Report on robi HRM
1. Introduction
Human Resource is a basic need of any work to be done. According to ARTHUR LEWIS:
“There are great differences in development between countries which seem to have roughly equal resources, so it is necessary to enquire into the difference in human behaviors”.
The project report is all about recruitment and selection process that’s an important part of any organization.
Recruitment highlights each applicant’s skills, talents and experience. Their selection involves developing a list of qualified candidates, defining a selection strategy, identifying qualified candidates, thoroughly evaluating qualified candidates and selecting the most qualified candidate.
It is said if right person is appointed at right place the half work has been done. In this project I have tried to cover all the important point that should be kept in mind while recruitment and selection process and have conducted a research study through a questionnaire that I got it filled with all the sales managers of the Robi Axiata Ltd. and tried to find out which methods and various other information related to recruitment and selection and tries to come to a conclusion at what time mostly the manpower planning is don’t , what the various method used for recruiting the candidates and on what basic the selections is done.
Robi has a well-articulated equal opportunity policy, which lays strong emphasis on hiring of individuals irrespective of age, race, caste or gender as a best practice in recruitment.
1.1 Background of the Study:
There is no doubt that the world of work is rapidly changing. As part of an organization then, HRM must be equipped to deal with the effects of the changing world of work. For them this means understanding the implications of globalization, technology changes, workforce diversity. Changing skill requirements, continuous improvement initiatives contingent workforce, decentralized work sites and employee involvement are the issue for confront.
Now it is a big challenge for the HRM to support the organization by providing the best personnel for the suitable position in the shortest possible time. Starting with recognizing the vacancies and planning for them is a great task. Moreover selecting attracting the suitable candidates selecting the best person in time is a challenge.
The cost of the recruitment is significant. So, proper planning and formulate those plan is the task that require more focus and improvement. Equal opportunity and sourcing is also a vital part. Realizing this need we tried to find the difference and similarities between theoretical aspects with the practical steps taken by the company. I took an attempt to demonstrate the feature for the further improvement.
1.3 Objectives:
The objective of the report can be viewed in two forms:
· General Objective.
· Specific Objective
General Objective:
This dissertation report is prepared primarily to fulfill the Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A) degree requirement under the ASA University Bangladesh.
Specific Objective:
More specifically, this study entails the following aspects:
1. To study the recruitment and selection procedure followed in Robi Axiata Ltd.
2: To study the various sources of recruitment followed in Robi Axiata Ltd.
3: To learn what is the process of recruitment and selection that should be followed.
4: To search or headhunt people whose skill fits into the company’s values.
1.4 Scope of the Research:
The report deals with the recruitment and selection process in terms of theoretical point of view and the practical use. The study will allow learning about the recruitment and selection issues, importance, modern techniques and models used to make it more efficient. The study will help to learn the practical procedures followed by the leading organizations. Moreover the study will help to differentiate between the practice and the theories that direct to realize how the organization can improve their recruitment and selection process.
1.6 Research Methodology:
The study is conducted in a systematic procedure starting from selection of the topic to final report preparation. The integral part was to identify and collect data; they were classified, analyzed, interpreted and presented in a systematic manner to find the vital points. The overall process of methodology followed in the study is explained further.
1.7 Selection of the Topic:
The supervisor assigned the topic of the study. Before the topic was assigned it was thoroughly discussed so that, a well-organized dissertation report can be prepared.
1.8 Data Collection:
Primary Data:
Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to branch manager and other sales manager. The questionnaires were carefully designed by taking into account the parameters of my study.
Secondary Data:
Data was collected from books, magazines, web sites, going through the records of the organization, etc. It is the data which has been collected by individual or someone else for the purpose of other than those of our particular research study. Or in other words we can say that secondary data is the data used previously for the analysis and the results are undertaken for the next process.
Company Overview
This chapter emphasizes on the historical background of the company under study, overview of the company, their product and services, customer base and market condition of Robi Axiata Limited.
2.1 Historical Background of the Company:
Robi Axiata Limited is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solution provider. It is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. Robi Axiata Limited, formerly known as Telecom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced its operation in 1997 under the brand name Aktel among the pioneer GSM mobile telecommunications service providers in Bangladesh. Later, on 28th March, 2010 the company started its new journey with the brand name Robi.
Robi is truly a people-oriented brand of Bangladesh. Robi, the people’s champion, is there for the people of Bangladesh, where they want and the way they want. Having the local tradition at its core Robi marches ahead with innovation and creativity.
