
It is found from the record that in spite of service of summons the respondent has not entered appearance and contested the suit. The petitioner on the other hand has proved her case for dissolution of her marriage with the respondent on the ground of adultery coupled with cruelty. It is also found that no collusion or connivance exists between the petitioner and the respondent with regard to the subject matter of the suit namely, the dissolution of their marriage. Moreover, since the respondent after being served with the summons has not contested the suit, the averments of the petitioner have been proved by the evidence on
record. Since the two minor children are in custody of the petitioner and living with her ever since she left the matrimonial home, I consider it to be in the best interest of the children that they should continue to remain in the custody of the petitioner unless the respondent can show any valid reason why they should not continue to remain in the custody of the petitioner-petitioner’s case proved. Decree Nisi be issued.

Ms. Christine Charmine Cholet Vs. Darryl Thomas Cholet 8 BLT (HCD)-337.