Regulation-11(1) read with Payment of Wages
Act, 1936 Section-20

Chief Accountant, respondent No.2 acted in his administrative, managerial and supervisory capacity and by no stretch of imagination he is to be called a worker.

M. Sanaullah Noon
Vs. Labour Court & Ors. 9 BLT(HCD)-218

Nominal Damages

It is in evidence that the plaintiff took 5.01 acres of foreshore land from the Government on eksona lease basis with option of renewal and the plaintiff must have had to pay a rent to the Government each year. It is also in evidence that the plaintiff had ship-breaking machineries installed in his shipyard worth Tk. 25 lakhs. These machineries were at least lying idle, if not used by the defendants. We are inclined to find that the nominality of damages in the facts and circumstances of the case will not be a token sum Of Tk. 1/- or Tk. 100/- hut should he in the region of Tk.1 lakh.

Serajul Islam Chowdhury & Ors. Vs. Md. Jamal Abedin & Ors. 5BLT (AD)-158.