To ensure leading-edge technology, Robi has the international expertise of Axiata and NTT DOCOMO INC. It supports 2G voices, CAMEL Phase II & III and GPRS/EDGE service with high-speed Internet connectivity. Its GSM service is based on a robust network architecture and cutting edge technology such as Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind solutions in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage and multiple global partners for international roaming. It has the widest International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 550 operators across 205 countries. Its customer centric solution includes value added services (VAS), quality customer care, easy access call centers, digital network security and flexible tariff rates.
With its strengths and competencies developed over the years, Robi aims to provide the best quality service experience in terms of coverage and connectivity to its customers all over Bangladesh. Together with its unique ability to develop local insights, Robi creates distinct services with local flavor to remain close to the hearts of its customer.
To be a leader as a Telecommunication Service Provider in Bangladesh.
Robi aims to achieve its vision through being number ‘one’ not only in terms of market share, but also by being an employer of choice with up-to-date knowledge and products geared to address the ever changing needs of our budding nation.
2.2 Objective of the Company:
Robi Axiata Limited started its commercial operations as a GSM cellular phone operator with the objective of offering state-of-the-art and modern telecommunication services to the people of Bangladesh at competitive prices.
2.3 Purpose and Principles of the Company:
“ is unique. Our new brand is people-centric. We exist because of them. Anything is now possible. Any new idea is appreciated no matter where it comes from within the organization. It is all in our own hands now.”
To help people understand the idea mentioned above, the company described the new brand in terms of purpose and principles.
The purpose statement is their ambition for future, to set a common direction for new brand, a framework for all their strategic planning.
Robi’s purpose is also to empower their customers.
They claim that, “We are there for you, where you want and in the way you want, in order to help you develop, grow and make the most of your lives through our services.”
The new brand is here to help people to empower and enable themselves to make a better life.
They also believe that, “We will keep our promises and deliver. We will innovate, execute fresh ideas and, as a nationwide organization, we will be respectful of our customers and stakeholders.”
Principle statements define how people want to behave with each other in the organization. The statements are about how the organization will value customers, suppliers, and the internal Community.
Robi also believes that no matter what they do to realize their purpose, they hold themselves accountable to the following Guiding Principles that the way for them. They are as follows:
1. being respectful towards everyone.
2. being trustworthy by action. Being passionate and creative in all we do.
3. Keeping things simple in the way we do things.
4. being ethical and transparent.
5. Demonstrating individual and collective ownership.
6. Practicing an open culture in communication and internal
Emotional: Passionate, Creative, Respectful, and Open
Functional: Simple, Ethical, Transparent, and Ownership
2.4 Logo and Visual Language:
At the heart of the new brand is their new logo . It is a symbol of balance, movement and change.
2.4.1 Usage of Brand Signature (Logo):
· Their logo should always appear in Bengali.
· Special authorization is required if logo is presented in English.
· When writing in English (Roman) text, it should be written as “Robi”.
2.4.2 Usage of Alpona:
The Alpona is one of the most creative expressions of Bengali graphic arts.
Robi’s Alpona motif is uniquely created, especially for them. Taken from a very traditional ceremonial form and tidied up to look more contemporary- the Alpona is vibrant and modern. It has a very organic soft feel to it whilst providing a forward moving direction- one of positivity and focus. The lack of sharp points and use of large curves provides a feeling of warmth and friendliness.
2.5 Product and Services:
Robi offers an array of different packages. In addition to offering the fundamental pre-paid and post-paid mobile services, it offers a wide range of value- added products and services such as, SMS, GPRS, EDGE, International Roaming SMS banking, Caller Ring Back Tone, MMS, Voice Greetings, Call Blocking on 4 August 2008, which give subscriber to control which call he or she receive or not and Bengali SMS. Robi has got the widest International Roaming coverage among all the operators in Bangladesh.
Robi has 20 Customer Care Centers and 430 Robi Care Points in 64 districts all over the country. Robi has over 25,000 retail selling points along with 100,000-voucher sales point all over Bangladesh.
