have become Contracting Parties under Article 33, paragraph 2, of:

(a) signatures, ratifications and accessions under Article 33;

(b) the dates of entry into force of this Convention in accordance with Article 34;

(c) denunciations under Article 35;

(d) the termination of this Convention in accordance with Article 36;

(e) notifications received in accordance with Article 37;

(f) declarations and notifications received in accordance with Article 39,

paragraphs 1 and 2;

(g) the entry into force of any amendment in accordance with Article 41.

Article 43

As soon as a country which is a Contracting Party to the Agreement providing for the

Provisional Application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on

Commercial Road Vehicles, and on the International Transport of Goods by Road done at

Geneva on 16 June 1949 becomes a Contracting Party to this Convention, it shall take the

– 17 –

measures required by Article IV of that Agreement to denounce it as regards the Draft

International Customs Convention on Touring, insofar as this denunciation does not already

result automatically from Article V of that Agreement.

Article 44

The Protocol of Signature of this Convention shall have the same force, effect and

duration as the Convention itself of which it shall be considered to be an integral part.

Article 45

After 31 August 1956, the original of this Convention shall be deposited with the

Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall transmit certified true copies to each of the

countries mentioned in Article 33, paragraphs 1 and 2.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned,

being duly authorized thereto, have signed this


DONE at Geneva, this eighteenth day

of May one thousand nine hundred and

fifty-six, in a single copy in the

English and French languages, each

text being equally authentic.

– 18 –

Annex 1


The carnet is issued in French.

The dimensions are 33 x 24 cm.

– 19 –

Annex 1 Annex 1

page 1 [Front cover] page 1

(1) Insert type of aircraft [Balloon, dirigible balloon, aeroplane, amphibian, seaplane, glider (monoplane, biplane, triplane)

gyroplane, helicopter] and the maker’s description, if any.

[International Organization]


No. = = = = = =

VALID for one year, i.e., until ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….inclusive

[Insert the date in red ink]

subject to compliance by the holder during this period with the Customs laws and regulations of the countries visited.

Issued by ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Holder …………………………………………….Normal residence or business address ……………………………………………………..

[Block letters] [Block letters]

For (1) ………………………………………………. registered in (2) …………………………………………………………………………………….

and bearing the following nationality and registration marks ……………………………………..


– 20 –

(2) Insert country of registration.

Annex 1 Annex 1

page 2 [Inside front cover] page 2


7 Type of aircraft (1) …………………………………………………………………..

8 Year of construction ……………………………………………………………….

9 Marks (nationality and registration) …………………………………………..

10 Value of the aircraft ………………………………………………………………..

11 Net weight of the aircraft ………………………………………………………….

12 Covering or envelope: material ……………………………………………….

13 colour …………………………………………………..

14 Volume in cu.m. or

15 Wing span, in metres ……………………………………………………………..

16 Engine(s) (Number ……………………………… )

17 (Make ………………………………….. )

18 (Serial No(s) …………………………. )

19 Radio (indicate make and type) ………………………………………………..

20 Other particulars, including any

special instruments carried ……………………………………………………..

21 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

22 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Issued at …………………. on ………………. 19………,

on condition that the holder re-exports the aircraft within the specified period of validity and complies with the Customs laws and regulations relating

to the temporary admission of aircraft in the countries visited under the guarantee, in each country where the document is valid, of the authorized

association affiliated to the undersigned international organization. On expiry, the carnet must be returned to the association which issued it.

Holder’s signature: Signature of Secretary-General Signature of authorized official

of the International Organizations: of the issuing association:

(1) See footnote (1) on front cover

– 21 –

Annex 1 Annex 1

page 3 page 3

1 1 1



2 Departure from [name of country] …………………………………….. 2 Carnet de passages en douane No. = = = = = 2 Carnet de passages en douane No. ========

3 Of the aircraft described in 3 VALID until……………………………………………………………… 3 VALID until ………………………………………………………………..

4 Carnet de passages en douane No. ====== 4 Issued by ………………………………………………………………. 4 Issued by …………………………………………………………………..

5 Holder …………………………………………………………………… 5 Holder ………………………………………………………………………

6 Normal residence…………………………………………………….. 6 Normal residence ……………………………………………………….

5 took place on ……………………………………………………………….. 7 Type of aircraft (1)……………………………………………………. 7 Type of aircraft (1) ………………………………………………………

6 at the Customs office of …………………………………………………. 8 Year of construction………………………………………………….. 8 Year of construction……………………………………………………..

