Md. Fazle Rabbi Mia Vs. Professor Aftab Uddian Ahmed and others (Hasan Foez Siddique, J.)

  1. 50.      In view of the statutory provisions as mentioned above, our considered opinion is that before allocation of budget for payment of salaries of the appointees against newly created posts, there was no scope to appoint any one in any post created newly.
  2. 51.      The University Inquiry Report shows that from 17.11.2003 to 04.01.2009   333 persons were appointed on adhoc basis. Out of them 161 appointees joined in their respective posts on the date of their appointments and 131 appointees joined in their respective posts on the next date of getting their appointments.  The petitioners also brought similar allegations.  The respondents did not controvert that facts. Such acts of the V.C. clearly indicated that those 161 persons met the V.C. and approached him and then got them appointed and had joined on the same day and those 131 persons joined on the next day and thereafter within one or two months services of almost all of them were regularized. These are the manners of exercising administrative discretion. Every power must be exercised by the authority lawfully, reasonably and good faith. If the power is exercised unlawfully, improperly, unreasonably or in bad faith, the exercise is bad  and the action is illegal. In the case of State of Madhya Pradesh Vs. Nandalal, reported in AIR 1987 S.C. page-251 Indian Supreme Court held that two important factors will throw conside-rable light in determining whether  a decision is malafide or motivated by improper consider-ation: (i) the manner or method of reaching the decision; and (ii) the circumst-ances in which the decision is taken and the considerations which have entered into in reaching the decision. Elements of those two factors are present in the processes of appointments of the employees within the questioned period.
  3. 52.      The learned Advocates for the respond-ents submit that the Vice Chancellor of the University is legally authorized to appoint any person under section 12(10) of the Act on its discretion and only the control is that after so appointment he would intimate the same to the Syndicate. But the power of the Vice Chance-llor is not unguided and uncontrolled  in view of the provision of section 12(3) of the Act which provided, “fvBm-P¨v‡Ýji GB AvBb, mswewa Ges wek¡we`¨vjq †iMy‡jk‡bi weavb wek¡¯ZZvi mwnZ cvj‡bi wbðqZv weavb Kwi‡eb Ges GB D‡Ï‡k¨  cª‡qvRbxq ¶gZv cª‡qvM Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb |” That is, he must appoint any one in the University exercising power  under section 12(10) in accordance with law, statute and regulation of the University. He is not empowered to appoint any person in contravention of the Act and Statute. The aforesaid appointments of 161 persons in one day and joining of those appointees on the same day and 131 persons on the next day of getting their appointments are nothing but arbitrary exercise of administrative discretion and those appointments were tainted with fraud. He did not stop here. Even after publication of notice of regular employment on 05.01.2004 the V.C. started to appoint employees on adhoc basis again when the process of regular appointment was going on. Till  next advertisement on 11.09.2004 he appointed 194 persons  more on ad-hoc basis. If the act is in excess  of the power granted or is an abuse or misuse of power, the matter may be subjected  to judicial review.
  4. 53.      From Annexure-2 to the affidavit-in-opposition filed by the respondent No.5 and others shows that Post Creation  Committee in a meeting held on 27.10.2003 prepared a proposal  for creation of 836 posts. From Annexure-7 to the supplementary affidavit-in- opposition filed by the University on 31.01.2012 it appears that for holding syndicate meeting dated 05.11.2003 notice was issued on 03.11.2003 for consideration of 11 agendas. Out of those agendas agenda no.3 was in respect of proposal for creation few posts of Professor and Associate Professor and agenda No.4 was in respect of creation of two posts for Director and Deputy Director (Public relation and Publication). On 04.11.2003 agenda Nos.13 to 19 were incorporated by a supple-mentary notification wherein agenda No.15 was for creation of new posts. Said agenda was as follows:

        (i) 9500-12000/- UvKv †eZb †¯‹‡j Dc-  †iwR÷«vi Gi 6wU, Dc- K‡jR cwi`k©K 6wU, Dc- cix¶v wbqš¿K 6wU Ges  Dc- cwiPvjK (A_© I wnmve) Gi 2wU c` m„wói cª¯—ve we‡ePbv (ii) 6150-9750/- UvKv †eZb ‡¯‹‡j  mnKvix  †iwRóªvi Gi 10wU, mnKvix  K‡jR cwi`k©K 10wU, mnKvix cix¶v wbqš¿K 10wU, mnKvix cwiPvjK (A_© I wnmve) Gi 5wU c` m„wói cª¯—ve we‡ePbv (iii) 4300-6625 UvKv  †eZb †¯‹‡j †mKkb Awdmvi Gi 30wU c` m„wói cª¯—ve we‡ePbv, (iv) 2205-4735/- UvKv †eZb  †¯K‡j D”Pgvb mnKvix Gi 50 wU c` m„wói cª¯—ve we‡ePbv (v) 1500-2400/- UvKv  †eZb †¯K‡j Gg,Gj,Gm,Gm, 25wU  Ges wK¬bvi Gi 50wU c` m„wói cª¯—ve we‡ePbv |Ó

  1. 54.      In affidavit-in-opposition the added respondents No.283 and others stated that Post Creation Committee recommended for creation of 1255 posts from 27.10.2003  to 16.03.2005 out  of them recommendation  was made for creation of 938 posts by a resolution dated   27.10.2003. But from the agenda of the notification for holding Syndicate meeting as quoted above shows that in that notification there was proposal for creation of 210 posts of officers and staffs for consideration. Annexure-7 (1) of the supplementary affidavit of the University shows that the Syndicate in its meeting dated 05.11.2003 created 938 posts in different categories. While creating those posts the Syndicate amended the Statute 6 for appointing some persons in “few posts” directly inasmuch as there was no agenda in the notice for amendment of the Statute. Statute provided that those “few posts” should be filled up by way of promotion.  It is  relevant here to quote the said amendment which runs as follows:  wm×vš— -15 (ii) 9500 -1200/- UvKv  †eZb †¯‹‡j  Dc-  †iwRóvi Gi 6wU Dc- K‡jR cwi`k©K 6wU, Dc- cix¶v wbqš¿K 6wU Ges Dc- cwiPvjK (A_© I wnmve) Gi 2wU c` m„wó Kiv nj| RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq PvKzix mswewa (mswewea-6) Gi Zckxj wewagvjv 3(18) Gi G“wgK 13 G ewb©Z weavb ms‡kvabc~e©K G mKj c‡` mivmwi †jvK wb‡qv‡Mi wm×vš— M„nxZ n‡jv| Dc- †iwRóªvi/ mggv‡bi c‡` wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î  †hvM¨Zv I AwfÁZv n‡e wbg¥i“ct-

        2q  †kªbx Abvm© mn 2q  †kªbxq  mœv‡ZvËi wWMªx| wk¶v Rxe‡bi †Kvb ¯—‡i 3q  †kªbx/wefvM MªnY‡hvM¨ bq| miKvix/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôvb/wek¡we`¨vjq, mnKvix  †iwRóªvi /mnKvix cwiPvjK/ mggv‡bi c‡` b~b¨Zg 5 eQ‡ii AwfÁZvmn †gvU 10 eQ‡ii PvKzixi AwfÁZv /cªwZwôZ †Kvb K‡j‡R Kgc‡¶ 10 eQ‡ii wk¶vKZvi AwfÁZv| Ó

  1. 55.      Most curious aspect is that University annexed annexure-7(2) another copy of the minutes of the 63rd Syndicate meeting held on 05.11.2003. In that minutes the above quoted portion of resolution regarding amendment of Statute does not appear. The statement of the University, the highest institution and contro-lling authority of the higher educational institutions in this regard is very shocking. In supplementary affidavit-in-opposition dated 31.01.2012 the University stated as follows:

That so far as minutes of 63rd Syndicate meeting held on 05.11.2003 is concerned it appears from amended agenda of the 63rd Syndicate dated 03.1.2003 and supplementary agenda dated 04.11.2003, as found in the file, that  the number of agenda was 19 and report was 7. However, in the concerned file two versions of minutes of 63rd Syndicate were found one containing  initial of the then Vice- Chancellor at each page with the word “Aby‡gvw`ZÓ at the last page. Subsequently the other version was found containing initials of the then Registrar and Deputy Registrar. The matter was discussed in the 116th Syndicate meeting held on 20.3.2010. In the meeting it was decided that the minutes of 63rd Syndicate containing initials of Registrar and Deputy Registrar would be treated as correct version. A. G.D. dated 25.3.2010 was lodged with Joydevpur P.S., Gazipur by the National University regarding aforesaid matter”.