2.5.1 Prepaid:
Robi Prepaid has everything to offer; a single package that delivers simplicity and flexibility at the same time. Robi Prepaid is continuously adding new features and plans to provide absolute freedom to the customers. Robi has the single prepaid package with the best rates in the market. Moreover, there are different tariff plans in one package to meet different types of needs of customers. There are instant, easy & multiple migration facility from one tariff plan to another. A customer can have 5 FnF to any operator mobile with one Robi partner facility. There is full BTCL connectivity with FREE BTCL incoming. There is extended and simplified refill validity for ease and freedom. Moreover, there is nationwide EasyLoad facility and high-speed internet connectivity all available Value Added Services (e.g. SMS, MMS, GoonGoon, ringtone, wallpaper, games, and animation download) are available in the service. Customers can recharge their Robi Prepaid by using scratch cards and Easy Load facilities.
2.5.2 Postpaid:
Robi also offers post-paid service; along with the various packages. Robi Push Mail is a secure, reliable and feature rich email solution at price customers can afford. Now, customers can work as if at their desktop from anywhere. Customers can know their bill information through Web Bill, E-Bill, SMS, USSD and Customer Care Center.
Customers can pay their bills by following:
· Scratch Card Auto Debit Easy load Bank
· Customer Care Center
2.5.3 Services:
Supplementary services:
· Call Waiting and Call Holding
· Call Forwarding
· Call Conferencing
· National Roaming-Both ways
· Dedicated Customer Services
· Music
· Entertainment
· Downloads
· Internet & Data Services
· Messaging
· Community & Chat
· Information & Services
· Mobile Assistance
· Education & Career
· Islamic Info
· Lifestyle
· M-Ticket
· Finance
· Balance Transfer Request
· Call Management etc
2.6 Market Position and Customer Base:
Robi, formerly known as AKTEL, owned by Axiata (Bangladesh) Ltd, remained in the third position with 11.10 million customers. It added 2.25 million subscribers in last one year raising the total number of its customers to 11.10 millions. But when revenue is concerned, Robi has a lot of valuable customers who are keeping Robi at second position.
2.7 Chain of Command
The organization is headed by its Chief Executive designated as the Managing Director entrusted with overall responsibilities of business direction of the organization and leading dynamically towards the attainment of its Vision, Mission and Goal. In attaining the above mission, the MD is assisted by 4 general managers Robi Axiata Ltd. has established a strong and formidable sales channel, which consists of direct dealers and its own sales force.
2.8 Divisions & Departments of Robi Axiata Ltd.
Robi is operating with following Divisions / Departments having its establishment in different locations at Dhaka, Chittagong and other regions of Bangladesh.
Robi has following divisions and departments:
· Finance Division
· Commercial Division
· Information Technology Division
· Technical Division
· Human Resources Division
· Revenue Assurance Department
· Regulatory Affairs Department
· Internal Audit Department
· Corporate Affairs Department
· Corporate Strategy Department
· Supply Chain Management Department
· Credit Control Department
· Legal & Compliance Department
· Security & Safety Department
· MD’s/CEO’s Office
o Functions of Various Departments:
Marketing Division
Marketing Strategies:
RAX always wants to achieve the desired sales growth and customer base. RAX wants to encourage the existing customers to use more of their services. They launched a package called “Robi EID DOUBLE BONUS” which was one of their successful initiatives for obtaining potential customers.
Product Positioning
Initially RAX’s target was to reach the top, but other mobile operators are also targeting to the grass roots level and thus increasing their customer base. RAX wants to be the leader with good quality and designing products for the middle and lower middle class range too.
Marketing division constitutes seven units. A brief description of each unit is given below:
· Brand and A&P:
Brand and A&P denotes to brand and advertising & promotion. This unit deals with the overall brand management and promotion activities of the company. The unit covers both outdoor (billboards, road-overhead etc.) media and indoor (print & electronic) media.
· Product Development:
Product development unit is like the R&D unit of a company, which is responsible for developing new products and services. This unit is closely related to the marketing research unit.
· International Roaming:
International roaming (IR) unit is basically responsible for ISD, international SMS etc services. The core task of this unit is to negotiate with foreign telecommunication companies and to expand the international coverage by making deals with them.
· Corporate Sales:
Corporate sales unit deals with the sales of products and services to other companies. The unit makes agreements with different companies to be the corporate clients of Robi and only handle the corporate level sales.
· Direct Sales:
Direct sales unit is responsible for the sales of products and services to the mass customers through the customer service centers.
· Dealer Management:
Dealer management unit oversees the dealers of the company around the country.
· Information Technology Division:
IT division constitutes seven units and they closely work together.
· Value Added Services (VAS)
Value added service is a unit that implements the developed concepts and ideas of the marketing division. This handles the VAS content providers who are the third party to the company.
