Section VlIl—Security Bonds
  1. The following Jail Officers shall furnish security of the amount mentioned against each of them and execute Security Bond (see rule 237) for the due performance of all duties required of

Pensioners of the Indian Army employed as Warders are not required to furnish security.

Security to be furnished by Jail Officers.

Rs. Jailor     ..          ..          ..            ..          ..          ..          2,500

Deputy Jailor and Head Clerk .. .. .. 750
Jail Clerk           ..          .. .. .. .. 500
Chief Discipline Officer .. .. .. .. 1,000
Discipline Officer           .. .. .. .. 750
Matron, Presidency Jail .. .. .. .. 750

Assistant Matron, Presidency Jail           ..          ..             500

Chief Head Warder .. .. .. .. 250
Head Warder     .. .. .. .. .. 200


Matron              ..          ..          ..          ..          ..             125

Warder (including female Warder)           ..          ..             125

Security may be offered in Government Promissory Notes, Post Office Cash Certificates, Defence Savings Certificates, National Savings Certificates, National Plan Savings Certificates, 10-Year National Plan Certificates, 12-Year National Defence Certificates, 10-Year Defence Deposit Certificates, 10-Year Treasury Savings Deposit Certificates and such other forms of Security as may be approved by Government from time to time.

NOTE.—Other officers, as may, from time to time, be ordered to do so shall also furnish security and execute Security Bond.

227A. When a Jail Officer who has furnished security takes leave or is deputed to some other duty for not more than six months and another officer is appointed to act for him, security should be taken as laid down in rule 23 of the West Bengal Financial Rules, Volume I. Security to the full amount should always be taken when the acting appointment is made for more than six months.

  1. Any officer required to furnish security may deposit the full amount  in  any  of  the  forms  mentioned  in  rule  227,  or pay the amount  in  full  on  appointment,  or  may  at  any time make up the full amount by one  or  more  special payments. If the amount of security is not at once deposited,

A Jail Officer acting in place of another tempo- rarily also to furnish security.

Procedure for payment of security deposit.

G.O. No. 4330-HJ., dated 22-3-1927.

it shall be recovered by monthly deductions from the officer’s pay at the following rates :––


Jailors (drawing more than Rs. 250 per month) .. 40
Jailors (drawing Rs. 250 per month or less) .. .. 25
Dy. Jailors and Head Clerks         ..              .. .. 10
Jail Clerks     ..              ..

Chief Discipline Officer ..









Discipline Officer          .. .. .. .. 10
Matron, Presidency Jail .. .. .. .. 10
Assistant Matron, Presidency Jail .. .. .. 5
Chief Head Warders     .. .. .. .. 2
Head Warders              .. .. .. ..


  1. O. No. 2343-

HJ., dated 5-9-1940.

Deductions on account of security to be deposited in Savings Bank account.

Savings Bank books for security deposit to be kept in custody of Jailor. Rule 238.

Transfer of the Security Deposit Accounts of the Jails staff on transfer.

Warders, including female Warders and Matrons         ..                1

(every alternate month)

NOTE—New Postal Savings Bank  account  shall  be  opened  after a sum of Rs. 5 has been accumulated. So long as the amount of deposit remains below Rs. 5 it shall be kept with the Jailor and he shall be solely responsible for the safe

custody of the money.

  1. The deductions made under rule 228 shall be recorded in column 17 in the office copy of the pay bill (West Bengal Form No. 2435). The Security Register (No. 38), will show how far the required securities have been The Superintendent shall open in the nearest Government Savings Bank a separate account for each officer from whose pay such deduction has been made. The account shall be headed in each case. “The Superintendent of the. Jail on account of security of (name of officer concerned)”

and every officer’s monthly deposit shall be punctually paid into the Savings Bank by the Jailor, immediately after it is realised. The amounts realised by these deductions and paid to the Savings Bank shall be respectively debited and credited in the general cash-book on the proper dates.