  1. 56.      That it appears that under agenda no.15 in the notice 5 catagories posts had been mentioned for taking decision whether those posts should be created or not (Annexure-7).  But in the minutes containing initial of the then Vice- Chancellor under the said agenda decision was taken for creation of 29 catagories of posts (Annexure- 7-1). In the minutes containing initial of the Registrar and Deputy Registrar under agenda No.15 there were   decision for creation of 18 catagories posts ( annexure- 7-2).
  2. 57.      In annexure-7(1), the minutes of the 63rd meeting there is no signature of the Registrar who is Secretary of National University Syndicate and in Annexure-7(2) signature of the V.C. does not appear but signature of Registrar is there. Annexure 7(1) shows that the Syndicate in 63rd meeting created 29 catagories of posts but 7(2) shows that in that meeting 18 categories posts were created. Those posts were created on the basis of amended Statute 6 (before creation of those posts last amended Statute was published after approval of Senate on 17.10.2002). At the time of creation of posts on 05.11.2003 there were no such posts namely, Superintending Engineer, Chief Security Officer, Assistant Officer, Upper Division Assistant (Technical), Lower Division Assistant (Technical) Senior Staff Photographer etc. In the notification for holding 63rd Syndicate Meeting Agenda No.5 was to the effect – ÒRvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi PvKzix mswewai wewfbœ Am½wZ wPwn“Z K‡i I wel‡q Kibxq m¤ú‡K© cª‡qvRbxq mycvwik cªbq‡bi Rb¨ GKwU KwgwU MV‡bi cª¯—ve we‡ePbvÓ. In Syndicate meeting a committee for preparation of proposal for amendment of Statute was constituted. But without waiting for report of that Committee the Syndicate, for the purpose of appointment for some persons, amended the Statute-6 and appointed some persons accordingly before approval of those amendments by the Senate inasmuch as section 45(4) of the Act says – “45(4)  wmwÛ‡KU KZ…©K cª¯—vweZ mswewa wm‡bU KZ…©K Aby‡gvw`Z  ev Abby‡gvw`Z ewjqv MY¨ bv nIqv ch©š— Dnvi †Kvb Kvh©KvwZv _vwK‡e bv|   and Section 21 (K) says :  GB AvBb I AW©vi  Gi weavb mv‡c‡¶ wm‡bU-

        (K) wmwÛ‡KU KZ…©K  cª¯—vweZ mswewa Aby‡gv`b ms‡kvab I evwZj Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e|” Section 24 provides  the power of the  Syndicate 24 (2) (V) says- “wm‡b‡Ui Gi Aby‡gv`b mv‡c‡¶ mswewa cªbqb, ms‡kvab IevwZj Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e;”  In order to amend the  Statute approval of the Senate is required to be taken. From some other minutes of Syndicate show that the Syndicate amended the schedule of the Statute. University enforced those amendments before approval of the Senate. On the basis of those amendments many appointments were given.

  1. 58.      It is relevant here to state that one Hafizur Rahman as informant lodged an F.I.R. with Sahabag Police Station under Sections 420/ 467/468/ 471/109 of the Penal Code. After holding investigation police submitted charge-sheet against Prof. Aftab Ahmed (now deceased) and others under sections 420; 467;468/471/109 of the Penal Code finding prima-facie case against them. In police report the Investigating Officer has said,- “RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi ZrKvjxb cªkvm‡b wb‡qvwRZ AwfhyI“ Avmvgxiv ci¯ci †hvMmvRv‡bv cªZviYvg~jKfv‡e RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq Õ1992 37bs) AvB‡bi 6(U), 24(2) (T) I 45(4) aviv Ges RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi PvKzix (mswewa-6)  Gi 97 aviv jsNb Kwiqv ixU  gvgjvq Annexure-6, 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D (The minutes of the meeting of post creation Committee dated 27.10.2003, 29.3.2004, 03.7.2004, 31.08.2004 and 14.10.-2004 respectively)  wnmv‡e  Rgv  ‡`qv  c` m„wói Rvj WKz‡g›U mg~n cwiKwíZ fv‡e ˆZix K‡i‡Qb| RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi 2003-4, 2004-5 A_© erm‡ii ev‡R‡U c` m„wói Lv‡Z  †Kvb eivÏ wQj bv Ges c` m„wói  WKz‡g›Um Rvj wm‡bU KZ…©K Aby‡gvw`Z b‡n|” That observation of the Investigating Officer is not conclusive and matter is still subjudice but I.O. prima-facie finding so has made such observation. There cannot be an appointment or employ-ment without pre-existing posts.
  2. 59.      Now, let us see the contents of the advertisement published in “The Dainik Sangbad” on 5.1.2004 which runs as follows :-

        myÎt  bs-01(740) RvZxq et/cªkvt /2004/1/2946   21  †cŠl 1410 /04 Rvbyqvix 2004

wb‡qvM weÁwß

    RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡q wbg¥ewb©Z c`mg~‡ni wecix‡Z Dci wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k bvMwiK‡`i KvQ †_‡K `iLv¯— Avnevb Kiv hv‡”Q| AvMªnx †hvM¨Zvm¤úbœ cªv_©x‡`i AvMvgx 14/1/2004  Gi g‡a¨ WvK‡hv‡M A_ev e¨wI“MZfv‡e  †iwRóªvi, RvZxq  wek¡we`¨vjq eivei 100.00(GK kZ ) UvKvi  †cvóvj  AW©vimn c~Y© Rxeb e„Ëvš— w`‡q `iLv¯— Ki‡Z n‡e| †Kvb c‡`i wecix‡Z AwaKmsL¨vK cªv_x© _vK‡j wek¡we`¨vjq KZ…©c¶ cª‡hvR‡b cªv_x©‡`i wjwLZ cix¶v I Mªnb Ki‡Z cv‡i| wefvMxq cªv_x©‡`i  †¶‡Î  †hvM¨Zv wkw_j‡hvM¨|



c‡`i bvg


01 cwiPvjK (cwiKíbv I Dbœqb)


cwiKíbv I Dbœqb Kv‡R 10 erm‡ii AwfÁZvmn gvóvm© wWMªx Ges †gvU PvKzixKvj 15 ermi | cwiKíbv I Dbœqb †¶‡Î D”Pwk¶vi wWMªxavix‡K AMªwaKvi †`qv n‡e|
02 cwiPvjK (Kw¤úDUvi)


Kw¤úDUvi weÁv‡b wc,GBP,wW, wWMªx A_ev B‡jKU«wbK/ B‡jKwUK¨vj BwÄwbqvwis G 1g †kªbxmn wcGBPwW wWMªx A_ev BwÄwbqvwis/Kw¤úDUvi weÁv‡bi †h‡Kvb kvLvq wcGBPwW wWMªx Ges 10 erm‡ii AwfÁZv | Kw¤úDUvi wel‡q cªKvkbv AwZwiI“  †hvM¨Zv wn‡m‡e MY¨ nB‡e|
03| wmwbqi †cªvMªvgvi 9500-12100 c`v_©we`¨v/B‡jKU«wbKv«/ Kw¤úDUvi mv‡qÝ-G ¯œvZK (mg¥vb) mn mèv‡Zv‡KvËi wWwMª| wk¶vRxe‡b Kgc‡¶ wZbwU cix¶vq 1g †kªbxmn Ab¨vb¨ cix¶vq 2q †kªbx Ges Web page wWRvBb, wm/wm+Rvfv, GBPwU GgGj-G Kv‡R AwfÁZv Ges mswk­ó wel‡q 2 erm‡ii AwfÁZv| AvBAvBwU/ mggv‡bi cªwZôvb n‡Z Ggwdj/ wcGBPwW wWMªxavix‡`i AMªvwaKvi †`qv n‡e| 
04 mnKvix †cªvMªvgvi 4300-7740 2wU 2q  †kªbx I 2wU  1g  †kªbxmn gvóvm© wWMªx| nvWuIqvi msi¶Y,  †bUIqvwK©s Kw¤úDUvi  ‡cªvMªvwgs G ev¯—e Awf¶Zv _vK‡Z n‡e|
05 Mve- †UKwbK¨vj Awdmvi


‡Kvb ¯^xK…Z wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K  mèvZK wWMªxmn Kw¤úDUvi  †cvMªv‡g, Kw¤úDUvi nvW©Iqvwis G miKvi Aby‡gvw`Z cªwZôvb  †_‡K  Aš—Z 6 gvm  †gqv`x †Kv‡m© cªwk¶Ycªvß n‡Z n‡e| KvwiMwi wwk¶v‡evW© , wk¶v gš¿bvj‡qi gvóvm© KZ…©K wW‡c­vgv Bb  Kw¤úDUvi mvBÝ Gb  †UK‡bvjwR mvwU©wd‡KU †Kvm© m¤úbœ A wWwMªavix‡K AMªvwaKvi †`qv n‡e| †Kvb wek¡we`¨vjq/ mnKvix/ ¯^qZkvwmZ cªwZôv‡b Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUvi wnmv‡e 2 erm‡ii AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e|
06 mnvKvix cwiPvjK (cwiKíbv I Dbœqb)


cwiKíbv I Dbœqb wel‡q 3 erm‡ii AwfÁZvmn gvóvm©  wWMªx A_ev GKB wel‡q 2 erm‡ii AwfÁZvmn BwÄwbqvwis G mèvZK wWMªx| †Kvb ch©v‡q Z…Zxq  †kªbx Mªnb‡hvM¨ n‡e bv|
07 mnKvix cwiPvjK (Rbms‡hvM)