· Billing:
The billing unit is responsible for processing and monitoring the billing systems for the postpaid users. The unit has a manager who reports to the AGM of IT.
· Rating (postpaid)
This unit is responsible for charging the rates of postpaid services. The unit fixes per-minute and pulse rates and also fix the pulse durations. It has changes the rates on demand basis.
· Prepaid:
This unit only deals with the prepaid service. It administers the e-fill and scratch card systems. At the same time, it fixes per-minute and pulse rates and fix the pulse durations.
· Product Configuration:
This unit is responsible for designing and developing products and services. It develops the blueprints of the product design.
· Billing Operation Team:
Billing operation team is responsible for administering the entire billing process and developing required software for collecting bills from postpaid users.
· Customer Relation Management (CRM):
This unit supplies required software to the customer care centers and work with these centers side by side. The centers usually inform CRM concerning their necessaries and the unit prepares suitable software for them.
Finance Division:
Financial division has eight units dealing with financial matters of the company.
· Treasury Management:
Corporate finance unit consists of the treasury management and L/C. Treasury management deals with the inflow and outflow of the company, whereas L/C (letter of credit) deals with the L/C opening banks and other foreign banks.
· Accounts Payable:
This unit keeps track on the accounts payable of the company.
· Accounts Receivable:
This unit keeps track on the accounts receivable s of the company while preparing the balance sheet. As Axiata is a large company with thousands of financial transactions every day, a unit to keep track on the accounts is necessary.
· Core: Account:
Core account is an important unit of the finance division dealing with the budget and fixed assets. The annual budget of various departments is prepared under the close observation of this unit.
· Revenue Assurance:
Revenue assurance unit consists of the revenue assurance and fraud management. Revenue assurance monitors the transactions and assures all protection of the finances. On the other hand, fraud management protects the fraudulences take place in the daily transactions.
· Taxation:
Taxation unit takes care of the tax, VAT and tariffs of the company.
· Reporting unit:
The reporting unit reports the entire financial transactions Axiata to the parent company.
· Costing:
This unit forecasts the costing of different departments and resorts them regarding the expected expenditure of any alternation.
Technical Division:
The technical division consists of three major units- planning, infrastructure, and property management.
· Planning:
The planning unit makes plans regarding the technical matters such as the RF, SWITCH etc. They assure the proper placement of technical devices and equipments.
· Infrastructure:
The infrastructure unit selects the locations and builds the base transceiver station (BTS) towers. They are also responsible for the maintenance of the towers.
· Property Management:
The property management unit manages the technical equipments and assets.
Human Resources Division:
Human resource department is responsible for the recruitment and training of the employees of the company. They also monitor the performance and handle the promotion and salary related matters. They also administer the regulations of the company.
Corporate Strategy Department:
The corporate strategy department determines the long term strategies and short term plans. All the corporate level policies come from them and they are also responsible for the implementation.
Corporate Affairs Department:
The corporate affairs department is responsible for the internal and external synchronization. At on hand, they coordinate with outside companies. Along with that, they harmonize among the divisions and departments inside the company.
The Company in Bangladesh
The way Robi Axiata Ltd. Defines Business
Robi Axiata Ltd. is the Digital Cellular Telephony Business. With a technological development in future, Robi Axiata Ltd. will adopt any cost effective and more efficient technology to provide state of the art and comprehensive service to its customers.
Axiata’s vision is to continuously monitor its customer’s needs and to plan accordingly. It will monitor the development of technology and updated self to meet customer demand.
