Scope of the Act

Section 1

This Act applies to the care and treatment of domestic animals and labo- ratory animals. It also applies to other animals if they are kept in captivity. Act (2005:1226).

EC provisions supplemented by the Act

Section 1 a

  • The Act supplements those provisions in EC regulations (EC provisions) that fall within the scope of the The Government shall promulgate the basic regulations concerned in the Swedish Code of Statutes.
  • With regard to EC provisions that fall within the scope of several acts, the Government shall promulgate the provisions supplemented by this Act in the same manner as in subsection (1).
  • The Government or the authority designated by the Government may issue regulations or, in individual cases, make decisions that are needed to supplement the EC provisions. Act (2006:809).


Section 1 b

‘Laboratory animals’ means animals that are used in animal experiments or are bred, kept or supplied for animal experiments. Act (2006:809).

Section 1 c

  • ‘Animal experiments’ means use of animals for:
  1. scientific research;
  2. diagnosis of disease;
  3. the development and manufacture of pharmaceutical or chemical products;
  4. teaching purposes, if the use means that the animal is killed, subjected to a surgical operation, injection or blood-letting or if the animal is caused or risks being caused suffering; and
  5. other similar
  • ‘Animal experiments’ also means production of genetically modified animals, if gene technology, chemical or other similar methods are Act (2006:809).

Basic provisions concerning animal management and treatment

Section 2

  • Animals shall be treated well and shall be protected from unnecessary suffering and
  • Animals used as laboratory animals shall not be deemed to have been subjected to unnecessary suffering or disease where such use has been appro- ved by an ethical committee on animal experiments. Act (2005:1226).

Section 3

  • Animals shall be given sufficient food and water and adequate care. Feeding stuffs and water must be of good quality and appropriate for the species of animal that is being
  • Livestock buildings and other holding rooms for animals shall provide sufficient space and shelter for the animals and shall be kept
  • The Government or the authority designated by the Government may

issue further regulations concerning:

  1. feeding and watering of animals;
  2. livestock buildings and other holding rooms for animals;
  3. compulsory prior approval of such premises; and
  4. compulsory pre-testing of new animal managemen
  • The Government may prescribe that an extra charge shall be imposed upon persons who do not arrange for prior approval of livestock buildings or other holding rooms for The person who was the owner of the building or room at the time when the construction measure was carried out shall be liable for payment of the charge. The charge shall correspond to an amount that is four times the charge that would have been payable if the building had been approved prior to use, unless there are special reasons for charging a lower amount.
  • Subsection (1) shall not apply to laboratory animals, unless they are kept in The provisions of subsection (2) concerning sufficient space and shelter and the provisions of subsections (3) and (4) concerning authoriza- tion to issue regulations shall also apply to enclosures. Act (2007:362).

Section 3 a

If a measure relating to livestock buildings or other holding rooms for animals that requires prior approval under regulations issued pursuant to section 3, subsection 3, point 3, has been taken without such approval, the authority designated by the Government shall prohibit use of the building to house animals. A prohibition shall not, however, be ordered if the authority finds that the measure can be approved retroactively. Act (2006:809).

Section 4

  • Animals shall be accommodated and handled in an environment that is appropriate for animals and in such a way as to promote their health and permit natural
  • The Government or the authority designated by the Government may issue further regulations laying down conditions for or prohibiting certain kinds of animal management. Act (2007:362).

Section 5

  • Animals must not be
  • They must not be beaten or driven with implements which may hurt or otherwise injure

Section 6

  • Animals must not be tied or tethered in a way that causes pain or does not allow them the necessary freedom of movement or rest or sufficient shelter from the
  • The Government or the authority designated by the Government may issue further regulations concerning the tying of Act (2007:362).

Section 7

The Government or the authority designated by the Government may issue regulations concerning conditions for, or prohibitions against, sales or other transfers of ownership of animals. Act (2007:362).

Section 8

  • The means of transport used for the transportation of animals shall  be suitable for the purpose and provide shelter against heat and cold and protect the animals from shocks and abrasions and the like. To the extent necessary, the animals shall be kept separate from each
  • The Government or the authority designated by the Government may issue further regulations laying down conditions for or prohibiting the transportation of animals. Act (2007:362).

Section 9

If an animal is sick, injured or in other ways, through its behaviour, shows signs of ill-health, the animal shall be given the necessary care without delay, if necessary by a veterinarian, or other measures shall be taken, unless the illness or injury is so severe that the animal must be killed immediately. Act (2003:1077).

Surgical procedures etc.

Section 10

  • Animals must not be subjected to surgical procedures or given injections except where they are necessary for veterinary medical
  • Subsection (1) shall not apply to surgical procedures performed or injec- tions administered in connection with activities that have been approved by an ethical committee on animal
  • Where special reasons exist, the Government or the authority designated by the Government may issue further regulations concerning surgical pro- cedures performed on or injections administered to animals and regulations providing for exceptions from subsection (1). Act (2003:1076).

Section 11

  • A veterinarian shall be engaged when a surgical procedure is to be per- formed on or an injection administered to an The same shall apply to other treatment for the purpose of preventing, detecting, alleviating or curing illness or injury in an animal, if the treatment is liable to cause suf- fering that’s not insignificant.
  • Subsection (1) shall not apply if the treatment is so urgent that there is no time to engage the services of a
  • In connection with activities that have been approved by an ethical committee on animal experiments injections may also be administered, procedures performed or other treatment given by persons who have the required training.
  • The Government or the authority designated by the Government  may issue regulations providing for exceptions from subsection (1). Act (2007:362).

Section 12

  • The Government or the authority designated by the Government may issue regulations laying down conditions for or prohibiting:
  1. the administration of hormones or other substances to animals in or- der to alter their characteristics for any purpose other than to prevent, detect, alleviate or to cure disease or symptoms of disease; or
  2. breeding, the object of which is such that it may entail suffering for the animals or affect their natural
  • Subsection (1), point 1, shall not apply to substances that fall within the Feeding stuffs and Animal By Products Act (2006:805). Act (2007:362).

Section 12 a

The Government or the authority designated by the Government may is- sue regulations concerning the approval of farriers. The regulations may prescribe that a charge shall be made for applications for approval. Act (2007:362).

Slaughter etc.

Section 13

Animals shall be spared unnecessary discomfort and suffering when they are taken to slaughter and when they are slaughtered.

Section 14

  • Domestic animals shall be anaesthetized before being bled prior to No other measures may be taken in connection with slaughter until the animal is dead.
  • The first sentence of subsection (1) shall not apply to animals which, owing to illness or accident, must be slaughtered
  • The Government or the authority designated by the Government may issue further regulations providing for exemptions from the first sentence of subsection (1) with respect to poultry and rabbits. Act (2007:362).