Rvbv©wjRg gvóvm© wWMªx, mvsevw`ZKvq A_ev †Kvb wek¡we`¨vj‡q A_ev †Kvb miKvix/¯^qËkvwmZ ms¯nvi Rbms‡hvM Awdmvi wn‡m‡e 2 ermi AwfÁZv  _vK‡Z n‡e| †Kvb ch©¨‡q 3q  †kªbx Mªnb‡hvM¨ n‡e bv|
08 mnKvix  †iwRóªvi/ mggv‡bi c`


gvóvm© wWMªxavi Ges mswk­ó Kv‡R 3 erm‡ii AwfÁZv_vK‡Z n‡e| †Kvb ch©v‡q 3q  †kªbx Mªnb‡hvM¨ n‡e bv|
09 ‡mKkb Awdmvi/ mggv‡bi Awdmvi


gvóvm© wWMªx| wk¶v Rxe‡bi †Kvb ¯—‡i Z…Zxq  †kªbx Mªnb‡hvM¨ n‡e bv|
10 ZI¦veavqK cª‡Kvkjx


‡Kvb ¯^xK…Z wek¡we`¨vjq /BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR †_‡K wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis wWMªx| miKvix ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôvb/ †Kvb wek¡we`¨vj‡q mnKvix cª‡KŠkjx c‡` Kgc‡¶ 15 erm‡ii AwfÁZvm¤úbœ n‡Z n‡e|  
11| wbe©vnx  cª‡KŠkjx 7200-10840 ‡Kvb ¯^xK…Z wek¡we`¨vjq /BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR †_‡K wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis  wWMªx| miKvix ¯^vqIkvwmZ cªwZôvb/ †Kvb wek¡we`¨vj‡q mnKvix cª‡KŠkjx c‡` Kgc‡¶ 10 erm‡ii AwfÁZvm¤úbœ n‡Z n‡e|  
12| mnKvix cª‡KŠkjx


wmwfj /†gKvwbK¨vj /B‡jKwU«K¨vj BwÄwbqvwis G mèvZK wWMªxmn †h  †Kvb cªwZôfv‡b wbg©¨b Kv‡R Kgc‡¶ 3 erm‡ii AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e|
13| Dc-Mªš’vMwiK


Mªš’vMvwiK weÁv‡b mèvZ‡KvËi  wWMªxmn miKvix/¯^vqËkvwmZ/ wek¡we`¨vj‡q Mªš’vMvwiK  Kv‡R Kgc‡¶ 10 erm‡ii ev¯—e AwfÁZv| wk¶vRxe‡b †Kvb ¯—‡iB Z…Zxq  ‡kªbx Mªnb‡hvM¨ n‡e bv|
14| K¨vUvjMvi 


Mªš’vMvi weÁv‡b wW‡c­vgvmn ¯œvZK wWMªx| 
15| evBÛvi  


5g  †kªbx cvmmn wewfbœ ai‡bi evuavB‡qi Kv‡R 3 erm‡ii AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e|
16| mnKvix †gB‡›U‡bÝ BwÄwbqvi  


we,G m,wm, BwÄwbqvwis (B‡jKwX«K¨vj)G cª_g †kªbx| nvWIqvi msi¶Y  †bUIqvwKs Kw¤úDUvi  †cªv¸vwgs G ev¯—e AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e|
17| wmwbqi ÷vd  d‡UvMªvdvi   


mèvZK wWMªx, d‡U«vMªdvi wn‡m‡e  10 erm‡ii AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e| 
18| wdwRK¨vj Bb÷«vKUi   


kixi PP©v wel‡q wWMªxmn øvZK cvk|  †Ljvayjvq cvi`wkZvq Ab¨ AMªwaKvi †`hv n‡e|
19| wmwKDwiwU Awdmvi   


mvgwiK evwnbx †_‡K Aemi cªvß nvwej`vi ch©v‡qi| 
20| Dc-cwiPvjK (wbix¶v)  


wnmve wÁv‡b gvóvm© wWMªxmn wbix¶vKv‡j cª_g  †kªbwi Awdmvi c‡` b~b¨‡¶7 erm‡ii ev¯—e AwfÁZv| wk¶vRxe‡b †Kvb ¯—‡i Z…Zxq  †kªbx Mªnb‡hvM¨ n‡e bv| 
21| Pxd †gwWK¨vj Awdmvi


Gg,we,we,Gm, wWMªxavix n‡Z n‡e| †Kvb miKvix ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôv‡b  †gwWK¨vj Awdmvi c‡` PvKzixi AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e| 
22| ‡gwWK¨vj Awdmvi   


Gg,we,we,Gm, wWMªxavix n‡Z n‡e| †Kvb miKvix ¯^vqËkvwmZ cªwZôv‡b  †gwWK¨vj Awdmvi c‡` PvKzixi AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e|
23| D”Pgvb mnKvix 2250-4735 Kgc‡¶ 2q †kªbxi ¯œvZK wWMªx|
24| wbægvb mnKvix   


D”P gva¨wgK cix¶vq Kgc‡¶ 2q  †kªbx  cªvß| 
25| WªvBfvi    


8g ‡kªbxcvk Geswe,Avi,wU, G n‡Z Mvox Pvjvevi jvB‡mÝ _vK‡Z n‡e| Mvox PvjK wn‡m‡e miKvix/ ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯nvq Kgc‡¶ 5 erm‡ii AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e| 
26| wjdUg¨vb    


8g ‡kªbx cvk Ges wjdU Pvjvevi AwfÁZvmn i¶bv‡e¶Y Kv‡R 3 erm‡ii AwfÁZv _vK‡Z n‡e|  
27| B‡jKwU«wkqvb


Gm,Gm,wm, cvmmn wm jvB‡mÝavix Ges ev¯—e Kv‡Ri 2 erm‡ii AwfÁZv |   
28| mnKvix B‡jKwU«wkqvb   


Gm,Gm,wm, cvmmn wm jvB‡mÝavix Ges ev¯—e Kv‡Ri 2 erm‡ii AwfÁZv |  
29| wbivcËv cªnix    


wbivcËv Kv‡R cªwk¶Ycªvß Ges AwfÁZvmn Aóg  †kªbx cvm| mvgwiK/AvavmvgwiK evwnbxi Aemi cªvß wmcvnx| 
30| Gg,Gj,Gm,Gm,    


8g  †kªbx|   


RvZxq  wek¡vwe`¨vjq, MvRxcyi|

  1. 60.      From the aforesaid advertisement it appears that the University had not said anything regarding the provisions of Rule 4, 97 (2) and 99 of the Statute-6. The number of posts had not been mentioned against each of the categories of the posts. In the advertisement it is said- Ò‡Kvb c‡`i wecix‡Z AwaK msL¨K  cªv_x© _vK‡j wek¡we`¨vjq KZ…©c¶ cª‡qvR‡b cªv_x©‡`i wjwLZ cix¶vI Mªnb Ki‡Z cv‡i|Ó Few thousand applicants filed applications for employment but no written examination was held.  Thereby, the University authority got opportunity to  select  the persons according to their sweet will.  Every appointment by direct recruitment, shall be made by holding written test and interview.
  2. 61.      U.G.C.  Inquiry Committee in its report has said:

        ÒweÁvc‡Y c‡`i bvg, c‡`i wk¶vMZ †hvM¨Zv I AwfÁZv, eqm Ges c‡`i msL¨v BZ¨vw` Aek¨B D‡j­L Ki‡Z n‡e| †Kvb weÁvc‡bi eqm D‡j­L Kiv nqwb| Ggb wK 2wU eo weÁvc‡b eqm I c‡`i msL¨vi I  †Kvb D‡j­L bvB| Gi d‡j wbqg ewnf©~Zfv‡e B”QvgvwdK  †ekx msL¨K Rbej wb‡qvM Kivi my‡hvM n‡qwQj| eû‡¶‡Î GWnK wfwˇZ wb‡qvM w`‡q c‡i wbqwgZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| AwaK msL¨K GWnK wb‡qvM †`qv  n‡q‡Q Ges wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î cªPwjZ  wbqgI AymiY Kiv nq wb|Ó That report has been annexed as annexure-H to the supplementary affidavit filed by the petitioner. The respondent University in para 18 of the Supplementary Affdidavit-in-Opposition dated 19.1.2012 admitted the allegation, inter alia, stating, “Advertisment Published in Daily Sangbad on 05.01.2004 was not a proper advertisement”. In view of such admission of the respondent No.2 University it is difficult for this court to hold that the appointments  made on the basis of such improper advertisement are legal appoint-ments. The procedure adopted by the Univer-sity suffers from the vice of arbitrariness.

