Beauty is not necessarily the outer appearance but mostly the inner magnificence illustrate and explain

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Beauty is not necessarily the outer appearance but mostly the inner magnificence -illustrate & explain.


Beauty is the way to find oneself by making its path toward inner peace. Physical beauty is superficial. The recognition of creates an affectionate asylum for the real meaning in daily life. Perceiving beauty, therefore, becomes a mean to experience bliss and reverence, to help to extract generosity and appreciation along the way.

Creative minds have always appreciated and mentioned the traditional thirst of beauty in their creating from the beginning of imagination. Mind’s eye has considered beauty as a part of human enchantment of life. Beauty lies in creation and makes the way to satisfy the craving for beauty. This beauty is not necessarily the outer appearance but mostly the inner magnificence.

A famous poet Ghalib stated:

“This world is nothing more than Beauty’s chance to show Herself.

And what are we? —

Nothing more than Beauty’s chance to see Herself.

For if Beauty were not seeking Herself, we would not exist.

As the famous poet Ghalib mentioned above, we are nothing but a living mirror for the universal expression of beauty.

Today’s business world has redefined beauty in such a way that is exclusive and hard to obtain. This sets up a culture of self-loathing, competition and envy. The true meaning of beauty does not consist any of these. Rather it reflects the idea of being peaceful, respectful and gentle. These are the most effective instrument to overpower anything in the world.

Convictional customs enthuse the outlook on life. They hark back to uncover beauty in creation. It also releases the negative vibes so that beauty can once again ignite heart’s flame. A divine path can connect to the dignity of creation in its outer forms, and to the ethical and munificent responsibilities to uphold creation. This spiritual journey also consents to never lose touch with that inner beauty.<href=”#_ftn1″ name=”_ftnref1″ title=””>[1]

The philosophy of “Walking in Beauty” also supports the idea of preserving and enhancing inside beauty. This means the channel of beauty is that of respect for life and honoring the sacrosanct in everything. It discourages the movement lead by the outward appearances and encourages the inner qualities.

Another saying by the famous Japanese philosopher SoetsuYanagi noted that:

“Even the common articles made for daily use become endowed with beauty when they are loved.”<href=”#_ftn2″ name=”_ftnref2″ title=””>[2]

According to SoetsuYanagi:

The supreme blend of spiritual qualities with divine affection creates the true definition of beauty. It is even observed in every sphere of life where it comes to human. The concept of life partner has derived from the same source where a person is supposed to find most beauty in the one when in love.

In most of the religions the appreciation for beauty is seen widely. This beauty surely signifies the one of mind and asked to perform the graceful activities and practice inside positive virtues to create world peace. In the religion Islam, followers are commanded to do what is beautiful. It reflects the admiration that is hold in the eye of Islam for doing the actions that can bring peace and preach sympathy and co-operation by spreading the good words.<href=”#_ftn3″ name=”_ftnref3″ title=””>[3]

Beauty can startle out of the regular entity. It excites and appeases the soul. Beauty can be received as well as served to others at the same time. This thing gives the pleasure of giving and creates the mystery of life by stimulating inner peace as well. The gratitude for creations comforts the will to spread the creation among others and create a beautiful place with the people around.


“Beauty is a skin deep” – The phrase refers to the outward beauty of a person. Of course, we must realize that a person can be beautiful on the inside. Such a person is often referred to as a ‘lovely’ person. However, when we refer to something beautiful we are usually referring to that something outward appearance. What the phrase tries to emphasize is that the outward appearance of a person counts for nothing, but it is what lies beneath the skin, the actual person him/herself is what really matters.<href=”#_ftn4″ name=”_ftnref4″ title=””>[4]

People often said, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What you might see is beauty but to others is not as beautiful. You could be looking into the beauty of the person internally as they carry an aura of beauty in them that comes off naturally as beautiful. Their kindness, their peaceful nature and confident attitude and many more brings out their inner beauty that surpasses a person who only has the external beauty but deep inside they are not as beautiful, they could be very selfish, arrogant, proud and full of themselves and think they are the most desirable person on earth. This kind of superficial beauty will not last as people will age and grow old.

