One of the most important right is prohibition of forced labor-illustrate and explain.


 The  constitution  of  Bangladesh  is the supreme  law  of  Bangladesh. It  declares  that  Bangladesh  is  a  democratic  country. Every constitutions should prefer peoples fundamental rights.  Our constitution is a written constitution. Every fundamental rights are  written there. Every  person  have  some  fundamental  rights  and  they  are  very  much  concern  about  their  rights. All of us want to  establish  their  rights. And constitution can presort these rights. Because it is a supreme law of our   country. If  constitution  does  not  assist  our  fundamental  rights  so  country  could  not  go  ahead. Because everything follows some laws.

Constitution  of  Bangladesh

 Our  country’s  constitution  is  a  written  constitution. It  is  not  easily  changeable. If  we  want  to  change  our  constitution  so we  must  need 2/3  vote  of  our  parliament  members. The  constitution  proclaims  nationalism,  democracy,  socialism  and  secularity  as  the  fundamental  principles  of  the  Bangladeshi  republic.[1] It  is  one  of  the  most  liberal  constitutions. Our  constitution  came  into  effect  from  December  16, 1972. Many  different  laws  are  written

Laws  inconsistent  with  fundamental  rights  to  be  void.[2]

 (1) All  existing  law  inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of  this  Part  shall, to  the  extent  of such  inconsistency,  become  void  on  the  commencement  of  this  Constitution.

(2) The  State  shall  not  make  any  law  inconsistent  with  any  provisions  of  this  Part,  and any  law  so  made  shall, to  the  extent  of  such  inconsistency,  be  void.

[(3) Nothing  in  this  article  shall  apply  to  any  amendment  of  this  Constitution   made  under  article 142].

 Fundamental Rights

 Rights  are  legal,  social  or  ethical  principles  of  freedom  or  entitlement. Rights  are  the  fundamental  normative  rules. Rights  are  importance  in  such  disciplines  as  law  and  ethics  especially  theories  of  justice  deontology. Rights are often  considered fundamental  to  civilization. The  connection  between  rights  and   struggle  cannot  be  overstated—rights  are  not  as  much  granted  or  endowed  as  they  are  fought  for  and  claimed.[3] Rights  have  many  types  like  natural  and  legal  rights, claim  and  liberty  rights, negative  and  positive  rights, individual  group rights. Every  rights  have  different  distinctiveness.

Natural  rights  versus  legal  rights

Natural  rights  are  rights  which  are  natural, not  man  made  or  artificial. Natural  rights  are  known  as  moral  rights  or  unalienable  rights.[4]

Legal  rights,  in  contrast, are  based  on  a  societies  customes,laws,status  or  actions  by  legislatures. An  example  of  legal  right  is  the  right  to  vote  for  citizens. Legal  rights  are  sometimes  called  civil  rights.

Claim  rights  versus  liberty  rights

claim  right  is  a  right  which  entails  that  another  person  has  a  duty  to  the  right  holder. Like  in  jurisdiction  where  social  welfare  services  are  provided, citizens  have  legal  claim  rights  to  be  provided  with  those  services.

liberty  right  or  privilege,  in  contrast,  is  simply  a  freedom or  permission  for  the  right-holder  to  do  something,  and  there  are  no  obligations  on  other  parties  to  do  or  not  do  anything.[5] Legal  rights  and  claim  rights  are  the  inverse  of  on  another.

Positive  rights  versus  negative  rights

Positive  rights  are  permissions  to  do  things, or  entitlements  to  be  done  unto. One example  of  positive  right  is  the  purported “right  to  welfare”

Negative  rights  are  not  to  do  things, or  entitlements  to  be  left  alone.[6] It  is  opposite  of  positive  rights.

Individual  rights  versus  group  rights

Individual  rights  are rights  held  by  individual  people  regardless  of  their  group  membership  or  lack  thereof.

Group  rights  have  been  argued  to  exist  when  a  group  is  seen  as  more  than  a  mere  composite  or  assembly  of  separate  individuals  but  an  entity  in  its  own  right.[7] Some  argue  that  when  soldiers  bond  in  combat, the  becomes  like  an  organism  in  itself  and  has  rights  which  trump  the  rights  of  any  individual  soldier.