  1. 62.      In the first affidavit-in-opposition filed by the respondent No. 2 it is seen that the advertisement published on 11th September 2004 in “The Dainik Ajkaler Khabor” inviting  applications for appointment in the different posts under the University but “The Dainik Ajkaler Khabor”  is not the widely circulated national daily. The said newspapers is not the listed news paper of the University for   publication of advertisement.   The respondent No. 2 annexed a copy of the advertisement  published in the “Daily Independent” of its 15.9.2004 issue. The petitioner by supplemen-tary affidavit stated that the advertisement published in “The Daily Independent” on 15.09.2004  as shown by the respondent No. 2 is fictitious one. Mr. Rehanuddin, a learned Advocate of the Supreme Court Bar Associ-ation, wrote a letter  addressing the Managing Director of “The Daily Independent”  for getting information to ascertain the genuine-ness of the said publication of  employment notification   dated 15.09.2004. The Managing Director of “The Daily Independent” replied that no such employment notice was printed and published on 15.9.2004. The National University by a letter dated 8.5.2008 informed the Officer-in-charge of Joydevpur Police Station that no such employment notice was published  in “The Daily Independent” on 15.9.2004 at the instance of the University. But appointments had been given on the basis of the said fake advertisement allegedly published in “The Daily Independent”. Accordingly a criminal case being Joydevpur P.S. Case No. 84 dated 16.4.2008 was instituted against some officials of the said University who were ultimately charge-sheeted on 23.9.2008 under sections 420/466/467/468/471 and 109 of the Penal Code (Annexures – E and E-1 to the supplementary affidavit to the writ petition). The Bangladesh Press Institute also issued similar reply on query and intimated by letters dated 12.2.2007, 5.9.2007 and 2.6.2008 stating that on 15.9.2004 no such advertisement was published in ‘The Daily Independent” (Annexure-F series). Similar information was given by the Director of the Directorate of Archives and Libraries on 27.8.2007 and 26.5.2008 that no such advertisement was published  in “The Daily Independent” on that date, i.e., on 15.9.2004 (Annexure – G series).
  2. 63.      In supplementary affidavit filed by the petitioners it has been stated that earlier the respondent No. 2, the NationalUniversity, producing  the advertisement published in “The Daily Independent”, swore an affidavit in this Court in support of their case and claimed  that the said notification was genuine one. After holding enquiry it was detected that the same was forged one. Accordingly FIR was lodged by one Hafizur Rahman, a Lecturer of National University with Shahbag Police Station under sections 420/467/468/401 of the Penal Code. After holding investigation, police also submitted charge sheet finding prima facie  that those papers were forged. In the said charge sheet the Investigating Officer also found prima-facie  that the Annexure – 6, 6-A, 6-B, 6-C, 6-D and Annexures –C, C-A, C-B, 9, 9-A, 9-B, 9-C, 9-D, Annexures- 13, 10, 10-A, 10-B, 14-a, 14-B, 16 and 16-B, the papers relating  to creation of those posts and approval by the Syndicate  are forged. The NationalUniversity  by its affidavit-in-opposition filed on 19.1.12 and 13.1.12 admitted that the employment notification shown to be published in “The Daily Independent” on 15.9.2004 was fictitious one. No money was sanctioned for payment of the bill for publication for that notification. The University constituted high-power Enquiry Committee who inquired the illegalities and irregularities in the processes of appointments made within the period as mentioned above. In its affidavit-in-opposition the University quoted some portions of the inquiry report by which the University in fact admitted the case of the petitioners.
  3. 64.      The learned Advocates for the respondents, however, challenging  the propriety of the enquiry report  submit that at the time of holding the said inquiry  the added respondents  were not given the opportunity of being heard, so the same cannot be relied upon.  They submit that due to change of the administration and the officials of the NationalUniversity, the University changed its position as they had taken in their affidavit-in-opposition filed on 27.06.2006. Subsequent deviation of the University from their original stand is nothing but the result of the change of the Government and the administration of the University. But we do not find satisfactory acceptable reply from the added respondents against the allegations brought in picture in this case.
  4. 65.      Our constitutional scheme envisages employment by the Government and its instr-umentalities on the basis of a procedure established in that behalf. Equality of oppor-tunity is the hallmark, and the constitution has provided also for affirmative action to ensure that unequal are not treated as equals. Thus any public employment has to be in terms of the constitutional scheme. National University has framed rules in exercise of its power conferred upon it by the Act. Rules provides for a complete code as regards the mode and manner in which appointments were required to be made and the process of appointments is required to be followed. No appointment can be made in deviation of or departure from the procedure laid down in the Statutes.  In the case of State of Himachal Prodesh Vs. Suresh Kumer Verma reported in (1994) 2 S.C.C. page-204 the Supreme Court of India held, “It is now well settled that an appointment made in violation of the mandatory provisions of the statute and in particular, ignoring the minimum educational qualification and other essential qualification would be wholly illegal. Such illegality cannot be cured by taking recourse to regularization”. The submission of Mr. Rafiqul Haque and Mr. Rokonuddin Mahmud the learned Senior Advocates in respect of giving opportunity of the added respondents of being heard issuing notice individually we find  reply of such submission in similar circumstances in the case of Biswa Ranjan Saha and others Vs. Sushanta Kumar Duinda and others reported in AIR 1996 S.C. page 2552 wherein it was held by the Supreme Court of India, “A persusal  thereof would indicate the enormity of mal-practice in the selection process. The question, therefore, is whether the principle of natural justice is required to be followed by issuing notice to the selected persons and hearing them. It is true, as contended by Santosh Hedge, learned Senior Counsel appearing for the petitioners, that in the case of selection of an individual his selection is not found correct in accordance with law, necessarily a notice is required to be issued  and opportunity be given. In a case like mass mal-practice as got by the Tribunal, as extracted herein before, the question emerges; whether the notice was required to be issued to the persons affected and whether they needed to be heard?  Nothing would become fruitful  by issuance of notice. Fabrication would obviously either be not known or no one would come forward to hear the brunt, under under these circumstances the  Tribunal was right in not issuing notice to the petitioners who are said to have been selected and given selection and appointment.”
  5. 66.      Article 29 of the Constitution allowed the State to make special provision in favour of any backward section of citizen for the purpose of securing their adequate representation in the service of the republic and to give effect of law reserving appointments relation to denomin-ation and to reserve for members of one class in employment. The Constitution does not envisage any employment outside this constit-ut-ional scheme and without following the requirement set down therein. Regulation 99(3) of the National University Service Statute provided the following provision: “99(3)  mivmwi wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î Zdmxj ewb©Z weavb Abyhvqx mKj c‡` Db¥yI“ weÁvc‡bi gva¨‡g `iLv¯— Av‡e`b Kwiqv DI“ c` c~iY Kiv nB‡e Ges GBi“c wb‡hv‡Mi  †¶‡Î  miKvi mgq mgq RvixK…Z †KvUv m¤úwK©Z wb‡`©kvejx AbymiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e|  That is , the service Statute provided that the directions of Government regarding quota reservation  should be followed: At  the relevant time government directive were as under:-

MYcªRvš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯’vcY gš¿bvjq

wewa-1 kvLv|

bs gg (wewa-1) Gg-8/95/(Ask-2) -56(500) ZvwiL 17.03.1997

welqt-       miKvix `ßi ¯^vqËkvwmZ/Avav-¯^vqZ¡ kvwmZ cªwZôvb Ges wewfbœ K‡cv©‡ik‡bi PvKzix‡Z mivmwi wb‡qv‡Mi wba©vwiZ  †KvUv c×wZ  ms‡kvab|

miKvi Dc‡ivI“ wel‡q wm×vš— Mªnb Kwiqv‡Qb †h, mKj miKvix ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ /Avav ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôvb Ges  K‡cv©‡ik‡bi  PvKzix‡Z  mivmwi wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ ejerK…Z 30% gywI“‡hv×v †KvUv 26‡k gvP©, 1997 ZvwiL nB‡Z gywׇhv×v Ges gywI“‡hv×v  cªv_x© bv  †c‡j  †m  †¶‡Î  gywI“‡hv×v/knx`  gywI“‡hv×v‡`i cyÎ I Kb¨vi AbyKz‡j ejer nB‡e| GB cwi‡cªw¶‡Z ms‡kvwaZ  †KvUvi nvi nB‡e wbg¥i“ct

wewfbœ ai‡bi †KvUv  1g I 2q †kªbxi  

c`mg~‡ni Rb¨

(kZKiv nvi)

3q I 4_©  †kªbxi c` mg~‡ni Rb¨

(kZKiv nvi )