Long-Term Vision of the Company:
Robi strongly believes that subscribers are their most valuable assets. They have a strong Customer Service Center. To always be with their customers the Robi “Help Line’ is there. Robi has successfully migrated to a new switch with higher capacities in terms of accommodating higher customer base and as well as to let them use all the basic supplementary services under GSM technology. Robi Axiata Ltd. expertise and experience are acknowledged throughout the industry. Demand is growing all the time, not simply for the services it already provides, but for greater and more diversified services and even higher quality performance. Its pace is fast, rewards are high and work is of constant challenge. They introduced the both-way national roaming all through their network coverage. The Prepaid services with enhanced features have been commercially commenced successfully and now they are taking some projects to accumulate more advanced technological features in their network. In terms of Network Quality, the company will ensure not only the equipment are of world class standard but more importantly its size or capacity is catered to the right dimensioning of customer base, in order not to face the problems of drop calls or congestion. All these are done through proper planning, control and schedule maintenance program. They maintain the benchmark for providing the quality services. They monitor these through generating regular reports and on site survey. If there are any weak signals or a call drops, the skilled engineers are providing services round the clock to resolve the problem instantly. The most important key resource factor in Robi Axiata Ltd. (Robi) is its efficient human resource. Moreover, its decisions are based on facts from market research and coverage survey. Moreover, the above objectives can only be achieved through the right people. Robi has put its keen eyes in developing its employees through proper training, as they believe that the most important asset for Robi Axiata Ltd. (Robi) is its staff members. So they are ensuring quality services by quality people. Axiata has the plan to give opportunity to every household in using cellular service in the country at the competitive price providing unparalleled quality service and customer care. In achieving this goal,
They can’t wait for more interconnection facilities with the fixed network. Robi is planning to enforce their strong efforts to create their own independent network. They have already started the Dhaka-Chittagong Robi backbone. The future plan is to vigorously expand the network, which was called cell to cell expansion, covering almost all the regions of Bangladesh within the year 2005.
The Marketing Activities of Robi Axiata Ltd.
Advertisement and Promotion:
Robi GSM are trying to convert non users to mobile phone users stressing the benefit of GSM services, and with the service benefit of Robi that will make their life easier. To serve the market more accurately their target market will be further segmented based on psychographics and business sites. They strive to develop a better product will be a continuous process. Conducting of market research will be held every 3 months. They will use their import to develop new products based on the data they will get from survey. Thus the product will be designed to meet the customers need. Robi has a wide variety of promotional activities. The promotional activities include T.V., radio, newspapers, magazines, flyers, brochures, etc. Robi has also put up billboards at certain strategic locations in order to attract customers as well as give their products and services a boost so that they can increase their customer base. Robi branding has been carried in order to bring about its brand awareness. They are trying to identify Robi as a unique product so that it can be differentiated from its competitors. Billboards are there to attract attention and appeal to customers so that they are aware of Robi’s products and services. Mostly billboards have been put on main roads and some major shopping centers around Dhaka city like Eastern Plaza, where mostly the younger generation hang out. This in turn would attract that segment of customers within a specific age group, i.e. teenagers and people in their early twenties, as this generation has the urge to communicate frequently and be up-to-date on recent events.
Thus, by promoting their products and services through these various media, electronic as well as press advertisements, Robi can well be in the way of obtaining it’s vision and so resulting in a higher subscriber base and in turn a higher potential market share. The Commercial Division distributes leaflets or brochures so those new customers can find out information about Robi’s various packages and choose from among them.
Company Achievements:
· Robi has been conferred the prestigious Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific ICT Award 2010 for ‘Emerging Market Service Provider of the Year’
· Awarded the prestigious fund grant from GSMA MMU (Mobile Money for the Unbanked) in 2009
· Crossing 10 million subscribers mark in 2009
· Ranked within top 6 global comparable telcos in A.T. Kearney benchmarking exercise in 2009.
· Cost optimization project saved 2 times of what was projected.
· The weekly Financial Mirror Samsung Mobile & Robintex Business Award 2008-2009 as the best Telecommunication Company.
· TeleLink Telecommunication Award 2007 for its excellence in service, corporate social responsibilities and dealership management for the year 2006 in commemoration of World Telecommunication Day 2007
· Arthakantha Business Award given by the national fortnightly business magazine of Bangladesh for its excellence in Service in telecom sector.
· Financial Mirror Businessmen Award given by the national weekly Tabloid business magazine
· Deshbandhu C. R. Das Gold Medal for contribution to telecom sector in Bangladesh.
· Beautification Award for exceptional contribution to the Dhaka Metropolitan City from Prime Minster Office on 13th SAARC summit.
· Standard Chartered-Financial Express Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2006 for contribution in Education, Primary Health, Poverty Alleviation and Ecological Impact.
· Desher Kagoj Business Award 2006 for corporate social responsibilities activities.
2.9 Corporate Social Responsibilities:
Robi Axiata Ltd. is always committed to the society. In fact, 2005 & 2006 were a year of exploration into Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Robi Axiata Ltd. To actively identify and start establishing Robi Axiata Ltd. as a concerned entity devoted to the development of many social interests throughout greater Bangladesh based on four core values. There are enlightened through education, Assure better health, Protect environment and Fight with poverty. In recognition of its CSR effort, Robi Axiata Ltd. is the first among all mobile phone operators to win prestigious “Standard Chartered-Financial Express Corporate Social Responsibility Award-2006”.