Rights  and  politics 

Rights  are  often  included  in  the  foundational  questions  governments  and  politics  have  been  designed  to  deal  with. Often  the  development  of  these  socio  political  institutions  have  formed  a  dialectical  relationship  with  rights. Accordingly, politics  play  an  important  role  in  developing  or  recognizing  the  above  rights, and  the  discussion  about  which  behavior  are  included  as  “rights” is  an  ongoing  political  topic  of  importance.

 Fundamental  Rights  In  Bangladesh

Bangladeshi  people  have  23  fundamental  rights  under  the  Constitution  of  Bangladesh.[8]  The  Fundamental  Rights  in  Bangladesh under  below:

  1. Laws  inconsistent  with  fundamental  rights  to  be  void (Article-26)
  2. Equality  before  law (Article-27)
  3. Discrimination  on  grounds  of  religion, etc. (Article-28)
  4. Equality  of  opportunity  in  public  employment (Article-29)
  5. Prohibition  of  foreign  titles, etc. (Article-30)
  6. Right  to  protection  of   law (Article-31)
  7. Protection  of  right  to  life  and  personal  liberty (Article-32)
  8. Safeguards  as  to  arrest  and  detention (Article-33)
  9. Prohibition  of  forced  labor (Article-34)
  10. Protection  in  respect  of  trial  and   punishment (Article-35)
  11. Freedom  of   movement (Article-36)
  12. Freedom  of  assembly (Article-37)
  13. Freedom   of  association (Article-38)
  14. Freedom  of   thought  and  conscience, and   of   speech (Article-39)
  15. Freedom  of   profession   or  occupation (Article-40)
  16. Freedom  of  religion (Article-41)
  17. Rights  of  property (Article-42)
  18. Protection   of   home  and  correspondence (Article-43)
  19. Enforcement  of  fundamental  rights (Article-44)
  20. Modification  of  rights  in  respect  of  disciplinary  law (Article-45)
  21. Power  to  provide  indemnity (Article-46)
  22. Saving  for  certain  laws (Article-47)
  23. Inapplicability  of  certain  articles (Article-47A)

Forced  labor

Unfree Labor

Unfree  labor  includes  all  forms  of  slavery  as  well  as  all  other  related  institutions. E.g. debt slavery, wage  slavery, serfdom, conscription  and  labor  camps.[9] Payment  for  unfree  labor  may  be  in  one  or  more  of  the  following  forms:

  • The payment  does  not  exceed  subsistence  or  barely  exceeds  it.
  • The  payment  is  in  goods  which  are  not  desirable  and  cannot  be  exchanged  or  are  difficult  to  exchange.
  • The  payment  mostly  consists  of  cancellation  of  a  debt  or  liability  that  was  itself  coerced  or  belongs  to  someone  else.

 It  is  argued  by  supporters  of  certain  theories  of  distributive  justice  that  any  occasion  on  which  a  worker  is  able  to  turn  down  employment  and  look  elsewhere  is  “free  labor” [10] There  are  different  forms  of  unfree  labor. In  which  individual  workers  are  legally  owned  throughout  their  lives, and  may  be  bought, sold  or  otherwise  exchanged  by  owners, while  never  or  rarely  receiving  any  personal  benefit  from  their  labor. Slavery  was  common  in  many  ancient  societies.[11]

Indenture  and  bonded  labor

A  more  common  form  in  modern  society  is  indenture  or  bonded  labor  under  which  worker  sign  contracts  to  work  for  a  specific  period  of  time, for  which  they  are  paid  only  with  accommodation  and  sustenance  or  this  essential  in  addition  to  limited  benefits  such  as  cancellation  of  debt,  or  transportation  to  a  desired  country.[12]

Penal  Labor

Penal  labor  is  a  form  of  unfree  labor  in  which  prisoners  perform  work, typically  manual  labor. The  work  may  be  light  or  hard, depending  on  the  context.   Large-scale  implementations  of  penal  labor  include  labor  camps,  prison  farms,  and  penal  colonies.[13]

Prison  Labor

Prison  labor  is  another  classic  form  of  unfree  labor. The  forced  labor  of  convicts  has  often  been  regarded  with  lack  of  sympathy, because  of  the  social  stigma  attached  to  people  regarded  as  “common  criminals”.