1| †gav  †KvUv (†Rjv  †KvUv ewn©fzZ)-45%         —–

2| GwZgLvbvi wbevmx I kvixwiK cªwZewÜ  ——— 10% (†Rjv †KvUv ewnf~©Z)

3| †Rjv  †KvUv (RbmsL¨vi wfwˇZ  (‡Rjv Iqvix e›Ub)

K)gywI“‡hv×v Ges DchyI“ gywI“‡hv×v cªv_©x-30% 30%

cvIqv bv †M‡j gywI“‡hv×v/knx` gywI“‡hv×v‡`i cyÎ I Kb¨v|

L) gwnjv  †KvUv—————–10%  ——–15%

M) DcRvZxq  †KvUv——-                05%     05%

N) Avbmvi I Mªvg cªwZi¶v m`m¨‡`i †KvUv– 10%

O) Aewkó (†Rjvi mvaviY cªv_©x‡`i Rb¨  10%        30%

                        ‡gvU   100      100

2| †KvUv msG“vš— Ab¨vb¨ weavb AcwiewZ©Z _vwK‡e|

3| Dc‡ivI“ miKvix wm×vš— mKj gš¿bvjq/wefvM‡K Zvnv‡`i Aaxb¯’ miKvix,  ¯^hvZ¡kvwmZ/ Avav ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôvb Ges wewfbœ K‡cv©‡ik‡bi mKj ch©v‡q wb‡qvMKvix KZ…~©c¶‡K AeMZ  KivB‡Z Aby‡iva Kiv nBj|

mwdDi ingvb


Said circular was subsequently amended in the following manner.

MYcªRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯nvcY gš¿bvjq

wewa-1, kvLv|

bs- mg(wewa-1) Gm-3/99 (Ask-1) 54 (1000) ZvwiL 10B  ‰PÎ, 1405 /24‡k gvP©, 1999|

welqt- miKvix `ßi, ¯^vqËkvwmZ/ Avav-¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôvb Ges wewfbœ K‡cv©‡ik‡bi PvKzix‡Z mivmwi  wb‡qv‡Mi wba©vwiZ †KvUv c×wZi ms‡kvab|

mKj miKvix `ßi, ¯^vh¦Z¡kvwmZ/Avav ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôvb Ges K‡cv©‡ik‡bi PvKzix‡Z mivmwi wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ 17gvP©, 1997 Zvwi‡L RvixK…Z ¯^viK bs-mg(wewa-1) Gm-8/95(Ask-2) 56(600)†Z AvswkK Avbqbc~e©K miKvi wm×vš— Mªnb Kwiqv‡Qb †h, 1g, 2q, 3q  I 4_©  †kªbxi c‡` gywI“‡hv×v‡`i Rb¨ msiw¶Z 30%  †KvUv wbg¥i“cfv‡e ew›UZ nB‡e|

(K) gywI“‡hv×v Ges DchyI“ gywI“‡hv×v cªv_©x bv cvIqv  †M‡j|

(1)  gywI“‡hv×v I knx` gywI“‡hv×v‡`i mš—vb

(2)  miKvix Kg©Pvix (gywI“‡hv×v‡`i ˆRôZv) wewagvjv, 1979 Gi 3bs wewa‡Z ewb©Z gywI“‡hv×v Kg©Pvix‡`i mš—vbMY Ges

(3)  gywRebMi Kg©Pvix‡`I mš—vbMb 

2| †KvUv msG“vš— Ab¨vb¨ weavb I nvi AcwiewZ©Z _vwK‡e|

3| Dc‡ivI“ miKvix wm×vš— mKj gš¿bvjq /wefvM‡K Zvnv‡`i Awab¯’ miKvix `ßi, ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ/ Avav-m¦vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôvb Ges wewfbœ K‡cv©‡ik‡bi mKj ch©v‡qi wb‡qvMKvix KZ…©c‡¶i AeMZ KivB‡Z Aby‡iva Kiv nBj|

Wvt kvn †gvnvg¥`  dwi`,


Another circular was issued on 22.08.2002:

MYcªRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯nvcY gš¿bvjq

wewa-1, kvLv|

bs- mg(wewa-1) Gm-3/2002 -269 ZvwiL 22-08-2002/ 07-05-1409

welqt- miKvix `ßi, ¯^vqËkvwmZ/ Avav-¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cªwZôvb Ges wewfbœ K‡cv©‡ik‡bi PvKzix‡Z mivmwi  wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î GwZgLvbvi wbevmx I kvixwiK cªwZe×x‡`i AbyKz‡j msiw¶Z 15% †KvUv ejerKiY cªm‡½|

myÎt (1)   ms¯nvcb gš¿bvj‡qi ¯^viK bs-mg/Avi-1/Gm-5/90_230(250) ZvwiL 30/6/1990Bs /15-03-1397evs-

(2) ms¯’vcY gš¿bvj‡qi ¯^viK bs- mg(wewa-1) Gm-8/95(Ask-2) -56(500) ZvwiL 17/03/1997Bs/03-12-1403evs

ms¯’vcb gš¿bvj‡qi my‡ÎvI“ ¯^viK؇qi gva¨‡g  mKj miKvix, ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ/ Avav ¯^vqËkvwmZ cªwZôvb Ges K‡cv©‡ik‡bi PvKzixi bb- †M‡R‡UW  c‡` mivmwi wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ GwZgLvbvi wbevmx I  kvixwiK cªwZe×x‡`i Rb¨ 10% †KvUv msi¶Y Kiv nq Ges Bnv  †Rjv †KvUv ewn©f©~Z ivLv nq|  wKš— j¶¨  Kiv hv‡”Q †h,  G  †KvUv h_vh_fv‡e c~iY Kiv n‡”Q bv|

2| AZGe, msiw¶Z DI“ 10%  †KvUv h_vh_fv‡e Abymibc~e©K wb‡qvM Kvh©G“g m¤úbœ Kivi Ges Aaxb¯— miKvix `ßi , ¯^vqIkvwmZ/ Avav kvqËkvwmZ cªwZôvb  Ges wewfbœ  K‡cv©‡ik‡bi mKj ch©v‡qi wb‡qvMKvix KZ…©c¶‡K Abyi“c wb‡`©kbv cª`v‡bi Rb¨ wb‡`©kG“‡g Aby‡iva Kiv nBj|

†gvnvg¥` wd‡ivR wgqv

wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe|

  1. 67.      The National University is an autono-mous Public body. As per provision of regulation 99(3) of Service Statute-6 it is the obligation of the University to follow those circulars of the Government. In the advertisement dated 05.01.2004 and alleged advertisement dated 15.01.2004 nothing has been mentioned regarding quota reservation provision. Article 29 of the Constitution guarantees equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters of employment or appointment to any public office. The concept of equality implies recourse to valid classification for preferences in favour of the disadvantaged classes of citizens to improve their conditions so as to enable them to raise themselves to positions of equality with the more fortunate classes of some citizens. Reservation should not be avoided except in extreme cases. In the case of Indra Sawhney and others Vs. Union of India and others reported in 1992 (3) S.C.C. page 212 the supreme Court of India that the provision of quota reservation is valid provision.  The provision of quota reservation has not at all been followed in case  of appointments of the added respondents. 
  2. 68.      Instances of other irreguleries and abuse of power

1)      Respondent No.502 Mollah Masumul Haque joined as Assistant Registrar on adhoc basis on 04.1.2004 having 5 increments. On 05.1.2004 advertise-ment was published and he filed application as adhoc appointed candidate and got him selected on 7.3.2004 and Syndicate approved the same on 30.3.2004 and thereafter on 05.4.2004 he managed to get appoint-ment as Deputy Registrar (Annexure- I) of the affidavit-in-opposition filed by him and others.

2)      Similarly about 86 officers and employees were appointed on 4.1.2004 and they filed application to be appointed as regular basis in response to the advertisment on 05.1.2004 and all most all them got them appointed.

3)      Before 05.1.2004 331 persons were appointed out of them 161 persons joined on the same day i.e. on the date of appointment and 131 persons joined on the next day. All most of them were thereafter appointed by virtue of the advertisement dated 05.12005 as adhoc appointees.

4)      Taking opportunity of non mentioning age limit many aged persons managed to get their appointments. For example Mohammad Harun- Al-Rashid was born on 25.2.1959. That is, at the age of 45 years he filed application for the post of Deputy Registrar and got him appointed.

5)      Sheikh Abdullah Al Tarik, (2) Aysha Akter, (3) Md. Mahmudur Rahman, (4)  A.K.M. Nurul Alam T%alukder, (5) Jakir  Hossain Patwary, (6) Md. Osman Gani, (7) Faruque Ahmmed, (8) Md. Bashir Hossain, (3) Md. Saiful Alam, (10) Dil Rawshan, (11)  Nurul Amin, (12) Shahidul Islam, (13) Nazman Nahar, (14) Molla Masumul Haque and many others were given two to five advance increments at the time of their joining.

