Partnership Act, 1932


Act, 1932

(IX OF 1932)



view of the provision of section 42(c) of the Act, the defendant-respondent No.
1, the partnership firm has also been dissolved automatically by operation of
law and became non-existent with the death of its partners.

the appellant has brought the instant appeal against the dead persons as
defendant-respondent Nos. 2 to 4 and 6 and also against the dissolved and
non-existent defendant-respondent No. 1, and in that view of the matter, the
appeal is also not maintainable.

Pubali Bank
Ltd Vs MIs. Sultana Oil Mills and Soap Factory and others, 19 BLD(HCD)249

PLD 1966 (Karachi)55; 27 DLR (Dhaka) 200; PLD 1966 (Lahore)1; 27 DLR (Dhaka)
523; 7DLR 134; Pubali Bank Ltd. Vs. M/s. Santania Iron and Steel Industries and
another, Civil Petition For Leave To Appeal No. 644 of 1994 (unreported)—Cited.