CHAPTER V. Circle Inspectors.

  1. (a) A Circle Inspector shall be in charge of a circle as defined in regulation 4 and shall be

responsible for the supervision, control and general efficiency •of all police work and for the prevention and detection of crime therm. Under section 551 of the Code of Criminal Procedure he may exercise the same power throughout his circle as an Officer-in-charge of a police-station within the limits of his station. He. shall reside in his circle and keep himself informed of what is going on in his charge. He shall be responsible for the peace of the circle and for the proper performance of their duties by his subordinates, and in cases of failure or neglect it shall be his duty to initiate proceedings against defaulters in cases calling for major punishment. In proceedings against Sub-Inspectors and Officers of lower ranks (exception cases of serious misconduct) he may record the evidence and defence and after giving his finding submit the proceedings to the Superintendent for orders.

  • One of his chief duties shall be to secure full and hearty cooperation between the officers of bordering Police-station, and by frequent meetings to impress on them that crime cannot be adeqately dealtwith without such co-operation. He shall also see that lists of criminals, both active and suspected, are sent to borderiog police-stations.
  • He shall from a study of the crime maps of the Police-stations within his circle, and from an intelligent use of his index of crime, or note book of crime against property, ascertain the criminal areas in his circle and pay particular attention to them. He shall carefully study the diaries of all cases occurring in those areas, and satisfy himself that the Sub-Inspectors are concentrating their attention on them. Where necessary, he shall arrange for the proper patrolling of such areas both by the regular and the rural police and shall satisfy himself, by frequent surprise visits, that his Sub-Inspectors and their subordinates are patrolling effectively. He shall also make prolonged visits to such areas, ascertain, whenever possible, the criminals who are reaponsible, and then frame a definite line of policy to be adopted, both for the prevention of crime in future by seeing that surveillance is effective and not nominal, and by instituting such other measures as the circumstances of the case indicate.
  • He shall see that warrants, proclamations and attachment orders are issued against absconders and that necessary steps are taken for their arrest.
  • He shall not ordinarily conduct investigations, but shall supervise, taking up cases only for very special reasons, such as mismanagement by the ordinary investigating officer or the unusual importance or..intricacy of the facts. He shall take special note of the progress of important cases and be ready to assist in any investigation where his assistance is required. He shall see that each case is fully and properly investigated and that all possible steps are taken to ensure detection. In respect of the control he shall exercise over investigations, he shall act in direct subordination to the Sub-divisional Police Officer and the Superintendent.
  • Where there is no Court Inspector he shall be responsible for the work of the Court Police.
  • Except in a town where there is. a separate Town Inspector, all Town Police in his circle are subject to his supervision and control. He is responsible that systematic arrangements are made for watch and ward, that these arrangements are properly supervised and that the officers are given an adequate number of nights in bed.

Note.— An Inspector in charge of a town shall have the same responsibilities as an Inspector in charge of a circle in respect of supervision and control over the Town Police.

  • He should avoid being captious as regards petty faults which can be corrected by advice and guidance; and he should endeavour by all legitimate means to gain the confidence and respect of his subordinates. He should in paticular keep a watch on the work of junior and in experienced officers and try to train them in the right path: he shall instruct them in the modus operandi of different classes of criminals, in the avoidance of the errors to which in his experience young officers are prone in preventive and detective work, and in the importance of local knowledge.
  • He must realize that he is responsible for the investigation of cases and that he must therefore not only take notice of but also himself correct all faults which he observes either from reading the diaries or when supervising enquiries on the spot. It is not enough for him merely to note an error for the information of the Superintendent, it is for him also to take action to correct it. He should also render all assistance possible to investigating officers by suggestions and advice, culled from the storehouse of his greater experience.

Except in cases in which it may appear necessary to take immediate action or inflict punishment, he shall avoid calling for written explanations, but shall point out to investigating Officers the mistakes and omissions they have made.

(J) He shall be entirely without reserve towards the Superintendent and shall keep him informed of all matters connected with the police work of his circle.

(k)   He shall maintain close contact with Court Officers, whether the latter work in subordination to him or not. Whenever necessary, he shall discuss with them the evidence in any case, and shall be responsible for seeing that they are properly instructed on all relevant points. He shall bring to the notice of the Superintendent important cases in which the retention of the Public Prosecutor or Government Pleader appears.

Note.— Where the Circle Inspector and the Court Officer have a common Headquarters, the Superintendent shall arrange that their Offices are situated as near to each other as possible.

  • In selecting cases for testing on the spot, he should particularly direct his attention to cases of house-breaking, and to riot, grievous hurt and other cases which have been reported as false or noncognizable.

(m)  He shall test by local enquiries the realization of fines and the enquiries as to absconders and serveilles.

(n)   He shall pay particular attention to the matter of surveillance over bad characters, in order to ascertain whether the right men are being looked after and shall sa.tisfy himself, by local enquiry whenever necessary, that all active criminal, whether convicted or suspected, are under surveillance, and that the surveillance is effective and not merely nominal.

(o)  He shall look into the working of the Arms and Excise Acts.

(p)  He shall inspect the premises of all licensed dealers in arms and ammunition within his circle and examine their stocks and accounts once a quarter.

(q)  He shall inspect every large petroleum installation or storage shed at least once every year and shall forward a copy of his inspection report to the District Magistrate.

(r)   When visiting the mufassil he shall make notes of all items of intelligence which he considers should be entered in the Village Crime Note Book and shall satisfy himself that they are entered therein.

