Petition of Wife for Decree of Nullity of Marriage

Petition of Wife for Decree of Nullity of Marriage

(See sections 18 and 19)

In the High Court of ………………

AB …………………… Petitioner


CD …………………… Respondent

To the Hon’ble Justice ………… or

to the Judge of ……………

The humble petition of AB of (full name, occupation and address)


1. That at all material times the parties of these proceedings were and are at present Christian by faith and religion.

2. That on the ………… day of …………… your petitioner, then a spinster, aged about ………… years went through a form of pretended marriage with the respondent (at some place in India, state the place) and was thereby and since that date known as married in fact, though not in law, to CD, then a bachelor of about 30 years of age.

3. That ever since the said marriage on the ………… day of …………… and until the ………… day of ………… your petitioner and the respondent lived and cohabited with each other at various places such as …………… and lastly at …………… .

4. That the said CD has never consummated the said pretended marriage by carnal copulation.

5. That at the time of the celebration of your petitioner’s said pretended marriage, the said CD was and still is by reason of his impotency or malformation, legally incompetent to enter into the contract of marriage.

(State other grounds if applicable, e.g., prohibited degree, lunacy, idiocy, etc.)

6. That there is no collusion or connivance between the parties with respect to the subject of these proceedings.

Your petitioner therefore prays that this (Hon’ble) Court might be pleased to declare the said marriage as null and void.

Signed                                                                                                                          AB


I, AB daughter of …………… aged …………… by occupation service residing at ……………… do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows:

I am the petitioner above-named and I know the facts and circumstances of this case.

The statements made in paragraphs Nos. 1 to 6 of the petition are true to my knowledge and belief and that I have not suppressed any material fact.

I sign this verification on this ……………… day of …………… at the Court House at ……………


Before me                                                                                                                     Signature

Notary                                                                                                                            Advocate