  1. The Savings Bank books for security deposits shall be kept by the Jailor in his cash chest, and shall be produced by him to the Superintendent as vouchers whenever there is an entry in the cash-book of the deposit or withdrawal of security
  2. Previous to the transfer of an officer or warder, the Superintendent of the Jail shall see that the following documents are prepared :
  • an application in proper form to the local Post Master signed by the officer or warder concerned for transferring the postal security deposit account to the Superintendent of the Jail to which he is being transferred ;
  • a Security Deposit Form signed by the officer or warder concerned ; and
  • two specimen signatures.

He shall then forward these documents along with the relevant Security Deposit Pass Book and a letter authorising the transfer of the account to the local Post Master requesting that the Pass Book may be transmitted direct to the Superintendent of the Jail to which the officer or the order is being transferred.

  1. When, in the case of any officer, the amount of security money deposited in the Post Office Savings Bank reaches 500, the Superintendent of the jail to which the depositing officer may be attached, shall ascertain from the depositor whether he desires to invest the amount in Government Promissory Notes or in any of the certificate mentioned in rule 227. If Government Promissory Notes are to be purchased, an application shall be made by the Superintendent to the Deputy Accountant-General, Posts and Telegraphs, Calcutta, in accordance with Note 2 under rule 110 of the Government Securities Manual and Rule 46 of section Vl of the Post and Telegraph Guide, for making such purchase for the full amount deposited, if possible, and the depositor shall pay all charges incidental to the purchase. All Government Promissory Notes tendered as security or purchased with the security money of the Jail Officers, shall be endorsed by the Officer who tenders them to the Inspector-General and shall be sent by the Superintendent in a registered cover to the Inspector-General’s Office. These shall then be lodged for safe custody with the Reserve Bank of India.

Post Office National Savings Certificates and other certificates may be purchased in the name of the officer who wishes to deposit them as security and may be accepted as such at their purchase or surrender value. The certificates shall then be formally transferred to the Governor of West Bengal, in accordance with the relevant rules and sent to the Inspector-General for safe custody.

  1. When the full amount of security payable by any officer has been deposited in the Savings Bank, the Superintendent shall furnish the depositor with a certificate (in W.B.J. Form No. 91) to that effect, stating the amount of The Superintendent shall also furnish the depositor with the particular of the Government Promissory Note or Certificates that may be held by him as security.
  2. In the event of the death of a subordinate officer the Superintendent shall ascertain if Government has any claim against him and if so, recover it from his outstanding pay andIf  he  has  furnished  security,  than  after  the   lapse   of six months (or earlier if the Inspector-General shall, under exceptional circumstances, so direct ) the Superintendent

Mode of Investment of Security money.

Certificate of payment of Security money.

Disposal of the security money on the death of a subordinate officer who furnished security.

G.O. No. 2047-H.J., dt. 27-7-1951.

Interest on G. P. Notes deposited as security.

shall dispose of  the  security  money  of  the deceased as follows :