7 9 Marks (nationality and registration) …………………………….. 9 Marks (nationality and registration) …………………………………

10 Value of the aircraft…………………………………………………… 10 Value of the aircraft………………………………………………………

11 Net weight of the aircraft ……………………………………………. 11 Net weight of the aircraft ……………………………………………….

12 Covering or envelope: material…………………………………… 12 Covering or envelope: material ………………………………………

13 colour……………………………………… 13 colour………………………………………….

14 Volume in cu.m. or 14 Volume in cu.m. or

8 Customs officer’s signature: 15 Wing span, in metres ……………………………………………….. 15 Wing span, in metres……………………………………………………

16 Engine(s) (Number ………………………………………….) 16 Engine(s) (Number ……………………………………… )

1 17 (Make ………………………………………………) 17 (Make…………………………………………… )

18 (Serial No(s) ……………………………………..) 18 (Serial No(s)………………………………….. )

1 COUNTERFOIL FOR RETURN TO COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 19 Radio (indicate make and type) …………………………………… 19 Radio (indicate make and type) ………………………………………

20 Other particulars, including any 20 Other particulars, including any

2 Return to [name of country] …………………………………………….. special instruments carried ……………………………………. special instruments carried ………………………………………

21 ……………………………………………………………………………. 21 ……………………………………………………………………………….

3 took place on ……………………………………………………………….. 22 ……………………………………………………………………………. 22 ……………………………………………………………………………….

23 RETURN to [name of country] …………………………………….. 23 DEPARTURE from [name of country]………………………………..

4 at the Customs office of …………………………………………………. 24 took place on ………………………………………………………….. 24 took place on ……………………………………………………………..

25 at the Customs office of…………………………………………….. 25 at the Customs office of ………………………………………………..

5 26 where this voucher was registered under No. ………………… 26 where this voucher was registered under No………………………

27 27

6 Customs officer’s signature:

28 Customs officer’s signature: 28 Customs officer’s signature:

29 Voucher to be returned to the Customs office of departure at 29

NB. The Customs office of departure should fill in

……………………………………………………………………………. lines 29 and 30 of the adjacent voucher

30 where the carnet was registered under No













– 22 –

Annex 1 Annex 1

page 4 page 4

[Reverse of voucher for departure from country of origin] [Reverse of voucher for return to country of origin] [Reverse of counterfoil]


I, (full name) ……………………………………………………….. I, (full name) …………………………………………………………

of (address) ……………………………………………………….. of (address) …………………………………………………………..

undertake that as soon as the aircraft described overleaf declare that the aircraft described overleaf has not undergone

re-enters (1) ………………………………………………………….. any alterations, additions or repairs (other than ordinary

I will notify the proper Customs authority of any alterations, running repairs) while outside (1) ………………………………..

additions or repairs to the aircraft (other than ordinary except as follows:

running repairs) carried out abroad. I undertake to produce

the aircraft for Customs examination as and when required Signature of holder …………………………………………………..

when it re-enters. I declare that to the best of my knowledge

and belief all the information set out overleaf is correct. Date…………………………………

Insert details of any alterations etc., carried out abroad;

Signature of holder ……………………………………………….. if none, delete the words in italics.

Date ……………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………..






I, the undersigned, hereby authorize …………………………..

…………………………………………… sign on my behalf all

documents and declarations relating to my aircraft.


Signature of holder …………………………………………………..

(A copy of the declaration on exportation could be inserted


– 23 –

Annex 1

Annex 1 Annex 1

page 5/6 page 5/6

2 2 2


2 Entry into [name of country]…………………………………………….. 2 Carnet de passages en douane No. = = = = = 2 Carnet de passages en douane No. ========

3 Of the aircraft described in 3 VALID until……………………………………………………………… 3 VALID until ……………………………………………………………………..

4 Carnet de passages en douane No. ====== 4 Issued by ………………………………………………………………. 4 Issued by ………………………………………………………………………..

5 Holder …………………………………………………………………… 5 Holder ……………………………………………………………………………

5 took place on ……………………………………………………………….. 6 Normal residence…………………………………………………….. 6 Normal residence …………………………………………………………….

7 Type of aircraft (1)……………………………………………………. 7 Type of aircraft (1) ……………………………………………………………

6 at the Customs office of …………………………………………………. 8 Year of construction………………………………………………….. 8 Year of construction…………………………………………………………..

7 9 Marks (nationality and registration) …………………………….. 9 Marks (nationality and registration) ………………………………………

10 Value of the aircraft…………………………………………………… 10 Value of the aircraft……………………………………………………………

11 Net weight of the aircraft ……………………………………………. 11 Net weight of the aircraft …………………………………………………….

12 Covering or envelope: material…………………………………… 12 Covering or envelope: material ……………………………………………

13 colour……………………………………….. 13 colour………………………………………………..