(s)   In forwarding the final memorandum to the Sub-divisional Police Officer he shall record his recommendations, if any, regarding surveillance and any remarks he may consider necessary on the conduct of the police, the failure of the case in court, the inadequacy of the sentence, etc. In Sub-divisions where there is no Sub-divisional Police Officer the Memorandum shall be submitted direct to the Superintendent.

(t)   He shall see that references to the Criminal Intelligence Bureau are made by investigating ofticers in all appropriate cases. The fact that a reference has been made shall be noted by him in column 1 of the Index of Crime (B. P. Form No.14), and this register will be examined by the Range Deputy Inspector-General at the time of inspection.

(u)   He may depute a station Officer to undertake the duties of, or an investigation in the jurisdiction of, another station Officer, but he shall use this power only in an emergency, reporting all cases to the Superintendent.

  • He may move Assistant Sub-Inspectors, Head Constables or Constables from one Police- station to another for patrol or other emergent purposes.

(w)  Circle Inspectors have been appointed (by Government of Bengal Order No.3135P1., dated the 22nd July 1937) to be Superior Officers for the purposes of sections 158 and 173(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and shall exercise the powers under those sections in the manner laid down if these regulations.

  1. Each Circle Inspector shall be allowed an Assistant Sub Inspector to assist him in the routine duties of his office. He shall be employed on office duties, such as copying and despatching orders, forwarding covers to the Inspector while on tour, etc., and shall not ordinarliy accompany the Inspector when he leaves his Headquarters on duty. Each Curcle Inspector shall also be allowed the services of an orderly.
  2. (a) The Circle Inspector shall personally read in full general diaries (immediately on their receipt), case diaries and mufassil diaries and shall himself comment or pass orders on each subject.
  • He should encourage his subordinates by judicious comments on the general diaries to make the entries full and complete.
  • His orders and comments shall be communicated to the Officer concerned in B. P.Form No. 15.
  • (i) He shall file the general diaries in his office after extracting all information required for his daily report.
  • He shall, when the case is disposed of, send the case diaries together with the Court Officer’s final Mimorandum to the Superintendent’s office to be filed there.
  • He shall file the inufassil diaries in his office after taking necessary action on them.
  1. (a) Circle Inspectors shall prepare daily a report in B. P. Form No. 16, from first information reports and general diaries received. This report shall be submitted through the Sub- divisional Police Officer to the Sub-divisional Magistrate, and then forwarded to the Superintendent for submission to the District Magistrate. The District Magistrate after recording his remarks and orders on the reports shall return them to the Superintendent for record.
  • Where the above procedure is likely to involve delay, either by the absence of the Sub- divisional Magistrate on tour of where the Inspectors Headquarters are not the Headquarters of the Sub-division, the reports shall be duplicated by the pen-carbon process and one copy sent direct to the Superintendent.
  • This report shall show all cases and unnatural deaths reported all general matters of importance that have been reported by the subordinate police, or have come to the Inspector’s notice by any other means, outbieaks of cholera, small-pox or other diseases, the prevalence of cattle disease, the state of the weather and of the crops, the nature of any assistance rendered by Panchayats or Union Boards to the police in matters not connected with the investigation of cases such as the prevention of crime or the giving of important imformation which may have enabled the police to deal effectively with crime or other matters, matters relating to the public safety, and in short, any matter which it is desirable for the Magistrate to know.
  • When the Circle Inspector is on tour, the duty of writing the daily report may be delegated to the Court Officer, but this course shall be adopted only when the preparation of the report by the Inspector on tour would involve considerable delay.
  • The Officer preparing the daily report in the absence of the Circle Inspector shall send on all important papers to the Circle Inspector and shall not dispose of them himself.
  1. A Circle Inspector shall maintain and keep in his personal Circle custody a contidential note book as prescribed for Superintendents in regulation 1104.
  2. For the more effective control over criminal investigation in his circle, a Circle Inspector shall keep an index of crime in accordance with the instructions contained in Appendix XI.
  3. Circle Inspectors shall submit in B. P. Form No. 17 progress reports in uch cases and at such intervals as the Superintendent may direct. These reports shall show clearly what progress has been made in the investigation; the steps taken to obtain a clue; the arrest or release on bail of any person; the search of houses, and the finding of stolen property. If the real name and residence of an accused person is not known, the fact and the action taken with a view to ascertain them shall be noted. Paticulars as to the action taken agsainst absconders shall also find entry.
  4. The Circle Inspector shall scrutinise every final report before submitting it to the Magistrte for orders. [See regulation 275(b).]
  5. A Circle Inspector shall keep a diary in B. P. Form No. 18, a copy of which shall be sent daily to the Superintendent. This diary shall contain information not only regarding police matters but also information regarding all events of public interest occurring in the Subdivision. Results of local enquiries to test investigations of subordinates shall be entered in the diary, but not details of the investigation of current cases.

NOTE.—{i)When a Circle Inspector travels by bullock cart he shall note the fact in his diary. [See regulation 59 (b)I.

Inspectors in charge of towns shall submit daily personal diaries in the same way as Inspectors in charge of circles.

  • Court and Detective Department Inspectors and Armed Inspectors when deputed on duty outside their headquarters shall also submit to the Superintendent personal diaries in B. P. Form No. 18. Similarly, Sergeants (except when engaged on ordinary duties in the Special Aimed Force).SubInspectors and Assiatant Sub-Inspectors of the Resserve and Court offices shall submit such diaries to their Inspectors.
  1. A list of reports and returns due to and from the office of the Circle Inspector is given in  Appendix
  2. A list of registers and files to be maintained in the office of the Circle Inspector is given in Appendix XIII.
  3. The regulations regarding inspection, supervision and touing by Circle Inspectors will be found in Chapter III.