  • If the Security is in Government Promissory Notes or Post Office Cash Certificates, the Superintendent shall apply to the Inspector-General for the notes, which shall be endorsed for payment to the Superintendent and be sent to him. In case of Postal Cash Certificates the certificate may, with the permission of the Head Post Master, be transferred by the Inspector-General to the Superintendent of Any money claim of Government remaining unsatisfied shall be recover by the Superintendent, who may realise the notes, if necessary, and the balance shall be paid to the legal heir or heirs producing the legal authority. In exceptional cases where it is considered that undue delay and hardship would be caused by insisting on production of legal authority, the balance to the extent of Rs. 500 may be paid to the person or persons claming as legal heir or heirs of the deceased officer after such enquiry into the rights and title of the claimants as may be deemed sufficient on his or there executing an indemnity bond. If the balance to be refunded exceeds Rs. 500 the same procedure may be adopted after obtaining orders of Government on execution of an indemnity bond with such sureties as may be deemed necessary.
  • If the Security is in Savings Bank, the Superintendent shall withdraw sufficient money to satisfy any Government claim against the deceased, and the balance shall be paid to the person or persons claiming as legal heir or heirs in the manner as in the case of relinquishment of the Government Promissory Notes or Post Office Cash Certificates. In cases of Head Warders and Warders, however, the Superintendent shall apply to the Post Master General for the withdrawal of the whole amount and dispose of it, less any Government claim against the deceased, in accordance with the terms of the declaration in West Bengal Jail Form No. 117, which all Head Warders and Warders should sign on entering service and revise whenever
  • If the security is in any other form, the Superintendent shall dispose of the same and recover any money claim of the Government against the deceased in the manner prescribed by Government.
  1. Interest on Government Promissory Notes, deposited as security is payable to the officers who own the notes, on receipts in the usual form countersigned by the Inspector- General.
  2. Interest on security money deposited in the Government Savings Bank may either be credited towards any undeposited portion of the security, or be paid to the officer
  3. Security Bonds shall be in W.B.J. Form No. 90. They shall be executed as soon after appointments as possible and must be registered, but are free from stamp duty or registration After registration the bonds of Jailors, Deputy Jailors, Head Clerks, Jail Clerks and Sub-Jail Clerks and Discipline Officers shall be sent to the Inspector-General for safe custody. The bonds and declarations in West Bengal Jail Form No.117 of all Head Warders and Warders shall be pasted into their Service Records—W.B.J. Form No. 96.
  4. No officer shall forfeit any part of his security without the sanction and order of the Inspector-General, except under the circumstances set forth in the following rule. Whenever a Superintendent is of opinion that an officer should forfeit his security or any part of it, he shall refer to the Inspector-General for orders.
  5. When an officer leaves the service on retirement, resignation or discharge, the Superintendent shall take the same action in respect of the officer’s security as prescribed in rule 234 in the case of an officer’s death, except that the balance, if any, of security money after settlement of all Government claims, shall be paid to the officer concerned. If the security is in Government Promissory Note or in Certificates referred to above from which no claim has to be realised, these shall be delivered to him, duly endorsed for payment to him, a receipt being taken from him in either case. But no security shall be released within six months of the officer leaving Government service, and the return of security shall not be deferred much longer than six months.
Section IX—The Jailor
  1. Any rule in this Code referring to a Jailor shall apply to any Deputy Jailor, Discipline Officer or any other person performing the duties of a
  2. The Jailor shall be the chief executive officer of jail and shall control the whole subordinate jail establishment under the orders of the Superintendent and shall assist the Superintendent on all occassions, and see that his instructions are carried into He shall be responsible for the strict carrying out of all the rules in this Code relating to the management of the jail and prisoners. He should therefore make himself thoroughly acquainted with the rules and with circulars issued by the Inspector-General.
  3. All officers subordinate to the Jailor shall be under his immediate control and shall implicitly obey his orders. (See rule 109 regarding medical subordinate.)

Interest on security money deposited in Government Savings Bank.

Security Bonds

  1. B. Form No. 5123. Rules215, 227.

W.B.F. No. 5146. Rule 234(b).

W.B.F. No. 5126.

No forfeiture of the security unless sanctioned

by the l.G.

Return of the security money in case of final quitting of Government service.

Rule 275.

Position and duties of the Jailor.

Subordinate officers to obey the jailor.

Jailor competent to grant leave to his subordinates for four hours. 

Rules 176, 350.

Jailor to reside in the prison.

See section 16, Act IX of 1894.

Rule 1338.

Jailor to accompany certain jail visitor.

Jailor’s Report Book.

Ruies 245, 260,

462, 472.

  1. The Jailor may grant leave of absence from the jail to any subordinate officer without the sanction of the Superintendent ; but this leave shall not extend beyond four hours, and during the subordinate officer’s absence the Jailor shall be held personally responsible for the due performance of the absentee’s
  2. The Jailor shall reside in the jail premises, unless the Superintendent permits him in writing to reside He must always be present in the jail or jail grounds except when he has to attend a Court of Justice, or on permission from the Superintendent. The Jailor shall, before leaving the jail precincts for any purpose whatsoever, make over charge of the jail to the next senior officer in rank present, and shall record the fact that he has done so in his report book. The officer receiving charge shall thereupon countersign such entry.