Robi Axiata Ltd. believes education platform remains the main focus to develop a nation. To ensure an early jump into technology and intellectual transfer, Robi Axiata Ltd. has established a tradition of providing scholarships every year to three individuals to complete their higher studies in Multimedia University in Cyberjaya, Malaysia. To provide a world-class teaching and learning resources for Bangladeshi professionals, Robi Axiata Ltd. joint hand with Chittagong Skills Development Center (CSDC), Underprivileged Children’s Education Programs (UCEP-Bangladesh), etc. Robi Axiata Ltd. also aims to identify and supports indeed those in need of basic infrastructure to practice the fundamentals of Islam. This contribution goes in building orphanages and renovations of mosques all across the Bangladesh. To improve living condition of distressed people; Robi Axiata Ltd. has always
been providing support to them. As a shared concern with the society at large, Robi Axiata Ltd. also focused towards the roaming street children found throughout Bangladesh. Not only with Robi Axiata Ltd. continue its thrust towards identifying & involving itself with more avenues for CSR activities, it encourages the fellow enterprise of Bangladesh to participate in such activities on a regular basis. By becoming more aware of living & social community, Robi Axiata Ltd. can certainly see so many areas to be involved in. Only through concerted efforts of the private sector, there will be emerged a socially responsible collective consciousness.
CSR Highlights:
· Robi organized ‘Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh’ contest (Wednesday March 31, 2010)
· Robi initiates health camp at Rangpur for underprivileged women (Wednesday March 07, 2010)
· Robi Axiata Ltd. pledge for ‘Healthy Women, Healthy Family’ (Sunday March 08, 2010)
· Robi Axiata Ltd. stands beside the visually impaired people of the society (February 28, 2010)
· Robi Axiata Ltd. donates sewing machines for the underprivileged women (January 31, 2010)
· Robi stood beside the cold affected people of Northern region.
· Robi Axiata Ltd. & The Daily Star have jointly initiated English in Schools (EIS), a language learning program to promote English language learning at secondary schools across the country.
· Robi Axiata Ltd. was besides the cold affected underprivileged people of the city.
· Robi Axiata Ltd. stands besides SOMA
· Robi Axiata Ltd. had taken various initiatives in Bishwa Estema 2008
· Robi Axiata Ltd. organized debate championship 2008 in Chittagong.
· Robi Axiata Ltd. joined hands with SEID trust rehabilitate children with disabilities especially intellectual and multiple disabilities into mainstream society and to facilitate activities directed towards ensuring the rights of such children.
2.10 Key Success Factors:
Company’s key success factors are their means to prosper in the market place. KSF includes product attributes, competencies, and market achievements with the greatest impact on future competitive success in the market.
Key Success factors of Robi are listed in the following figure.
Technology Related KSFs. |
Infrastructure and Network Related KSFs |
§ Technological Innovation: Robi is the 1st Bangla SMS Service Provider in the market. |
§ Strong Infrastructure and Wide Network Coverage. Robi provides network coverage in 61 permitted districts of Bangladesh. |
ü Better Product Quality and Broad Product Line. E.g. prepaid, post paid, mobile-to-mobile, International roaming
ü Faster and Efficient Customer Service e.g. 24 hours helps line, customer service centers, etc. |
§ Strong network of dealers/ wholesale retailers, like, Robi Customer Care Centers, Robi Touch Points etc. |
Marketing Related KSFs |
Distribution Related KSFs. |
Expert, motivated and talented workforce to provide professional
ü Better customer service ü Faster Delivery time capability. ü Supply Chain Management Capabilities |
Skills and Capabilities Related KSFs |
Financial KSFs |
§ Strong Balance Sheet to be able to invest in infrastructure and network.
§ Low cost provider to be able to cut price and match competitors |
2.11 Organization Structure:
The organization is headed by its Chief Executive designated as the Managing Director entrusted with overall responsibilities of business direction of the organization and leading dynamically towards the attainment of its purpose and principles. In attaining the purpose and principles, the Chief Financial Officer, General Managers & department Heads assists the MD. Robi has established a strong and formidable sales channel, which consists of direct dealers and its own sales force.
