Inside of every beautiful person is something better that should be noticed more than their looks illustrate and explain.

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Inside of every beautiful person is something better that should be noticed more than their looks-illustrate & explain.

1. Introduction

Beauty is more than skin deep means a person can be beautiful inside and out. Their personality can shine through and be just as beautiful as your outside looks. It also means that inside of every beautiful person is something better that should be noticed more than their looks. Looks are good but personality is better. Physical attractiveness reveals that we do not assess people and situations in fair and objective ways. What complicates matters is that we often have specific criteria for what qualifies as “physically attractive, yet we are frequently willing to dismiss or modify those criteria in specific situations. Few of us would consider the qualities in this list to be unattractive. Most of us are drawn to these physical features, if only because they are the first thing we perceive when we first encounter someone, and we argue here that they account for the largest proportion of our physical attraction to people. Universally preferred physical features what is physically attractive? Beauty would seem to be wholly subjective, but there is an effective heuristic for answering the question of what is physically attractive, attractiveness is associated with physical and psychological traits that are perceived to be indicators of good physical (and reproductive) health. Clearly there is variation in what specific individuals find personally attractive due to genetic, cultural, historical, psychodynamic and behavioral influences, but experts have noted that people across cultures tend to agree that the following physical qualities make a person physically attractive.

2. Ethical theories and its application:

v Feminist ethics:

According to the feminist ethics theory, ethical problem of ‘Beauty is skin deep’ could be solved easily. We must recognize each persons or the employee’s contribution towards achieving of business goal. So in this sense, we must maintain good relationship internally and externally to avoid any kinds of harm. Each and every one working and contributing in the business organization must be rewarded treated according to their contribution and unbiased situation should be strictly prohibited to maintain good relationship.<href=”#_ftn1″ name=”_ftnref1″ title=””>[1]

Feminist ethics also useful in solving business ethical dilemma which states that the individual deeply embedded in a networking of interpersonal relations. This ethical theories shows that man and woman are different in making ethical decision and solving ethical problems. The values for the feminist ethics are harmony, empathy, community, caring, responsiveness, integration etc. which are essential to maintain relationship and avoiding harm.

v Discourse ethics:

Discourse ethics works efficiently in solving business ethical conflict which applies the theory of real life experiences rather than belief system which could be too diverse. This theory supports the idea of the ultimate goal of ethical issues in business should be the peaceful settlement of conflicts<href=”#_ftn2″ name=”_ftnref2″ title=””>[2]. By achieving the goal, different parties in a conflict should sit together and engage in a discourse about the settlement of the conflict and ultimately provide a solution that is acceptable to all.

So in the case of solving the ethical dilemma of beauty lies in externally or internally, real life experiences could be applied. Which one should be chosen among this two, many factors are to be considered. We have to analyze the situation practically and apply real experiences which suits the best solution to protect the interest of both parties,

v Cognitive moral development theory:

Cognitive moral development theory is the most common theory that is utilized to explain cognitive processes comes from the psychological discipline. Virtually all current models of ethical decision making in business utilize this theory. <href=”#_ftn3″ name=”_ftnref3″ title=””>[3]When to make ethical decision, the individual put emphasize on his/her maturity to solve the ethical dilemma.<href=”#_ftn4″ name=”_ftnref4″ title=””>[4]

In case of the ethical problem of judging the outward beauty in comparison to inner ward beauty, the individual can select the one which perfectly matches his maturity.

a. Level one:

The individual chose the best side to make ethical judgment by applying the knowledge of protecting the self-interest and external rewards and punishments. So whether the beauty is skin deep or not, that depends on the individuals self-interest and external rewards or punishment.

b. Level two:

By applying level two approach, the individual needs to satisfy other, otherwise it can’t bring good to him. So the individual needs to think and analyze which side fills the satisfaction of other to select the external beauty over internal beauty.

c. Level three:

In level three approach, the individual is developing mire autonomous decision making based on principles of rights and justice rather than external influences. It is very natural to judge a side which fulfills the principles of rights and justice and it doesn’t care external influences. So in this case, a person could be rewarded or punished based on the result of his/her actions.

v Personal integrity:

