Memorandum of an Oral Partition by Shiva.

Memorandum of an Oral Partition

THIS MEMORANDUM  of partition is drawn upon the . . . . . .  day of . . . . . . . ., 20 and puts on record the oral partition effected between A.B. of etc. AND C.D. of etc. AND E.F. etc., sons of the late G.H., residents of . . . . . . . . Road, in the city of . . . . . . . .

WHEREAS G.H. died intestate on the . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . .
20. . . . . . . ., leaving surviving him three sons, named above, entitled to the properties, movable and immovable, left by the said G.H.;

AND WHEREAS differences and disputes arose between the said three sons who approached K.L. of etc. to divide and distribute the properties between them;

AND WHEREAS the said K.L. on the . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . ., 20 . . . . . . . ., before the parties divided all the movable property in 3 equal shares as per LIST A attached and allotted the first 10 items to A.B. and the next 8 items to C.D. and the remaining 12 items to E.F. all of whom accepted the said distribution;

AND WHEREAS the said K.L. on the same day before the parties divided the entire house situated in Mohalla. . . . . . . . , numbered . . . . . . on the . . . . . . . . Road in the city of . . . . . . . . and allotted the portion marked on the plan in red and coloured red to A.B. and the portion marked in blue and coloured blue in the same plan to C.D. and the small house situate at No . . . . . . . . Road in the city of . . . . . . . . was allotted in its entirety to E.F.;

AND WHEREAS the parties have accepted the said partition as final, conclusive and binding upon them.

WHEREFOR THIS MEMORANDUM OF PARTITION is   drawn up before the parties and the arbitrator, who have subscribed their signatures thereto in order to signify the correctness of the facts mentioned above.

Witnesses:                                                        Sd. A.B.

1.????????????Sd. C.D.???Sd. E.F.???Sd. K.L.

2.                                                                     (Arbitrator).


I.    List A (Movables) (20 items).

II.   Description of large house.

III. Description of small house allotted to E.F.

IV. Map.