  1. 69.      No appointment can be made in deviation of or departure from the procedures laid down in the statutory rules.  The instrumentality of the State must realize that it is charged with a big trust.
  2. 70.      The learned Advocates for the added respondents submit that University Inquiry report is not free from bias and no opportunity of hearing has been given to persons affected by the report. Due to change of the Govern-ment the University Adiministration being biased managed to get such report. But during period of the then Government an independent body namely University Grant Commission, at the instance of the Ministry of Education, held an inquiry. Chiarman of said Inquiry Committee was Prof. Asaduzzam an, the then Chairman of the U.G.C. Other members were: Prof. Dr. Md. Sultan Hossain, and Mr. Khalequzzaman. In their inquiry report they have inter alia, stated :

Òc~e©Zb DcvPvh© cª‡dmi AvdZve Avn‡g‡`i mgqKv‡j RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq †_‡K cªvß wb‡qvMK…Z Rbe‡ji weeiYxt

(K)wk¶K  wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q †gvU 72 Rb| Zvi g‡a¨ 12Rb‡K cª_‡g GWnK Ges Zv‡`i‡K cieZx© mg‡q wbqwgZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| 60 Rb‡K weÁwßi gva¨‡g wbqwgZ Kiv n‡q‡Q|

(L) Kg©KZ©v ch©v‡q †gvU 304 Rb‡K wb‡qvM  †`qv n‡q‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ 186 Rb‡K cª_‡g GWnK Ges c‡i wbqwgZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| weÁwßi gva¨‡g wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q 95 Rb‡K Ges  1Rb PzwI“ wfwËK, 22 Rb GL‡bv GWn‡K wb‡qvwRZ i‡q‡Qb|

(M) Z…Zxq †kªbxi Kg©Pvix ch©v‡q 483Rb‡K wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ 216 Rb‡K cª_‡g GWnK Ges cieZx© mgq wbqwgZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| weÁwßi gva¨‡g wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q 267 Rb‡K|

(N)  PZz_©  †kªbxi Kg©Pvix ch©v‡q 330 Rb‡K wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q| G‡`i g‡a¨ 108 Rb‡K cª_‡g GWnK wb‡qvM K‡i cieZx© mg‡q wbqwgZ Kiv n‡q‡Q|weÁwßi gva¨‡g wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q 149 Rb‡K| GQvovI Aa¨vcK AvdZve Avn‡g‡`i DcvPvh©¨ wn‡m‡e wb‡qv‡Mi c~‡e© A¯nvqx wfwˇZ wb‡qvwRZ 69 Rb PZz_© †kªbxi Kg©Pvix‡K wbqwgZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| GL‡bv 4 Rb‡K GWnK wfwˇZ wb‡qvwRZ n‡q‡Q|

RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi K‡qKRb Kg©KZ©vi mv¶vrKvi I Zv‡`i eI“e¨t

eZ©gvb DcPvh© cª‡dmi IqvwKj Avn‡g`t MZ 30/03/06 Zvwi‡L wek¡we`¨vj‡q eZ©gvb DcPvh© cª‡dmi IqvwKj Avn‡g‡`i mv‡_ c~‡e©i Z`š— KwgwU 1189wU c‡` ( wk¶K/Kg©KZ©v  I Kg©Pvix) wb‡qv‡Mi welqwU  wb‡q Av‡jvPbv K‡i| cª‡dmi IqvwKj Avn‡g` AwfgZ cªKvk K‡ib  †h, RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi Kv‡Ri cwiwa Ges  e¨cKZvi cªwZ `„‡ó †i‡L AvMvgx `k eQ‡ii Rb¨ GKwU AM©©v‡bvMªvg cªYqb Kiv n‡q‡Q| DI“ AM©v‡bvMªv‡g H wek¡we`¨vj‡qi Rb¨ wk¶K, Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix wg‡j  †gvU 2500wU c‡`i mycvwik Kiv n‡q‡Q|

fvicªvß  †iwR÷«vi Rbve kg‡ki-DR-Rvgvbt

MZ 30/03/06 Zvwi‡ni mv¶vrKv‡i Rbve kg‡ki-DR-Rvgvb e‡jb †h, ÒRvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi Kv‡Ri cwiwai K_v †f‡e †h 1189 Rb AwZwiI“ Rbej wb‡qvM  †`qv n‡q‡Q Zv msMZ n‡jI G gyû‡Z© GZ  †jv‡Ki cª‡qvRb wQj bv| Zv‡`i‡K GL‡bv h_vh_ `vwqZ¡ cª`vb Kiv m¤¢e n‡q D‡Vwb KviY A‡b‡KiB GL‡bv emvi e¨e¯nv Kiv m¤¢e nqwb| Z‡e wZwb Avkv K‡ib †h AwZ wkNªB Zv‡`i emvi e¨e¯nv I `vwqZ¡ cª`vb Kiv m¤¢e n‡e|

wb‡qvMcªvß wk¶K, Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixi mv¶vrKvit

c~‡e©i Z`š— KwgwU 30/03/06 ZvwiL  wek¡we`¨vj‡q Dcw¯nZ n‡q Aa¨vcK AvdZve Avn‡g‡`i Avg‡j wb‡qvwRZ wk¶K, Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i g‡a¨ †_‡K 1 Rb wk¶K, 1 Rb Kg©KZ©v I 1 Rb Kg©Pvixi mv¶vrKvi MªnY K‡i|  DI“ mv¶vrKv‡i Dcw¯nZ mK‡jB D‡j­L K‡i‡Qb †h, Zviv cª_gZt GWnK wfwˇZ wb‡qvM cªvß nb Ges cieZx©Kv‡j wewfbœ  ‰`wbK cwÎKvh cªKvwkZ weÁwßi  gva¨‡g Av‡e`b K‡ib Ges B›UviwfDi Gi gva¨‡g wbqwgZ n‡q‡Q| wRÁvmv Kiv n‡j Zv‡`i mK‡jB ¯^xKvi K‡ib †h,¯nvbxq Gg,wc, miKvix Avgjv Ges MY¨gvb¨ e¨wI“e‡M©i mycvwik GWnK  wfwˇZ wb‡qvMcªvß n‡q‡Qb|

cªvI“b DcvPvh© cª‡dmi  AvdZve Avn‡g`t

weMZ 27/04/06 Zvwi‡L c~‡e©i Z`š— KwgwUi AvnevqK cª‡dmi W.†K, Gg, †gvnmxb Gi Awdm  K‡¶ RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi mv‡eK DcPvh©¨ cª‡dmi AvdZve Avn‡g` KwgwUi Kv‡Q RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq msG“vš—  wewfbœ cª‡kœi  Rev‡e Zvi eI“e¨ cª`vb K‡ib| wZwb e‡jb  †h, 1992 m‡b cªwZôvi ci †_‡K RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi †Kvb j¶¨ ev D‡Ï‡k¨ wQj bv| Zvi  †hvM`v‡bi c~‡e©  RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq g~jZt  GKwU  †Kw›`ªq cix¶v †evW© wn‡m‡e KvR KiZ| †mLv‡b wecyj cwigvb A‡_©i wewbg‡q mKv‡gKv« bvgK GKwU †Kv¤úvbx‡K  w`‡q cix¶vi djvdj gyj¨qb Kiv‡bv n‡Zv| Z…Zxq †kªbx cªv߇K cª_g  †kªbx I †djv Kiv cix¶v_x©‡K  cvk Kiv‡bv n‡q‡Q|  †mLv‡b cvk, †dj mvwU©wd‡KU †Kbv †ePvi GKwU  vicious circle  ˆZix n‡qwQj| U«vK fwZ© w¯G“Þ evB‡i cvPvi n‡q‡Q| RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡q 1700 Gi  †ekx  AwafzI“ K‡jR i‡q‡Q A_P  GB wek¡vwe`¨vj‡qi wk¶K,  Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`I Rb¨ †Kvb  AM©v‡bvMªvg, PvKzix wewa,  Ges †Kvb  Re  †¯cwmwd‡Kkb wQj bv| B”Qv gvwdK Rbej wb‡qvM cª`vb Kiv nZ  †m mgq|  †`‡ki cªwZwU cwÎKvq cªwZw`bB  Awbqg I `~ywb©Zxi Lei †ei n‡q‡Q| ZvB wZwb g‡b K‡ib Z`š— Ki‡Z n‡j 1992 mvj  †_‡K msMwVZ  mKj Awbqg I `ybx©wZi  Z`š— Kiv cª‡qvRb |

