Workplace bullying is against work health and safety laws in South Australia. For more information about what is and what is not bullying and to make a complaint about workplace bullying in South Australia see Safework SA’s page on bullying.

The Fair Work Commission also has the ability to take and deal with workplace bullying complaints from most workers (not State government employees or some local government employees). See the Fair Work Commission’s anti-bullying page for details about the complaint making process and what can be done. From 11 November 2021, the stop-bullying jurisdiction of the Fair Work Commission will be expanded to include orders to stop sexual harassment at work, where there is a risk of future harm.

Workers are covered by these anti-bullying laws, rather than only employees, the definition of who is a worker is broader than who is an employee and includes other workers such as volunteers, contractors, sub-contractors, out-workers, labour hire workers, trainees, work experience students and trainees.