The Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior
Forms of Cultural Learning
Issues in Culture
¨ Enculturation and acculturation
¨ Language and symbols
¨ Ritual
¨ Sharing of Culture
Culture and Advertising
¨ Is it the role of advertising to socialize readers on how to dress, decorate their homes, choose goods and foods for parties, etc?
The Measurement of Culture
¨ Content Analysis
¨ Consumer Fieldwork
¨ Value Measurement Instruments
Characteristics of Field Observation
¨ Takes place within a natural environment
¨ Performed sometimes without the subject’s awareness
¨ Focuses on observation of behavior
Value Measurement Survey Instruments
¨ Rokeach Value Survey (RVS): A self-administered inventory consisting of eighteen “terminal” values (i.e., personal goals) and eighteen “instrumental” values (i.e., ways of reaching personal goals).
¨ List of Values (LOV): A value measurement instrument that asks consumers to identify their two most important values from a nine-value list that is based on the terminal values of the Rokeach Value Survey
¨ Values and Lifestyles (VALS): A value measurement based on two categories: self-definition and resources
Core Values
¨ Achievement and success
¨ Activity
¨ Efficiency and practicality
¨ Progress
¨ Material comfort
¨ Individualism
¨ Freedom
¨ External conformity
¨ Humanitarianism
¨ Youthfulness
¨ Fitness and health