wZwb Av‡iv e‡jb  †h mv‡eK© DcPvh© cª‡dmi  Wt `yM©v`vm fU«Pv‡l©i Avg‡j Kg©Pvixi c‡` GKwU we‡kl  †Mvwôi I Kg©KZ©vi c‡` AvIqvgx jxM mgw_©Z QvÎjx‡Mi  K¨vWviivB ïay wb‡qvM  †c‡q‡Q  Ges G¸‡jvi  †ewkifvMB wQj GWnK wb‡qvM|

wZwb miKv‡i g¯Gx , w¯cKvi, ¯nvbxq I Ab¨vb¨ mvsm` I Avgjv‡`i cªv_x©‡`i wb‡qvM cª`v‡bi †¶‡Î Zv‡`i Pv‡ci K_v D‡j­L K‡ib| G cªms‡M wZwb cªgvb¯^i“c A‡bK wjwLZ ZØwe‡ii wPwV, wPiKzU I wfwRwUs KvW© KwgwU‡K †`Lvb| AM©v‡bvMªvg I PvKzix wewa  ˆZix  K‡i wmwÛ‡KU KZ…©K cvk Kwi‡q h_vh_ wbq‡g wb‡qvM cª`vb K‡i‡Qb e‡j wZwb D‡j­L K‡ib|

bZzb bZzb wefvM  †Lvjvi K_v wZwb D‡j­L K‡ib| ¯nvbxq †jvK‡`i AMªvwaKv‡ii K_v wZwb ¯^xKvi K‡ib  Z‡e miKvix wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î †Rjv †KvUv cvj‡bi wel‡q wb‡`©kbv _vK‡jI RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq AvB‡b wKQy ejv †bB| Zvui g‡Z wek¡we`¨vjq †Kvb  ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ WvB‡i±i †Rbv‡ij Awdm bq| wek¡we`¨vj‡qi Revew`wnZv Av‡Q ïaygvÎ evsjv‡`k wek¡we`¨vjq gÁyix Kwgkb I P¨v‡Ýj‡ii wbKU|

wek¡we`¨vj‡qi †WcywU †iwR÷«vi (GKv‡WwgK) myjZvbv ivwRqv RyuB Gi wb‡qvM m¤ú‡K© wewfbœ cwÎKvq Awbq‡gi Lei cªKvk m¤ú‡K© Zv‡K cªkœ Kiv n‡j wZwb e‡jb †h, mycvwi‡ki wfwˇZB Zv‡K wb‡qvM  †`qv n‡qwQj| wKš— †m  †h GKwU `yóz Pwi‡Îi I AmvgvwRK †g‡q Zv Zvi Rvbv wQj bv Ges Rvbvq B”Qv ev  †PóvI wQj bv| wb‡qv‡Mi ci wK‡kviMÄ GKwU K‡j‡Ri e¨vcv‡i ingZyj­v bvgK wcq‡bi gva¨‡g Nyl Mªn‡Yi Awf‡hv‡M wmwÛ‡KU KZ…©K Zvi PvKzixi Aemvb NUv‡bv  n‡j  †m (RyB) Zvui wei“‡× wekªxiKg Awf‡hvM Av‡b|

  1. 71.      Relevant Observation was as follows:-  

05/01/2004 Zvwi‡L cªKvwkZ (evsjv evRvi, ˆ`wbK msev`, w` wbDR Uz‡W) cwÎKvq wb‡qvMK‡í wewfbœ Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixi c‡` weÁwß n‡q‡Q| GB weÁvc‡Yi G“wgK 1 †_‡K 22 ch©š— wewfbœ ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©¨I c` Ges G“wgK 23 ‡_‡K 30 ch©š— wewfbœ ch©v‡qi Kg©Pvixi c` i‡q‡Q| wKš—, GB weÁw߇Z c‡`i msL¨v Ges cªv_x©i eqm D‡j­L Kiv nqwb| GgZve¯nvq, GB weÁwßi gva¨‡g  KZRb Kg©KZ©v Ges KZRb Kg©Pvix‡K wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q Zv ¯có bq| d‡j GLv‡b h‡_ó A¯^”QZv we`¨gvb (cwiwkó-3)|

  1. K.   GKBfv‡e 11/09/2004 Zvwi‡L cªKvwkZ gvÎ GKwU cwÎKvi (AvRKv‡ji Lei) wewfbœ Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixi c‡` wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ weÁwß cªKvk Kiv n‡q‡Q| GB weÁw߇Z G“wgK 1 †_‡K 15 ch©š— wewfbœ ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©vi c` Ges 16  †_‡K 24 ch©š— Kg©Pvixii wewfbœ  ch©v‡hi c‡`i D‡j­L i‡q‡Q| wKš—  c‡`i msL¨v Ges cªv_x©i eqm m¤^‡Ü wKQy D‡j­L Kiv nqwb| GgZve¯nvq, GB weÁwßi gva¨‡g KZ¸‡jv Kg©KZ©v Ges KZ¸‡jv Kg©Pvix wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q Zv ¯có bq| GLv‡bI h‡_ó A¯^‡QZv we`¨gvb (cwiwkó-4) |

Dc‡ii ch©‡e¶Y¸wj  †_‡K my¯cófv‡e  †evSv hvq  †h, RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi wmwÛ‡K‡Ui wewfbœ mfvq m„óc` wewfbœ cwÎKvi cªKvwkZ wewfbœ c‡` wb‡qv‡Mi weÁwß Ges wmwÛ‡K‡Ui wewfbœ mfvq wb‡qv‡Mi Aby‡gv`‡bi g‡a¨ mgb¡qnxbZv  we`¨gvb|

cªvß Z_¨, mv¶vr cª`vbKvix Kg©KZ©v/KgPvix‡`i eI“e¨ Ges ch©‡e¶Y BZ¨vw` ch©v‡jvPbvi ci  KwgwUi gš—e¨ wbg¥i“ct

1|   RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq  †_‡K cªvß Z_¨vbyhvqx c~e©vZb DcvPvh© cª‡dmi AvdZve Avn‡g‡`i mgqKv‡j wk¶K-72 Rb, Kg©KZ©v-304 Rb, Z…Zxq  †kªbxi Kg©Pvix-483 Rb Ges4_©‡kªbxi Kg©Pvix 330Rb wb‡qvM  †`qv  n‡q‡Q| cªm½Zt  D‡j­L¨  †h, Rbej wb‡qv‡Mi wbqg n‡jv k~b¨ c‡`i wecix‡Z Rbej wb‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Aek¨B ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq weÁvcb w`‡Z n‡e| weÁvc‡b  c‡`i bvg, c‡`i wk¶vMZ  †hvM¨Zv I AwfÁZv, eqm Ges c‡`i msL¨v BZ¨vw` Aek¨B D‡j­L Ki‡Z n‡e| †Kvb weÁc‡b eqm D‡j­L  Kiv nqwb| GgbwK -2wU eo weÁvc‡b eqm Ges c‡`i msL¨viI  †Kvb D‡j­L  bvB| Gi d‡j wbqg ewn©f~Zfv‡e B”QvgvwdK †ekx  msL¨vK Rbej wb‡qvM Kivi my‡hvM n‡qwQj| eû‡¶‡Î GWnK wfwˇZ  wb‡qvM w`‡q c‡i wbqwgZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| AwaK msL¨K GWnK wb‡qvM †`qv n‡q‡Q Ges wb‡qv‡Mi ‡¶‡Î cªPwjZ  wbqgI AbymiY Kiv nqwb| KZ©e¨Kg© wba©viY bv K‡i GZ Aí mg‡qi g‡a¨ GZ AwaK msL¨K Rbej wb‡qvM mgxPxb nqwb e‡j Z`š— KwgwU g‡b K‡i| (cwiwkó-3 I 4)|

K) AwaK msL¨vq Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ †h `ywU weÁwßi Kwc cvIqv  †M‡Q †m `ywU Kwc  †`‡L cªZxqgvb nq †h, G¸‡jv ˆ`wbK  cwÎKvq cªKvwkZ †Kvb weÁwß bq| weÁwß `ywU cwÎKvq cªKv‡ki Rb¨ RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq  †_‡K †cªwiZ cÎ gvÎ (cwiwkó-3  I 4) )

L) †Kvb cªwZôv‡bi mvwe©K Kg©KvÛ nVvr  e¨vcKfv‡e e„w×  †c‡j Ges cªwZôvb‡K  myôfv‡e cwiPvjbvq  †¶‡Î we‡kl  †Kvb c‡` †jvK wb‡qvM Kiv Ri“ix n‡j †m‡¶‡Î cªwZôv‡bi ¯^v‡_© Aí msL¨K c‡` Rbej GWnK wfwˇZ wb‡qvM Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e  †Kvb g‡ZB 522 Rb‡K GWnK wfwˇZ wb‡qv‡Mi welqwU  GKwU ¯^vfvweK  cªwG“qv bq| G wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î GwU‡K GKwU Awbqg ejv hvq|