Personal integrity deals with the importance of unity and wholeness, duty of the individual or group and work together to perform responsibilities. <href=”#_ftn5″ name=”_ftnref5″ title=””>[5] An adherence to moral principle means that one maintains a consistency or unity in one’s beliefs and actions, regardless of any inducement or temptation to deviate from them. So this theory says that individual is strongly working what he actually wants to do because it his morality that this must be done, otherwise it will create harm where he works. Consider the example of the whistleblower. If something wrong and injustice happening, he might care the society or the business organization where he works. It may bring worst for him but he never take away himself from his decision. He may sought the help of media and explain what types immoral practices are going on his society or organization. In case of fairness person or normal looking person, if he sees any type of disparity, he must blow the whistle.

v Real life situation:

Physically attractive people used for marketing rather than internal beauty. In spite of that, celebrity are also used for marketing purpose although they are not beautiful. My friends may come to be more physically attractive to us over time. From an evolutionary perspective, this could be adaptive in that friends are strong and reliable, and, therefore, more likely than other people to be good providers for our children. The other part of the explanation here is cognitive; we interpret the fact that we spend so much time with a particular friend as a sign that we are actually physically attracted to them.

People with whom we have experienced something emotional or physically arousing are often perceived as more attractive than they were before such an experience. For instance, if you have just had a really deep “heart -to-heart” with someone, that person may seem more physically attractive to you than s/he was before the conversation. On a more dramatic level, imagine enduring a traumatic situation with someone. As the hours go by, you start to find the other person increasingly physically attractive. This is due not only to the familiarity that results from being next to that person, but also the emotional energy that is created by the situation. More importantly, you come to interpret the physical arousal caused by the situation as a sign that you are actually physically (sexually) attracted to that person.This effect parallels the “bar closing phenomenon”, i.e., having been unable to find a sexual partner who Beauty in business is attractive to us, we suddenly become physically attracted to whichever people are left in the bar at the end of the evening — even if earlier in the evening we did not find them to be particularly attractive at all.<href=”#_ftn6″ name=”_ftnref6″ title=””>[6]

Many governmental agencies have established policies and procedures that ensure people are hired based on their abilities and overall “job fit,” as opposed to superficial characteristics that are deemed irrelevant to job performance. Interested readers can consult resources like the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. Applicant’s physical attractiveness is one characteristic that would be deemed irrelevant to Human Resources and thus is a discriminatory practice. We note that this may not be the case for industries like the entertainment and fashion/modeling industries, where degree of physical attractiveness is inherently valued and promoted as a commodity.<href=”#_ftn7″ name=”_ftnref7″ title=””>[7] Nevertheless, the use of physical attractiveness as the basis of hiring decisions is not the same as using physical attractiveness in responsible and creative ways in business situations.

v Cultural and social influences

Our personal bias based on our reading and understanding of the literature is that cultural and social factors do not influence preferences for physical attractiveness as much as we would like to think. First, there are certain features which people in all cultures find physically attractive. Second, what may look like a unique cultural/social taste for certain types of bodies and faces may be, at bottom, a universal preference that expresses in terms of particular geographic conditions. For instance, men appear to have a universal preference for women whose bodies signal reproductive health.

3. Hypothesis

General people’s subconscious mind are biased with external beauty except they are deeply benefitted or convinced for certain person where internal beauty is eternal. Celebrity people are always attractive either their fairness or virtue but general people are always treated for their external beauty.

4. Data Presentation & Analysis

Total Respondent: 22

Target people: Student & Job holder

Q-1: Realization of beauty differ from age to age.

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree


The realization of beauty varies in different age group which is supported by30 percent of respondent though 25% strongly disagree with them. The main reason for disagreement is that the biasness of age. On the other hand someone remain neutral or remain biased.

Q-2: People who are physically beautiful have some superiority complexity

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree


Physically attractive people are treated better since their childhood which makes them feel to suffer in superiority complexity. Most of the respondent strongly supported that argument which is almost 30 percent. In addition another 20% remain neutral to comment and 25% respondent strongly agree with this.

Q-3: General people think ethics and beauty is synonymous.

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree


Internal beauty means ethics which goes hand in hand and not confined with external beauty. Most of the respondent think about it and 30% of them strongly disagree with this and may be they don’t realize the proper meaning of beauty and ethics.