The Jailor and the Deputy Jailor shall not be absent from the Jail at the same time during the day from unlock to lock-up. The hours for meals and rest should be so arranged that either the one or the other is present at the jail.

  1. He shall, if required, accompany the Magistrate, Medical Officer, Inspecting Officers, and Official and Non Official Visitors on their visits to the He shall always accompany the Superintendent on his visits to the jail.
  2. The Jailor shall keep a report book, in Register 1, in which he shall record daily on the left hand page the state of the Jail and all occurrences of importance, and make reports and representations.

In this book he shall enter daily—

  • the hour at which the wards were opened ;
  • what members of the jail staff were present ;
  • the hour when prisoners began work ;
  • the number of prisoners who used the night latrine (in small jails, the number and names of the prisoners) ;
  • in jails in which a Cell Register is not kept, the names of prisoners who slept in cells on the previous night ;
  • the hour at which prisoners stopped work at midday, and at which work was recommenced ; and
  • the hour at which work was stopped for the day, and at which the prisoners were locked up.


He shall also record all cases in which he may have found it necessary to use, restraint to any prisoner, any violent outbreak or serious offence, accident, death, outbreak of epidemic disease or any occurrence out of the ordinary routine or his visits to the female ward on the previous night with the reasons and hours thereof. In default of performing such daily visits or duties as are required by these rules he shall state how far he has omitted them, and the reason. He shall report any neglect of or offence committed by or the absence from duty of, any subordinate officer, or application for leave requiring the Superintendent’s order; also enter requests for sanction for unusual expenditure or for the employment of prisoners in any special manner, or any matters upon which he may require orders. This book shall be laid daily (or oftener if necessary) before the Superintendent, who shall endorse his orders upon each entry, or, if no order or comment is required, append his initials, on the right hand page. On Monday mornings, the Jailor in District Jails and in Central Jails, such offical as the Superintendent may nominate for the purpose, will certify in the Jailor’s report book that he has carefully examined the entries made in the several registers since the preceding Monday, and that they have been found correct and up to date.

  1. His chief duties are to secure the safe custody of prisoners, to enforce discipline among prisoners and his subordinates, to ensure that prisoners sentenced to rigorous imprisonment do the work assigned to them, and to maintain a high standard of health among them so far as this can be secured by strict compliance with the rules and orders made with this The sedulous attention to all matters which can improve the health of the prisoners will be considered one of the highest qualifications for the post of Jailor. He shall visit every part of the jail daily, including cells and hospital, and see every prisoner at least once in every 24 hours.
  2. It shall be his duty to be always present when the prisoners are locked up at night and taken out of the wards in the morning, and this duty cannot be delegated except by permission of the Superintendent, unless the Jailor is sick and unfit for When it is so delegated a note of the same must be made in the Jailor’s report book. In large jails a part of the unlocking and locking up must be performed by the Deputy Jailor, or Head Warders, who shall be responsible for the proper performance of their portion of the work, but the Jailor must ascertain from these officers that eveything is correct and that every prisoner is present. He shall also see that all keys are counted and properly disposed of every night as required by rules 324, 333 and 448.

Rule 253.

Rule 950.

Duties of the Jailor.

Rules 647, 742.

Jailor to be present at lock-up and unlocking hours. Rules 436, 446.

Jailor to be responsible for safe custody of prisoners’


Rules 499, 501.

Rules 543, 544.

Jailor responsible for enforcement of the terms of warrants.

Rules 503,

542(3), 523, 769.

Rule 562.

Jailor to assign work to each prisoner.

Rules 555, 636,


Rule 1225.

Breach of jail rules to be noted in prisoner’s history ticket.

Rules 186, 187, 202,

247, 556, 730, 981.

Weekly search of prisoners, wards, etc.

Rule 274(10).

