Award made under an Order of the Court

Award made under an Order of the Court

In the matter of the Arbitration Act


In the matter of Suit No. …………
of ……………

This is the award of the Arbitrator made this …….day of ……… 2000.

Whereas in pursuance of an order of reference dated the……………… day of ……… made by the court in Suit No. ……… of 2000 of the court of ………… etc., the following matters in difference between the above-named AB and CD, namely, etc. (state the matter in difference), were referred to us for arbitration and determination: Now  we the undersigned having heard and examined the parties and considered all allegations and counter-allegations and submissions made against each other and all documents and other evidences produced and laid before us, made our award as follows:

We award ……………

(1) that, etc.

(2) that, etc.

Date:                                                                                                    Arbitrator