School of Business
Time & Day : MW 2.40 – 4.10 (Section 3)
Venue : NAC 601
Instructor: Mr. R
E-mail :
Course Objective:
Introduces students to the fascinating revolution in the financial markets and institutions of the world. Major topics include operations, mechanics, and structure of financial institutions including banks, insurance companies, investment companies, pension funds etc., analyses of the wide array of financial instruments that are now available in the global money and capital markets for investing, financing, and managing risk, and discussions on regulations, monetary policy and international financial system.
Required test:
Fabozzi F, Modigliani F, Ferri M G. 2002. Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions. Prentice Hall Solnik B. 2003. International Investments (5th edn). Addision Wesley
Course Assessment:
Mid-Term I 25%
Mid-Term II 25%
(6 out of 8 quizzes *10 / 6) 10%
Final 25%
Assignments 5%
Projects & Presentation 5%
Total 100%
Assessment Cont.
A | 93 -100 | C | 73-76 |
A- | 90-92 | C- | 70-72 |
B+ | 87-89 | C+ | 77-79 |
B | 83-86 | D | 60-66 |
B- | 80-82 | D+ | 67-69 |
F | Below 60 |
Attendance & Participation:
Daily attendance is mandatory. Absent due to extreme situation will be an exception as per faculty’s decision. Students not missing any lecture will receive an attendance bonus of 2% of total grade.
Class make-up:
If due to unavoidable circumstances, any class or lecture is cancelled, students will be informed on a make-up class.
Academic Honesty:
Any academic misconduct will result in a ‘F’ grade.
Overall Policy:
Please consult the NSU code of conduct and guidelines offered by BBA program office.
Midterm 1 (Part 1,2,3)
Midterm 2 (Part 4,5,6)
Final (Part 7,8,9)
1. Active Participation is highly encouraged.
2. Business Newspaper (The Financial Express) should be followed and discussions on important news from the business world will take place in the class.
3. The instructor reserves the right to bring about necessary changes in the content of the course depending on the progress of the class.
Good Luck and have a wonderful semester