  1. It shall be his duty, on the admission of a prisoner, to satisfy himself that the writs, warrants or orders are in order, to take from the prisoner all money, jewellery, and other articles found upon him, and all clothing not required in jail, and to see that the same are properly entered in the property statement (West Bengal Form No. 5158) and other relevant registers (W. J. Registers Nos. 48 and 48A). When the property consists of money, the amount shall be entered in the contingent cash-book. He is responsible for the safe custody of prisoner’s property. He shall produce the prisoners as soon as possible before the Superintendent and the Medical Officer, as required by rules 507 and 514.
  2. The Jailor is responsible for the safe custody of all warrants and the strict enforcement of their terms ; he shall see that the name of every prisoner is on his arrival entered in the Release Diary under the date on which he is to be released ; that in case of the prisoner’s obtaining a remission of sentence, or receiving any additional sentence while in jail, the entry in the Release Diary is transferred to the correct date ; and that no prisoner is on any account either released before his time or (except under the provisions of rule 102) kept in jail beyond the termination of his sentence or beyond the date on which under the remission system he is entitled to be released. If a prisoner is sentenced to solitary confinement, he shall see that the prisoner is placed in a cell at proper intervals for the prescribed periods.
  3. The Jailor shall assign to each prisoner his work subject to the control of the Superintendent, and shall see that the task is properly entered on the history ticket, and that all changes of labour are so In the distribution of labour he shall invariably consult the result of the fortnightly weighments, and see that no prisoner who is losing weight is placed on any labour which is likely to injure his health. This duty cannot be delegated to any subordinate without the permission of the Superintendent. In Central Jails, however, if the Superintendent considers it expedient, he may entrust it to the Deputy Superintendent.
  4. The Jailor shall not every breach of jail rules in the prisoner’s history ticket, and shall bring the offender before the Superintendent, but is strictly prohibited from punishing any In case of absolute necessity, he may place handcuffs or link fetters for restraint upon a prisoner if he becomes violent or lock him in a cell, but in such a case he shall bring the matter to the Superintendent’s notice with the least possible delay.
  5. With a view to preventing the secreting or possession of prohibited articles in the jail, he shall occasionally, at uncertain times, but at least once a week, cause every prisoner and all clothing, bedding, wards, workshops and cells to be thoroughly searched.
  6. The jailor shall be strictly guided by the rules in chapter XVII of this Code regarding prisoners’ interviews and communications with their relatives, friends or outsiders. He shall not permit any stranger or person not authorised to visit the jail under chapter IV of this Code to enter the jail without the written order of the Superintendent.
  7. He shall be held responsible for the proper weighment and issue to the cooks of prisoners’ rations, and for seeing that they are properly cooked and distributed so that every prisoners receives his proper quantity ; but, subject to such responsibility he may with the permission of the Superintendent, delegate these duties to the Deputy Jailor or any other
  8. The Jailor shall arrange that every prisoner who the desirous of seeing the Medical Subordinate, or who is ill, or whose state of mind or of body appears to require medical attention, is shown to the Medical Subordinate without delay ; and he shall record the circumstance on every such prisoner’s history ticket.
  9. All directions entered by the Medical Officer or Medical Subordinate on a prisoner’s history ticket relative to the treatment of such prisoner shall be complied with by the Jailor, unless they are contrary to any provision of these rules or unless the Jailor has not the means or power to carry them In every case the Jailor shall record on the prisoner’s history ticket, in respect of every direction, what action he has taken,or why he has not taken action ; and in any case when he considers it improper to comply with any direction, or is unable to do so, he shall show the history ticket to the Superintendent at his next visit and obtain his orders thereon. He shall carry out forthwith emergent written orders of the Medical Officer regarding the sick in hospital.
  10. (1) When any prisoner dies, the Jailor shall send immediate notice of the death to the Superintendent and the Medical Officer, and also to the Medical Subordinate, if he is not already acquainted with the A return of every death of a prisoner or of any person residing on the jail premises shall be furnished by the Jailor to the Chairman of the municipality, or, if there be no municipality, to the Magistrate of the district.
  • The following procedure should be strictly followed in regard to the sending of intimation of the death of a prisoner to his relations :
  • When a prisoner dies in jail, the Superintendent shall send intimation of the death direct to his next of kin either by special messenger or by telegram according as he resides within or outside the limits of the town in which the jail is situated. The dead body shall be retained for not more then twenty-four hours at the discretion of the

Jailor not to permit unauthorised visits. Rules 65, 66.

