Permission for Course Registration with Internship

Permission for Course Registration with Internship

Date: _________________

Mr./Ms.______________________________, ID # ________________________, is a student of the BBA Program of North South University. S/he is enrolled in BUS – 498: Internship in ______________ semester. Since Internship is a full-time assignment, students are not allowed to take any course with Internship. This student wants to take ____________ along with his/her Internship. If permitted, the student will be required to attend classes on _________ and ________ from ________ to _________. The student may be allowed to take the course on your written permission. Please indicate below whether you permit the student to take the course or not.

Sincerely yours,

_________________________                                          __________________________

Dr. A                                                                                                 Signature of Applicant

Professor, School of Business

Director, BBA Program

To be filled in by Company Supervisor

I/we understand that Mr. /Ms. _________________________ will take classes on________________ and ____________from ___________ to ___________. S/he may/may not be permitted to take this course along with Internship because this will

not create disruption at work.

______________________________                        _______________________________

(Name)                                                            (Designation)

______________________________                        _______________________________

(Signature)                                                               (Date)

Note: Please attach your visiting card.