M) 28 Rb Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix  GL‡bv GWnK wfwˇZ wb‡qvwRZ Av‡Qb| GB Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Zv‡`i ‡ekxi fv‡MiB †Kvb Av‡e`bcÎ e¨wI“MZ bw_‡Z cvIqv hvqwb| ïaygvÎ Rxeb-e„Ëvš— cvIqv wM‡q‡Q Ges GB mKj Rxeb-e„Iv‡š—i Dc‡i c~e©Zb DcvPvh© cª‡dmi AvdZve Avn‡g` Gi wb‡qvM  †`Iqvi wb‡`©kg~jK gš—e¨ Av‡Q| mswk­ó bw_‡Z GKwU cªwG“hvi gva¨‡g GB wb‡qv‡Mi welqwU  Pzovš— nvIqvi cª‡qvRb wQj | wKš— Zv mwVK cš’vq cvjb Kiv nqwb (cwiwkó-5)|

N)  †RjvIqvix  wb‡qv‡Mi †h ZvwjKv cvIqv wMqv‡Q cix¶v‡š— †`Lv hvq †h, wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î  †Rjv †KvUv AbymiY Kiv nqwb|

2| Aa¨vcK AvdZve Avn‡g‡`i mgqKv‡j wb‡qvMK…Z †gvU 1189 Rbe‡ji cª‡qvRbxqv m¤ú‡K© c~e©Zb  DcPvh© Ges eZ©gvb cªkvmbI  †Kvb kI“ hywI“  †`Lv‡Z cv‡ibwb|  Zv‡`i Reve RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi Kv‡Ri cwiwa Abyhvqx Rbe‡ji cª‡qvRb fwel¨‡Z G“gvb¡‡q e„w× cv‡e| †m‡¶‡Î GZ wecyj msL¨K Rbej GKmv‡_ GZ ¯^í mg‡qi g‡a¨ wb‡qv‡Mi cª‡qvRb wQjbv| cªvI“b DcvPvh© GB mKj wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î wewfbœ e¨wI“e‡M©i mycvwi‡ki Ges Pv‡ci K_v ¯^xKvi  K‡i‡Qb| Pvc  Ges mycvwik _vK‡ZB cv‡i, GUvB  ¯^vfvweK| wbqg Abyhvqx c‡`i Rb¨ †hvM¨Zv m¤úbœ e¨wI“‡K wb‡qv‡Mi cwG“qv m¤úbœ K‡iB wb‡qvM w`‡Z n‡e| Pv‡ci gy‡L AwaK msL¨K Ges A‡hvM¨ e¨wI“‡K wb‡qvM †`qv mwVK nqwb|

K) mv¶vrKv‡i Rvbv hvq †h, †h mKj Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix wb‡qvM  †c‡q‡Qb, ïi“‡Z  Zv‡`i A‡b‡Ki emvi †Uwej  †Pqvi ch©š— meivn Kiv Ges Zv‡`i †Kvb `vwqZ¡ cª`vb Kiv m¤¢eci nqwb| mvwe©K ch©v‡jvPbvq cªZxqgvb nq  †h, cªkvmwbK I Ab¨vb¨ wefvM/ ‡K›`ª  †Lvjvi A‡bK c~‡e©B GZ  †ekx msL¨vK Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix wb‡qv‡Mi †Kvb cª‡qvRb wQjbv|

L) c~e©Zb DcvPvh© cª‡dmi AvdZve Avn‡g` RvZxq wek¡we`¨vj‡qi Kv‡Ri cwiwa e„w× cvIqvi ARynvZ Zz‡j B›Uvibvj AwWUmn †ek K‡qKwU bZzb wefvM  †Ljvi K_v D‡j­L K‡i‡Qb| GB wek¡we`¨vj‡qi Rb¨ wZwb 3500 Rbej m¤^wjZ GKwU AM©v‡bvMªvg cªbqb K‡iwQ‡jb| (hw`I mg‡qi Afv‡e Zvi c‡¶ DI“ AM©v‡bvMªvgwU wiwfD K‡i 2500 Rb m¤^wjZ GKwU bZzb AM©v‡bvMªvg cªYqb Kwi‡wQ‡jb|

3|   cye©Zb DcPvh© cª‡dmi AvdZve Avn‡g‡`i mgqKv‡j GWnK wfwˇZ †h mKj Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix wb‡qvMcªvß n‡qwQj Zv‡`i g‡a¨ 28 Rb Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix GL‡bv GWnK wfwˇZ wb‡qvwRZ Av‡Qb| Zv‡`i‡K †Kb ¯nvqx Kiv nqwb, G e¨vcv‡i wek¡we`¨vjq KZ…©c¶‡K cªkœ Kiv n‡j Zvuiv  m‡š—vlRbK †Kvb Reve w`‡Z cv‡iwb (cwiwkó-5) |

K) c~e©Zb DcvPvh© cª‡dmi AvdZve Avn‡g‡`I mgqKv‡j GWnK wfwˇZ wb‡qvMcªvß 20 Rb Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡K PvKzixPz¨Z Kiv n‡qwQj| H mKj Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix cªvq mK‡jB Av`vj‡Z gvgjv `v‡qi K‡i‡Q e‡j RvZxq  wek¡we`¨vj‡qi fvicªvß  †iwR÷«vi Rbve kg‡ki-DR-Rvgvb Rvwb‡q‡Qb| †m‡nZz welqwU Av`vj‡Z wePviaxb i‡q‡Q †m‡nZz GB welqwU  Z`š— KwgwU †Kvbi“c gš—e¨ Kiv †_‡K weiZ _vKv mgxPxb g‡b K‡i‡Q (cwiwkó-6)

4| RvZxq wek¡we`¨vjq  GZ AwaK msL¨v wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î Avw_©K `~bx©wZ GKwU e¨vcK Av‡jvwPZ welq| Z‡e eZ©gvb Z`š— KwgwU KZ…©K  wb‡qv‡Mi  †¶‡Î Avw_©K `~bxwZi welqwU  D`NvUb Kiv hvqwb| †Kbbv mv¶vrKvi †Kvb wk¶K, Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ †Kv_vI UvKv cqmv w`‡Z n‡q‡Q wKbv Ggb cªkœ wRÁvmv Kiv n‡j mK‡jB e‡j‡Qb †Kvb cªKvi UvKv cqmv w`‡Z nqwb| Z‡e miKvi B”Qv Ki‡j Ab¨ †Kvb G‡RwÝ Øviv G e¨vcv‡i AviI Z`‡š—i D‡`¨M MªnY Ki‡Z cv‡i|

¯^vt A¯có

¯^vt A¯có

¯^vt A¯có

Rbve †gvt Lv‡jKz¾vgvb m`m¨ mwPe

AwZwiI“ cwiPvjK (†et wet)

gÁyix Kwgkb

cª‡dmi W. †gvt myjZvb †nv‡mb


m`m¨ wek¡we`¨vjq

gÁyix Kwgkb

cª‡dmi W. Gg. Avmv`y¾vgvb

AvnevqK I  †Pqvig¨vb


  1. 72.      Prof. Aftab Ahmed, the then V.C. and the then Registrar in charge Shamseruzzaman before U.G.C. Inquiry Committee admitted the stories of irregularities in the process of appointments (Annexure-H to supplementary affidavit). The University, in paragraph 19  of the supplementary affidavit in opposition, dated 19.1.2012 admitted the illegalities, irregularities and fraud regarding the disputed appointments in following language;

“(a) In the earlier affidavit-in-opposi-tion false statements were made and fabricated documents were annexed.

(b) Minutes of the 63rd Syndicate was tampered .

(c) Posts were created violating the applicable laws/rules and without budget sanction.

(d) Large number of adhoc appointm-ents and then substantive appointments were made violating the applicable laws/rules and without budget sanction causing financial loss.

(e) Advertisement published in Daily Sangbad on 05.1.2004 was not a proper advertisement.

(f) Minutes of selection board was tempered.

 (g) Advance increments were given causing financial loss.”

  1. 73.      The added respondents did not claim that the provision of regulation No.99(2)(K) and ( L ) wherein it has been  provided, “99 (2) DI“ ‡Kvb c‡` mivmwi wb‡qvM Kiv hvB‡e bv, †h ch©š— bv (K) DI“ c‡` wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ wbe©vwPZ e¨wI“‡K wek¡we`¨vjq KZ…©K GZ`y‡Ï‡k¨ MwVZ wPwKrmv cl©`  ev wPwKrmv Kg©KZ©v Zvnv‡K ¯^v¯n¨MZfv‡e DI“ `vwqZ¡& cvj‡bi DchyI“ ewjqv cªZ¨vqb K‡ib,

(L) GBi“c wba©vwiZ e¨wI“i PwiÎ I c~e© Kvh©Kjvc h_v‡hvM¨ G‡RÝxi  gva¨‡g cªwZcv`b