Distribution of ration to prisoners.

Rule 1115.

Rule 274.

Prisoners requiring medical attention.

Rule 555.

Jailor to comply with directions of Medical Officer or Medical Subordinate.

Rule 555.

Jailor to report the death of a prisoner.

Rules 132, 548.

Rules 541, 567. Rule 84A.

G.O. No. 3872-H.J. dated 19-12-1952.

Rule 703.

  • When a prisoner dies while being removed from the court to the jail for admission for the first time, the Court Inspector or Sub-lnspector of Police shall send the intimation of death direct to the next of kin in the same manner as indicated in (a) above.
  • When a prisoner after being admitted in to jail dies under police custody during transit to or from court or elsewhere, the Court Inspector or Sub-lnspector of Police or the Police Officer-in-charge of the escort party, as the case may be, shall send immediate intimation of death to the Superintendent of the jail from which delivery of the prisoner was taken and the Superintendent of the jail shall then send the intimation direct to the next of kin in the same manner as indicated in (a) above. The said Police Officer shall also furnish to the Superintendent of the jail following details allong with the intimation of death :

Inspection of prisoners.

Rule 247.

  • the circumstances under which the death occurred ;
  • the place where the dead body is preserved ;
  • the time and hour up to which the dead body will be preserved ;
  • whether or not the dead body will be delivered to the relatives on demand ; and
  • if so, from whom delivery of the body is to be taken.
  • In very exceptional circumstances when the address of any relative of a deceased prisoner is not known to the jail authorities, the Superintendent of the jail shall send the intimation of death to the Officer-in-charge of the police-station as mentioned in the admission register with the request to transmit the same to the next of kin of the The Officer-in-charge of the police station will then take action as indicated in (a) above.
  • If a prisoner sentenced in another State, for whose maintenance in a West Bengal Jail, the said State is charged, dies in the jail, information of his death shall be communicated to the Government of such State through the Inspector-General.
  1. Every Sunday morning the Jailor shall hold a parade of all the prisoners for the time being confined in the jail and shall,with the Medical Subordinate,––
  • carefully inspect every prisoner ;
  • examined the clothing and bedding of every prisoner ;
  • check the gang-books and satisfy himself that every prisoner is present or accounted for ; and satisfy himself in generally that everything is in proper

He shall enter a report of his inspection in his Report Book, noting therein the state of the clothing, cleanliness, numerical strength and other matters of importance relating to the prisoner.

  1. The Jailor shall be responsible for the warder guard being properly drilled, generally efficient and clean and neat in appearance. It shall be his duty to see that the reserve guard is at all times present at the jail in full force, and properly armed. He shall see that all the warders invariably sleep in the quarters allotted to them and he shall occasionally, at least once a fortnight, visit the warders quarters at night, and ascertain that none of the warders, have left the jail premises without permission.
  2. The Jailor shall be responsible for the safe custody of all important documents and for the registers and records, prescribed by these rules. He shall exercise general supervision over the work of the office. The delegation of the preparation of returns, entries in registers, or any other duty of the Jailor to any authorised subordinate, shall in no way relieve the former of the responsibility of ensuring that these are correctly and punctually performed, but his main duties are the direct control of the prisoners and the management of the The cash book shall be maintained by the Deputy Jailor or a clerk or an accountant at the discretion of the Superintendent. The Jailor shall see that the cash balances correspond with those shown in the cash-book, initial the latter if correct, and present them daily to the Superintendent for inspection. In a jail with a Deputy Superintendent, these duties, in so far as they relate to the manufactory department, shall devolve on that officer, the cash book being maintained by the Accountant.
  3. The Jailor is prohibited from making advances from private funds for jail purposes. In all financial transactions he shall strictly follow the procedure prescribed in chapter XLII of this Code and in the Civil Account
  4. The Jailor shall be responsible for all stores, machinery etc., in his charge, and shall render an account, on his removal or transfer, of all manufactured goods, raw material, tools, plant, money etc., for which he may have been  made    He shall see that all store-rooms are kept clean and neatly arranged, and protected as far as possible from vermin, birds, insects and damp. The Jailor of a central jail to which a Deputy Superintendent has been appointed shall be responsible for all stores, etc., not appertaining to the manufactory department,  and shall similarly render an account of them. The responsibility of the Jailor for stores, etc., may be delegated to the Deputy Jailor and the Store-keeper by written order which shall be submitted for approval to the Inspector-General. This, however, will not