Truck  System

A  truck  system, in  the  specific  sense  in  which  the  term  is  used  by  labor  historians, refers  to  an  unpopular  or  even  exploitative  form  of  payment  associated  with  small, isolated  or  rural  communities, in  which  workers  small  producers  are  paid  in  either  goods, a  form  of  payment  known  as  truck  wages[14].

The present situation of forced labor

The international labor organization estimates that:

  • At least 12.3 million people are victims of forced  labor
  • more than 2.4 million have been trafficked
  • 9.8 million are exploited by private agents
  • 2.5 million are forced to work by the state or by rebel military groups.

Stopping  forced  labor

Forced  labor  is  universally  condemned. Yet  the  elimination  of  its  numerous  forms-old  and  new, ranging  from  slavery  and  debt  bondage  to  trafficking  in  human  beings-remains  one  of  the  most  complex  challenges  facing  local  communities, national  governments, employers  and  workers  organizations  and  the  international  community.[15]

Comparative assessment

Form  above  discussion  we  can  understand  that  constitution  of  Bangladesh  is  the  supreme  law  of  our  country. And  our  constitution  prohibits  all  forms  of  forced  labor. Under  any  forced  labor  our  constitution  ensure  different  punishment. Every  human  being  have  some    rights  which  are  very  important  for  every  person.  We  have  23  fundamental  rights. One  of  is  forced  labor. If  anybody  create  pressure  to  do   some  specific  work  so  we  will  called  it  forced  labor. And  any  kind  of  forced  labor  is  punishable  by  our  constitution. Our  constitution  enclose  all  types  of  fundamental  rights. Every  person  should  obey  every  roles  and  regulation  of  our  country. So  we  could  maintain  our  fundamental  rights.


Bangladeshi people have 23 fundamental rights under the constitution. One  of  the  most  important  right  is  prohibition  of  forced  labor. Constitutions give punishment against this type of crime. Forced  labor  have  many  forms  all  forms  of  forced  labor  is  prohibited  by  our  constitution. All fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution. So  we  all  of  us  should  conscious  about  our  fundamental  rights  and  to  be  careful  another  person’s  rights.


Books,  Articles  and  web  address

Allen, Theodore W. (1994). The Invention of the White Race: Racial Oppression and Social Control. New York: Verso Books.

Blackburn. (1997). The Making of New World Slavery From the Baroque to the Modern, 1492–1800, London: Verso Books.

Brass, Tom, Marcel Van Der Linden, and Jan Lucassen. (1993). Free and Unfree Labor. Amsterdam: International Institute for Social History.

Brass, Tom. (2011). Labor Regime Change in the Twenty-First Century: Unfreedom, Capitalism and Primitive Accumulation. Leiden: Brill.

Hilton, George W. (1960). The Truck System, including a History of the British Truck Acts, 1465-1960. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. [reprinted by Greenwood Press, London, 1975.–en/docName–WCMS_088490/index.htm

Article of natural and legal rights.

Article of claim rights and liberty rights

Article of positive rights and negative rights.

Article of individual rights and group rights




[4] Article of natural and legal rights.

[5] Article of claim rights and liberty rights.

[6] Article of positive rights and negative rights.

[7] Article of individual rights and group rights



[10] Allen, Theodore W. (1994). The Invention of the White Race: Racial Oppression and Social Control. New York: Verso Books.

[11] Blackburn. (1997). The Making of New World Slavery From the Baroque to the Modern, 1492–1800, London: Verso Books.

[12] Brass, Tom, Marcel Van Der Linden, and Jan Lucassen. (1993). Free and Unfree Labor. Amsterdam: International Institute for Social History.

[13] Brass, Tom. (2011). Labor Regime Change in the Twenty-First Century: Unfreedom, Capitalism and Primitive Accumulation. Leiden: Brill.

[14] Hilton, George W. (1960). The Truck System, including a History of the British Truck Acts, 1465-1960. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. [reprinted by Greenwood Press, London, 1975.