Q-4: Beauty is related to intelligence

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree


Sometimes beautiful people have a lack of intelligence because they r always concentrate on their physical beauty. So 30 % respondent strongly disagree and said there have no relevance between beauty and intelligence where 25% respondent think that there have some relation. Someone like to be neutral in this which is almost 20%.

Q-5: Do you think your subconscious mind support external/physical beauty?

o Yes

o No

Please explain why:

Chart: 5


The result of my survey and hypothesis support that most of the people inherently biased with external beauty. They subconsci9ously support with their physical appearance which is just about 73 %. On the other hand 27 % of total respondent think differently and more realistic way. They think about the deepness of beauty which is beyond external beauty.

5. Research Findings:

v Physical beauty stops at the inside of the skin, internal beauty, or a person who is good and kind and a lovely person that goes all the way through.

v “Beauty is only skin deep” is pointing out that someone can be quite lovely to look at, and quite unpleasant in personality.

v People who are familiar to us to be more physically attractive than those who are not familiar to us Familiar people seem “safe” and we cannot help but develop some degree of physical attraction towards such people. From an evolutionary sense, it is highly adaptive to form relationships with people with whom we feel safe, as opposed to people with whom we feel anxious, apprehensive or in danger.

v If you are nice on the outside you maybe horrible on the inside and it can go the other way round.

v People who are similar to us in terms of our personal characteristics and attitudes are often seen as more physically attractive as people who are dissimilar to us

v Some women believe that they aren’t beautiful enough because people make them feel ugly now they have plastic surgery to make them think it is going to help them be beautiful, but really all it is doing is hiding their true beauty because everybody is beautiful inside and out no matter what.

v Appearances can be deceptive.

v Beauty is only skin deep means that being beautiful only counts on your physical appearance, which clearly isn’t true. Beauty not only is what’s on the outside but is what is on the inside as well.

v It means that what’s on the inside is what counts, your personality.

v It means that it shouldn’t matter what you look like on the outside, what matters is on the inside, beauty is only the face, the real beauty is the personality

v It basically means that the only thing that should matter about a person is their personality. Not what they look like. Just because they are “beautiful” on the outside doesn’t mean they are on the inside; the way they act.

v Universal physical features account for about 60%of our physical attraction to other people.

v Situational factors (including cultural standards for what is “attractive”) account for about 25%of our physical attraction to other people.

v Intra-individual preferences (based on genes, personal history, psychodynamics and personality traits) account for about 10%of our physical attraction to other people.

v Cultural and social preferences account for a marginal degree of our physical attraction to people, perhaps 5%


People with positive personal qualities are seen as more physically attractive than people with less positive personal qualities. In fact, we may overlook physical imperfections in people whose personal qualities we like. It would stand to reason that if we are exceptionally attracted to someone because of their personal, non-physical traits, then not only will we overlook their physical flaws but we may even find them to be more physically attractive over time. In fact, exceptional personal qualities can make physical features unimportant.

<href=”#_ftnref1″ name=”_ftn1″ title=””>[1] See Discourse ethics aims to solve ethical conflicts by providing a process of norm generation through rational reflection on the real life experience of all relevant participants.

<href=”#_ftnref2″ name=”_ftn2″ title=””>[2] See Feminist ethics is an approach that prioritizes empathy, harmonious and healthy social relationship, care for one another and avoidance of harm above abstract principles. .

<href=”#_ftnref3″ name=”_ftn3″ title=””>[3] See Kohlberg developed CMD theory to explain different reasoning processes that individuals would use to make ethical judgments as they matured through childhood to adulthood.

<href=”#_ftnref4″ name=”_ftn4″ title=””>[4] See Defendants’ characteristics of attractiveness, race, and sex and sentencing decisions. Psychological Reports, 81, 679-683

<href=”#_ftnref5″ name=”_ftn5″ title=””>[5] Integrity is defined as an adherence to moral principles or values.

<href=”#_ftnref6″ name=”_ftn6″ title=””>[6] See Physical attractiveness and subjective well-being. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 69, 120-129.

<href=”#_ftnref7″ name=”_ftn7″ title=””>[7] see Beautiful faces have variable reward value: FMRI and behavioral evidence. Neuron, 32, 537-551.