Article 62
Cooperation with other entities

1. The provisions of the previous articles do not prevent the National Bank of Angola from exchanging information with the following entities:

a) the Securities Supervision Entity and the Insurance Supervision Institute within the scope of their powers;
b) authorities involved in the liquidation of financial institutions;
c) persons responsible for the control of the accounts of financial institutions and the responsible supervisory bodies of those same institutions;
d) the supervisory authorities of other states, under reciprocal arrangements, regarding information necessary for the supervision of Angola based financial institutions, and of equivalent institutions based in those states, within the scope of co-operation agreements made by the bank;
e) central banks and other entities with a similar vocation, as monetary authorities, and other authorities responsible for the supervision of the system of payments.

2. The obligation to respect confidentiality applies to all authorities, bodies and persons who participate in the exchange of information referred to in the previous numbers.

3. The information received by the National Bank of Angola under the terms of this article may only be used:

a) for examining the conditions of access to the activity of financial institutions;
b) for supervising the activities of banking financial institutions, specifically in regard to liquidity, solvency, large risks, and other requirements of adequacy of own funds, administrative organization, accounting and internal controls;
c) for the application of sanctions;
d) in respect of any appeal against a decision taken by the National Bank of Angola under the terms of the provisions applicable to entities subject to BNA supervision;
e) for the purpose of monetary policy and overview or supervision of systems of payment.

Article 63
Cooperation with other countries

The co-operation agreements referred to in line d) and e) of number 1 of the previous article, may only be made when the information to be provided is covered by guarantees of confidentiality at least of equivalent standing to those stipulated in this act.

Article 64
Information regarding risks

Regardless of what may come to be decided, by the National Bank of Angola, regarding the information and credit risk database, financial institutions may, under a regime of secrecy, organize a reciprocal information system with the object of guaranteeing the security of their operations.

Article 65
Violation of the obligation to respect confidentiality

Without prejudice to such other sanctions as may be applicable, violation of the obligation to respect confidentiality is punishable under the terms of the penal code and other legislation on the subject.