Trade Organization Ordinance, 1951


Trade Organization Ordinance

(XLV of 1951)


S. 8(1)(b)—Government
is Empowered to direct any company to amend its memorandum of association by
deleting any of its articles, etc. as provided in section 8(1)(b) of the Ordinance.

Bangladesh represented
by the Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Sectt. (1982) 34 DLR (AD) 294.


S. 12—Does
not affect High Court’s writ jurisdiction,

Section 12
of the Trade Organizations Ordinance, 1951 cannot take away the jurisdiction of
the High Court under Article 98 so far as the correction of the acts of the
Registrar of Joint Stock Companies is concerned.

Idrish Vs. East Pakistan Timber Merchants (1968) 20 DLR (SC) 355.


S. 24——When
recognition should not be given—
Knowing that the parties were challenging
each other’s right in various Jkigations then pending in the civil courts, the
Registrar ought not to have taken any step to recognize either the one or the
other group pending the decision of the disputes or done anything which might
prejudice the claims of the rival parties in those pending litigations.

The order of
the Registrar could have been set aside on the short ground that pending
litigations between the parties he should not have granted the impugned

Idrish Vs. East Pakistan Timber Merchants Group (1968) 20 DLR (SC) 355.