14 Volume in cu.m. or 14 Volume in cu.m. or

8 Customs officer’s signature: 15 Wing span, in metres ……………………………………………….. 15 Wing span, in metres…………………………………………………………

16 Engine(s) (Number ………………………………………….) 16 Engine(s) (Number ……………………………………… )

2 17 (Make ………………………………………………) 17 (Make…………………………………………… )

18 (Serial No(s) ……………………………………..) 18 (Serial No(s)………………………………….. )

1 EXIT COUNTERFOIL 19 Radio (indicate make and type) …………………………………… 19 Radio (indicate make and type) ……………………………………………

20 Other particulars, including any 20 Other particulars, including any

2 Departure from [name of country] …………………………………….. special instruments carried ……………………………………. special instruments carried ……………………………………………

21 ……………………………………………………………………………. 21 …………………………………………………………………………………….

3 took place on ……………………………………………………………….. 22 ……………………………………………………………………………. 22 …………………………………………………………………………………….

23 DEPARTURE from [name of country] ……………………………. 23 ENTRY into [name of country] ……………………………………………..

4 at the Customs office of …………………………………………………. 24 took place on ………………………………………………………….. 24 took place on …………………………………………………………………..

25 at the Customs office of…………………………………………….. 25 at the Customs office of ……………………………………………………..

5 26 where this voucher was registered under No. ………………… 26 where this voucher was registered under No……………………………

27 27

6 Customs officer’s signature:

28 Customs officer’s signature: 28 Customs officer’s signature:

29 Voucher to be returned to the Customs office of entry at 29 NB. The Customs office of entry should fill in

……………………………………………………………………………. lines 29 and 30 of the adjacent voucher

30 where the carnet was registered under No. …………………….






Stamp Custom






– 24 –

Annex 1 Annex 1

page 7 [page 3 of cover] page 7

The following information is provided by the issuing association for the benefit of users

– 25 –

Annex 1 Annex 1

page 8 [page 4 of cover] page 8

– 26 –

– 27 –

Annex 2


The carnet is issued in French.

The dimensions are 22 x 27 cm.

The issuing association shall insert its

name on each voucher and shall include the initials

of the international organization to which it belongs.

– 28 –

Annex 2 Annex 2

page 1 [Front cover] page 1

(1) In the absence of registration number, insert the name or distinctive sign.

[International Organization]



No. = = = = = =

VALID for one year, i.e., until ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..inclusive

[Insert the date in red ink]

subject to compliance by the holder during this period with the Customs laws and regulations of the countries visited.

Issued by …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Holder …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Normal residence or business address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



For a boat registered in ………………………………………………………………………. under No. ……………………………………………..(1)

[town] [country]

This carnet may be used in the following countries:


– 29 –

Annex 2 Annex 2

page 2 [Inside front cover] page 2

(1) Insert the type: boat with oars or paddles (pleasure or sports), with or without auxiliary engine; canoe, kayak, with or without auxiliary engine; sailing boat, with or


7 TYPE OF BOAT (1) ……………………………………………………………..

8 REGISTERED in …………………………………..under No. ……….. (2)

[town] [country]

9 Hull……………………………….(Material ………………………………….

10 (Length …………………………………….

11 (Overall width ……………………………

12 Engine …………………………..(Make ………………………………………

13 (No. …………………………………………

14 (Number of cylinders ………………….

15 Radio (indicate make and type) …………………………………………..

16 Other particulars ……………………………………………………………….

17 ………………………………………………………………………………………

18 ………………………………………………………………………………………

19 Net weight of boat in kg. …………………………………………………….

20 Value of boat ……………………………………………………………………

Issued at ……………….. on …………….. 19……..,

on condition that the holder re-exports the boat within the specified period of validity and complies with the Customs laws and regulations relating

to the temporary admission of boats in the countries visited under the guarantee, in each country where the document is valid, of the authorized

association affiliated to the undersigned international organization. On expiry, the carnet must be returned to the association which issued it.

Holder’s signature: Signature of Secretary-General Signature of authorized

– 30 –

without engine (auxiliary or fixed); motor boat or launch. For boats with engines (auxiliary or other) state whether petrol or diesel engine.

(2) In the absence of registration number, insert name or distinctive sign.

Annex 2 Annex 2

page 3 [Front side of inside pages] page 3

1 1 1


2 Entry into …………………………………………………………………. 2 Of Carnet de passages en douane No. = = = = = 2 Of Carnet de passages en douane No. ========

3 Of the boat described in Carnet de passages en douane 3 VALID until……………………………………………………………… 3 VALID until ……………………………………………………………………..