Jailor shall be generally responsible for efficiency of the warder-guard. Rule 349.

Rule 314.

Jailor responsible for safe custody and maintenance of documents, registers and records.

Rule 1313.

Rule 82.

G.O.No. 2626-PJ.,

dated 5-9-29.

Jailor not to take any advance from private funds for jail purposes.

Rule 1346.

Responsibility of Jailor for stores, machinery, etc.

Rule 801.

Rule 1122.

Rules 274, 279.

G.O. No. 709-PJ. dated 9-12-27.

Jailor to give inventory of property on being relieved.

Jail Cir. Letter No.3537-67

dated 19-2-1935.

Rule 234.

Jailor to inforrn a newly arrived Superintendent about all special rules and orders relating to the jail.

Duties of the Chief Discipline Offcer.

relieve the Jailor of his general responsibility for the safe custody and correctness of stores in the jail. The keys of store godowns shall always remain with the officer placed in charge of the godowns, the duplicate keys being kept in a sealed envelope under the initial of the Superintendent in the jail cash safe.

  1. When a Jailor is discharged or suspended, resigns, takes leave (other than casual leave), or is transferred, he shall be required, on making over charge to his successor, to give an inventory (in B.J. Form No. 87) of all property, stores, etc., in his hands, which will be kept in the jail records, a copy being given to his successor. Whenever the responsibility of the Jailor for stores, etc., is delegated to the Deputy Jailor or jail clerk under rule 264, the relieving Jailor shall simply inspect the stores, etc., and check some of the items and get a certificate from the officer-in-charge that the stores are correct. A detailed check of stores, etc., is not necessary as the officer-in-charge is responsible for the correctness of actual stock in the jail. The relieving Jailor shall however take over personally such articles as were in the charge of the relieved Jailor. He shall give vouchers for all credit sales to the relieving officer. The Superintendent shall ascertain that the inventory is correct and complete, and that the unrealized credit sales are duly vouched for. After full time for all due enquiry within one month, if the Superintendent be satisfied of the correctness of the accounts, a “no demand” certificate (in W.B.J Form No. 88) shall be granted to him and a duplicate copy forwarded to the Inspector-General. In case of the Jailor’s death, the inventory shall be made by, or under the directions of, the Superintendent , and the certificate shall be granted and security given up after reference to the Inspector- General, and on the appication of the heirs or executors of the deceased. This rule may be suspended in the case of a Jailor who takes privilege leave or leave on average pay for not more than six weeks, but in that case the Jailor who takes leave shall be pecuniarily responsible for the stores, etc., during his absence, and the burden of proving the responsibility of his locum tenens for any loss shall lie with him.
  2. When a Superintendent newly assumes charge of a jail it shall be the duty of the Jailor to bring to his notice all special rules and orders relating to that jail.

Any omission or neglect on the part of the Jailor will make him liable for disciplinary action.

Section X—Discipline Officers
  1. In addition to the duties prescribed for Discipline Officers in clauses 1 to 7 of rule 271, a Chief Discipline Officer shall—
    • draw up duty roster of Discipline Officers and supervise their
    • go on occasional surprise rounds inside the Jail to ensure proper and effective guarding by the warder

staff and observance of rules by the prisoners without in any way slackening the security and discipline at the gate.