When a person possesses inner beauty, it comes off naturally and unassuming. They might not have the most gorgeous look but the beauty they held inside it came off when you see them smile , speak and how they treat others with kindness and unspeakable gentleness , you realize how beautiful they are and the beauty inside has made up for the lack of external beauty. A person with a beautiful soul inside will outshines a beautiful person who only has the beauty but doesn’t have a beautiful soul. Thus beauty inside is much more important than superficial beauty outside as it will be able to sustain forever.<href=”#_ftn5″ name=”_ftnref5″ title=””>[5]

Altogether, it can be said that inner beauty is much more valuable than outer beauty. If a person has a good soul then that would be the most valuable thing for him not the look.

Survey findings

In order to complete this research paper I have resorted from both primary and secondary data sources. For the primary data, I have conducted a survey on a sample size of 50 undergraduate university going students from 6 different universities of Bangladesh. The six universities are namely, North South University, East West University, BRAC University, Independent University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology and Dhaka University. Out of these universities only Dhaka University is the only public university while the others are private. From the 50 undergraduate students 28 were males and the rest, 22, were females. The questionnaire used for surveying this sample size had ten questions in it.

As far as secondary data is concerned, I have utilized our book that we follow for our class. Also, there are some journal and articles I have followed for this research. However, the most important and helpful secondary source was the book as it covered a wide range of issues relevant to the topic of my research paper.

Primary Data Presentation & Analysis

1. What comes in your mind when you hear the word “beauty”?

In the illustration above the data from the survey is given in terms of percentage. I asked this question to analyze what percentage of people think of beauty itself. There is several definition of beauty but everyone has different perceptions regarding beauty. This perception developed overtime based on their belief, values and norms. When I asked this this question to the respondents some of them said, beauty should not only concern the outlook but also inner appearance as well.

2. What do you prefer? Inner beauty or outer?

In the illustration above the data from the survey is given in terms of percentage. I added this question in order to find out the insights of inner and outer beauty that people think of. When I asked this question to the respondent, among 50 university student maximum female students preferred inner beauty than outer beauty. Addition to this, they said appearances can be deceptive. And among male students very few said outer beauty matters. This therefore shows that most of the respondents preferred inner beauty than outer beauty.

3. Why?

As most of the respondent replied internal beauty is more important than external. I asked why they think like that. They said, a person cannot be judged by his/her outlook. Anyone can be beautiful but if that person is not loyal then there is no value of being beautiful.

4. “Beauty is skin deep” tell your perception about following statement.

The illustration suggest that most of the university going students including male and female both have the same opinion about this phrase. They recommend beauty is skin deep means being beautiful only counts on your physical appearance, which clearly isn’t true. Beauty not only is what’s on the outside but is what is on the inside as well.

5. Do you think people get special care due to their physical appearance?

In the illustration above the data from the survey is given in terms of percentage. I asked this question to analyze what percentage of people thinks that people get special care due to their physical appearance. Around 57% percent respondent said yes and rest of the respondent says no.

6. If yes, then what kind of special care?

Due to the previous question I added this question to find out the reason behind their answer. When I asked them what kind of special care they meant, some of the respondent said people get extra care like there are some job interviews where female candidate get special care than male candidate.

7. Does physical appearance matter?

I asked this question to analyze whether if there are people for whom physical appearance matters or not. When I asked this question to the respondents, nearly every one replied yes, it does. Around 7-8 students replied for them it does not matter.

8. Does your personality or inner beauty has any effect on your physical appearance?

You can see from the above graph around 70% respondent has given an opinion and other has given another type of opinion. To be more precise, when I asked this question to the respondents around 70% said yes it does not have any particular effect on physical appearance. And rest 30% said it does has some effect on physical appearance.

9. In working life, do you think beauty is an important fact?

In the illustration above the data from the survey is given in terms of percentage. When I asked this question to the respected respondents, 65% of them said yes beauty is an important factor for working life. Then I asked why they think it is important. They informed it depends on the job. For example, in airhostess jobs, for receptionist female candidates are more preferable than men. So in that case beauty is an important factor. Around 35% respondents informed no, it does not matter.