4 No. ====== 4 Issued by ………………………………………………………………. 4 Issued by ………………………………………………………………………..

5 Holder ………………………………………………….[Block letters] 5 Holder …………………………………………………………. [Block


5 took place on…………………………………………………………….. 6 Normal residence……………………………………[Block letters] 6 Normal residence ………………………………………….. [Block


7 TYPE OF BOAT (1)……………………………………………………. 7 TYPE OF BOAT (1) …………………………………………………………..

6 at the Customs office of ………………………………………………. 8 REGISTERED in ………………………….under No. …………. (2) 8 REGISTERED in ……………………… under No. …………………… (2)

7 [town] [country] [town] [country]

9 Hull (material ……………………………………………………. 9 Hull (material …………………………………………………………….

10 (length ………………………………………………………. 10 (length ……………………………………………………………….

11 (overall width ……………………………………………… 11 (overall width ……………………………………………………….

12 Engine (make………………………………………………………… 12 Engine (make ………………………………………………………………..

13 (No. ………………………………………………………….. 13 (No…………………………………………………………………….

8 Customs officer’s signature: 14 (number of cylinders ……………………………………. 14 (number of cylinders ……………………………………………..

15 Radio (indicate make and type) …………………………………… 15 Radio (indicate make and type) …………………………………………..

16 Other particulars ……………………………………………………… 16 Other particulars ………………………………………………………………

17 ……………………………………………………………………………. 17 …………………………………………………………………………………….

9 Exit from ………………………………………………………………….. 18 ……………………………………………………………………………. 18 …………………………………………………………………………………….

10 took place on…………………………………………………………….. 19 Net weight of boat in kg. …………………………………………… 19 Net weight of boat in kg. ……………………………………………………

11 at the Customs office of ………………………………………………. 20 Value of boat ………………………………………………………….. 20 Value of boat …………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………………………. 21 Date of exit …………………………………………………………….. 21 Date of entry ……………………………………………………………………

22 At the Customs office of ……………………………………………. 22 At the Customs office of …………………………………………………….

12 23 Voucher registered under No. …………………………………….. 23 Voucher registered under No. ……………………………………………..

24 24

25 25

Customs officer’s signature: Customs officer’s signature:

13 Customs officer’s signature:

26 Voucher to be returned to the Customs office of 26 NB. The Customs office of entry should fill in

entry at …………………………………………………………………. lines 26 and 27 of the adjacent exit voucher.

27 Where the carnet has been registered under No













– 31 –

Annex 2 Annex 2

page 4 [Reverse side of inside pages] page 4

– 32 –

Annex 2 Annex 2

page 5 [Page 3 of the cover] page 5

The following information is provided by the issuing association for the benefit of users

– 33 –

– 34 –

Annex 2 Annex 2

page 6 [Page 4 of the cover] page 6

– 35 –

Annex 3


The triptych should be printed in the

language specified by the country of importation.

The dimensions are 13 x 29.5 cm.

– 36 –

Annex 3 Annex 3

page 1 page 1

(1) Insert the type: boat with oars or paddles (pleasure or sports) with or without auxiliary engine; canoe, kayak, with or without auxiliary engine; sailing boat, with or without engine (auxiliary or fixed);


This voucher to be detached and retained by the Customs office EXITS AND RE-ENTRIES This voucher is to be retained by the holder after having been

of entry stamped and signed by the Customs authorities (1) on first entry

Customs stamps and Customs officers’ signatures into ………….….., (2) on final re-exportation from …………………

TRIPTYCH No. ====== on temporary exits and re-entries and must subsequently be returned to ……………………………….

(association which issued the document to the holder).

For ………………………………………

(country of validity) ……………………………………………………………………………………..

TRIPTYCH No. ======

Valid until ………………………………………………………………………. inclusive For …………………………………….

(country of validity)

Guaranteed by ………………………………………………………………………………

Issued by ……………………………………………………………………………………. VALID until ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Holder …………………………………………………………………….. [Block letters]

Normal residence ………………………………………………………. [Block letters] Guaranteed by …………………………………………………………………………………..

TYPE OF BOAT (1) …………………………………………………………………………. Issued by ………………………………………………………………………………………….

REGISTERED in ………………………………. under No. ………………………. (2) Holder [Block letters]

[town] [country] Normal residence ………………………………………………………….. [Block letters]

Hull (material …………………………………………………………………………. TYPE OF BOAT (1) ………………………………………………………………………………

(length ……………………………………………………………………………. REGISTERED in ………………………….