Planning Promotional Campaigns

7 Stages in Promotional Campaign Planning

Planning Promotional Campaigns

n   Target Audience

n   Promotional campaigns affect more than consumers who purchase the product  or service.

n   Suppliers, intermediaries, government, local community, bankers and creditors, media organizations, shareholders, and employees.

n   Research to determine multi-market target audiences is required as firms become more internationally involved.

n   Cause-related marketing

n    Corporate image advertising

Campaign Objectives

Ø       to increase awareness

Ø       to boost sales

Ø       to enhance image

Ø       to improve market share

The Budget

n    The promotional budget links marketing objectives with media, message, and control decisions.

n    Acts as a control mechanism.

Media Strategy

n   Development of media strategy

n  target audience characteristics

n  campaign objectives

n  budget

n   Media vehicle chosen based on

n  media availability in market

n  product or service offered

n  audience media habits

Worldwide Advertising Spending 2002

Product Influences

n   Product advertising restrictions

n  National consumer protection regulations

n  Special rules in certain markets
reflecting local cultural values.

n   Advertiser’s responses

n  Adaptation

n  Corporate image advertising

n  Sports sponsorships

n  Innovation

n  Product placement

Audience Characteristics

n   Strategy is to reach the intended target audience with the minimum of waste.

n   Marketing strategist needs to know

n   Media distribution (number of copies)

n   Media audience composition

n   Advertising exposure

n   Advertising perception

n   Consumer response

Global Media

n   Who advertises in global media?

n  Airline, financial services,
telecommunication, automobile,and tobacco companies

The Promotional Message

n   Know customer habits and motivations: What are consumers really buying and why?

n   Factors in developing the message:

n   Diffusion of the product or service into the market.

n   Criteria on which customers evaluate the product.

n   The product’s positioning.

n   The ideal is to have a world brand.

n   A product that is manufactured, packaged, and positioned the same around the world.

n   Localize international symbols with regional or country area themes and personalities.

The Media Campaign Approach

n   What type of outside services to use?

n   How to establish decision-making authority?

n   Outside services are chosen by their quality of coverage.

n   The value of outside expertise

n   Creative development skills

n   Specialty marketing knowledge

n   Conflict in the use of mega-agencies

n   Conflicts of interest when two competitors are represented by the same agency

Decision-Making Authority

n   Centralized or decentralized
decisions about advertising?

n  Centralization= scale, synergy, consistency

n  Decentralization= proximity, flexibility, sensibility

n   Overall organizational goal to continually improve advertising quality at the local level.

Measuring of Advertising Effectiveness

n   Typical effectiveness-testing techniques

n   Pre-testing of copy appeal and brand recognition.

n   Post-testing of product or brand recognition.

n   Measuring campaign’s impact on sales.

n   Measures

n   Sales increases and sales pattern changes.

n   Increases in consumer awareness and recall.

n   Intention to buy, coupon return.

n   There are no universally accepted parameters of measurement and analysis to compare one country audience to another.

Other Promotional Elements

n   Personal Selling

n   Typically associated big-ticket (high-priced) items such as industrial goods.

n   Proper training is crucial to success.

n   Sales Promotions

n   Couponing, sampling premiums, education and demonstration, point-of-purchase, direct mail.

n   The impact of promotions on intermediaries
must be carefully considered.

n   Varying local regulations may
prevent or limit the types and
use of sales promotions.