10. What do you seek in your life partner? Quality

I included this question to evaluate that for people what comes first when they think about their life partner. When I asked this question interestingly no one mentioned beauty for their first prior answer. Around 37% said they seek out for personality from a person. About 30% informed they seek outlook. Surprisingly around 26% said they go for money. Rest of 7% informed they seek some other qualities among their life partner which is unlike any other qualities mentioned here.

11. Any Remarks?!

I added this question to perceive an idea that what respondent has to say about this research. And every respondent has given different remarks concerning this research. Each person has a diverse opinion about inner beauty and outer beauty.

Secondary Data Presentation & Analysis

As have been mentioned earlier that three basic genres of secondary data sources have been used in order to carry out this research project. These three sources are mainly the book that we follow for our course. In addition to this I also follow some documentary, some journal articles and online plain articles pertaining to the topic of this paper. In some cases these the sources were directly and indirectly connected to the research topic.

Summary of research findings

After analyzing all the graphical data available I have found that most of the respondent thinks inner beauty is more significant than outer beauty. In every aspect of life, people do not judge individuals on the basis of their look as beauty is both a path toward inner peace and a path into the world. And majority of the respondents that I have selected favor inner beauty more than outer beauty.


Beauty is skin deep because it does not matter what you look like on the outside, it’s who you are on the inside. There’s a saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” same “Don’t judge a person by its cover”. Physical beauty can hide a cold heart and a flawed character. Sometimes really beautiful people are treated like they are special till they come to believe they are better than others. External attractiveness has no relation to goodness or essential quality. This maxim was first stated by Sir Thomas Overbury in his poem “A Wife” (1613): “All the carnal beauty of my wife is but skin-deep.” The real eternal person is a soul, a spirit. The body is only a vehicle for the soul to dwell in for a time. A very gorgeous body may hide a very awful person. Actions speak louder than words. However, I want to add that Inner beauty and outer has own their world of useful. If a person has inner and outer beauty, he/she is a perfect person. We should discuss and show the true beauty to each other. We should look deeper in our self to find out is it true? As Buddha said “You should look at your peer such as a living Skeleton.” Buddha was a king; he left his kingdom to be a monk. He wanted to find out the topnotch of inner beauty.


v McDowell C. F. Peace of Heart, Peace of Mind: The Virtue of BEAUTY Retrieved from

Data retrieved from

v Tung C. (2008), “Beauty is Goodness, Goodness Beauty”:

Shelley’s “Awful Shadow” and “Ethical Sublime”

v Jung, Sandro. “Overcoming Tyranny: Love, Truth and Meaning in Shelley’s

Prometheus Unbound.” The Keats-Shelley Review. No. 20 (2006), 89-101.

v Overbury T. (1613): Retrieved from The book : “A Wife”

v Data Retrieved from:

v Data Retrieved from:

v Data Retrieved from: not-skin-deep/

v Data Retrieved from:



University: Public / Private Sex: Male / Female

1. What comes in your mind when you hear the word “beauty”?



2. What do you prefer?

· Inner beauty

· Outer beauty

3. Why?


4. “Beauty is skin deep” tell your perception about following statement.


5. Do you think people get special care due to their physical appearance?

· Yes

· No

6. If yes, then what kind of special care?


7. Does physical appearance matter?

· Yes

· No

8. Does your personality or inner beauty has any effect on your physical appearance?

· Yes

· No

9. In working life, do you think beauty is an important fact?

• Yes

• No

10. What do you seek in your life partner?

(5 being the best, 1 being the worst)

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

11. Any Remarks.


<href=”#_ftnref1″ name=”_ftn1″ title=””>[1] Data Retrieved from:

<href=”#_ftnref2″ name=”_ftn2″ title=””>[2]Overbury T. (1613): Retrieved from The book : “A Wife”

<href=”#_ftnref3″ name=”_ftn3″ title=””>[3] Data Retrieved from: not-skin-deep/

<href=”#_ftnref4″ name=”_ftn4″ title=””>[4] Data Retrieved from:

<href=”#_ftnref5″ name=”_ftn5″ title=””>[5]Data Retrieved from: Jung, Sandro. “Overcoming Tyranny: Love, Truth and Meaning in Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound.” The Keats-Shelley Review. No. 20 (2006), 89-101.