  • do such other duties as may be specially assigned by his superior
  1. In addition to the duties elsewhere prescribed, a Discipline Officer shall—
    • assist the Jailor in the maintenance of security and discipline in the jail, specially in-between the gates,
    • supervise the work of the Gate-Keeper,
    • receive prisoners from different courts, jails and other places of detention with the requisite writs, warrants, or orders along with the prisoners’ personal cash and other properties and pass the prisoners out of the jail gate on due authority,
    • prevent smuggling of any prohibited or unauthorised article,
    • check with reference to chalans and Gate Passes, all articles coming into or passing out of the jail, and keep an account of these articles in Gate Register of Articles (No. 25).
    • search all prisoners passing into or out of the jail He may also search Head Warders, Warders and the menial staff amongst the jail employees and all other persons passing into or out of the jail gate except official and non-official visitors and casual visitors who may be exempted from search by the Superintendent,

N .B.––If he has reason to suspect that any person exempted from search is carrying unarthorised articles he may detain the person between the gates and refer the matter to the Jailor for necessary search.

  • receive official and non-official visitors with due courtesy at the gate,
  • attend the Superintendent’s weekly inspection and other ceremonial parades,
  • go on surprise rounds inside the jail to ensure observance of the rules by the prisoners and search wards, cells and other places inside jail for prohibited articles without in any way slackening the security at the gate,
  • do such other duties as may be allotted by the Jailor with the approval of the Superintendent.
Section Xl—The Deputy Jailor
  1. There shall be at least two Deputy Jailors for every Central Jail and one for each District Jail.

Duties of the Discipline Officer.

Each Jail to have Deputy Jailor.

Position of a Deputy Jailor.

Duties of the Deputy Jailor.

Rule 82.

Rule 1178.

Rule 256.

Rule 262. G.O. No. 2626-PJ.,

dated 5-9-1929.

Rule 1105.

  1. The Deputy Jailor is the Jailor’s immediate subordinate and assistant, whose duty it is to take his place whenever he is absent and to undertake whatever portions of the Jailor’s duties are assigned to him by proper
  2. It shall be clearly understood that a fair share of the duties imposed by these rules on the Jailor shall be assigned to the Deputy Jailor, who shall perform the duties allotted to him under the general supervision of the Jailor as required by rule The work he is to do must be clearly prescribed by the Superintendent in his Minute Book, and should from time to time be changed so that he may undergo a thorough training for the appointment of Jailor. Among the duties which may ordinarily be allotted to the Deputy Jailor the following may be specified :
    • The superintendence of the admission and search of newly received prisoners, the inspection and custody of their warrants.
    • The placing of newly admitted prisoners in quarantine.
    • The superintendence of the release and transfer of prisoners and search of their person and
    • The correct production of undertrial prisoners at the courts.
    • The supervision of prisoners’ interviews dealing with prisoners’ letters, petitions  and other communications and appeals.
    • The supervision of the lock-up and unlock of the jail.
    • The supervision of the execution of various forms of jail punishment and judicial solitary confinement, awarded to prisoners.
    • The custody of prisoners’ private property (except cash and ornaments). See rules 250, 543 and 544.
    • The charge of the clothing store, the issue of jail clothing, bedding, etc., and the maintenance of clothing
    • The examination, weighment and storing of all grain and other rations stored, and the care of the grain and ration godowns.
    • The supervision of the proper husking and cleaning of grain and vegetables.
    • The weighment and issue to the cooks of rations the examination of cooked food and its distribution.
    • The maintenance of cash books, ration accounts and store register in prescribed forms.
  • The supervision and drilling of the warder guard.
  • The keeping of the warder’s circle list, service registers and service books.
  • The weekly search throughout the jail fo r prohibited articles.
  1. Whenever the Deputy Jailor officiates for the Jailor during the temporary absence of the latter, he shall possess all the powers and responsibility of that
  2. In addition to the duties specified in rule 274, the Superintendent may, by an order to be recorded in the Minute Book, allot to the Deputy Jailor any specified portions of the Jailor’s duties other than those referred to in rules 242, 247, 248, 251 and 262.

The Deputy Jailor shall share the Jailor’s responsibility for the carrying out of rules and for the maintenance of discipline. He shall not be absent from his quarters at night without the permission of the Jailor.