Internal Audit |
Managing Director |
Company Secretary |
Chief Financial Officer |
Chief Operating Officer |
Technical |
IT |
Sales |
Finance |
Corporate Strategy |
Marketing |
HR |
Customer Services |
Regional Director, Chittagong |
Coordination & Regulatory |
Corporate Affairs |
The organization has an executive committee, which includes Chairman, Directors, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and other General Managers. Robi Axiata Limited consists of many departments and divisions.
3.1 Meaning of Human Resource Management:
Human Resource plays a crucial role in the development process of the modern economics.
ARTHUR LEWIS observed…….
“There are great differences in development between countries which seem to have roughly equal resources, so it is necessary to enquire into the difference in human behaviors”
Human resource management is the management of employee’s skill, knowledge abilities, talent, aptitude, creativity, ability etc. different terms are used for denoting Human Resource Management. They are labor management, labor administration, labor management relationship, employee –employer relationship, industrial relationship, human capital management, human assent management etc. Though these terms can be used differently widely, the basic nature of distinction lies in the scope or coverage and evolutionary stage. In simple sense, human resource management means employing people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements.
3.2 Functions of Human Resource Management:
Strategic planning, organizational evaluation, County Board relations, policy recommendations, supervision of department staff etc.
Health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement benefits, vacation, sick leave, paid holidays, section 125 plan, donor program, educational incentive, uniform allowance and others.
Salary and benefit surveys, job evaluation, job descriptions evaluation, job description.
Employee Relations:
Disciplinary processes, incident investigations, complaint/grievance procedures, labor-management relations.
Employee Services:
Enrollment in benefits, employee discounts for recreational spots, resolution of enrollment or claim problems, employee newsletter, Educational assistance, employee service award.
Staffing budgets, departmental budget, accounts payable, insurance receivables, insurance fund management, total package costing.
Health and Safety:
Employee assistance, workers compensation claims, drug testing, safety compliance and training.
Leaves of Absence:
State and/or Federal Family and Medical Leave rights, County approved leaves of absence, rights upon return to work, light duty assignments for temporary periods.
Payroll Administration:
Computer-based or manual evaluation systems, supervisory training, compliance with timeliness standards.
Performance Appraisal:
Employee files, litigation files, payroll records, safety records and other administrative files.
Job posting, advertising, testing administration, employment interviews, background investigations, post-offer employment testing.
Recruitment is defined as a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures fir meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ to employ effective measures for attracting the manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an effective workforce.
After identifying the sources of human resources, searching for prospective employees and stimulation helps to apply for jobs in an organization, the management has to perform the function of selecting the right man at right job and at the right time.
Separations and Terminations:
Rights upon termination of employment, severance benefits, unemployment compensation, exit interviews.
Training and Development:
County-wide needs assessment, development of supervisory and management skills, employee training and workshops, Benefits orientation for new and transferring employees, Supervisory newsletter.
Salary and Benefits:
Salary/wage plans, employee benefits.
3.3 Importance of Human Resource Management:
1: Attract highly qualified and competent people.
2: Ensure that’s the selected candidate stays longer with the company.
3: Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit.
4: Helps the organization to create more culturally diverse workforce.
Whereas, the poor quality of selection means extra cost on training and supervision. Furthermore, when recruitment fails to meet organizational needs for talent, a typically response is to raise entry level pay scales. This can distort traditional wages and salary relationship in organization, resulting in unavoidable consequences. Thus the effectiveness of the recruitment process can play a major role in determining the resources that must be expended on other HR activates and their ultimate success.
3.4 Scope of HRM at Organizational Level:
Human Resource of employers, experts of other organization. |
HR that affects the employees positively. |
HR that affects the employees. negatively. |
Core of organizational Human resource i.e of all employees at all levels in an organizations. |
3.5 Human Resource department at Robi Axiata Limited:
3.6 Human Resource Development:
This department looks after the needs and Requirement the present employees. This Department includes number of function which is as Follows:
1. Training and Development –it includes technical, soft skills and process related to training.
2. Process and policies –it contains all the rule and regulations that need to be followed by the employees.
3: Appraisal and increment– it is in the formal feedback to the employees about their performance and the conduct of work.
4: Induction-involves the information to the new employees about the company, job, departments etc.
5: Motivational activities and entertainment– involves motivating the employees to improve their productivity.
6: Roles and responsibilities-that every individual employee needs to fulfill.
7: Key Result Area (KRA) –it is the measurement quantifiable of output for the roles of responsibilities.
8: Employee separation-includes resignation and dismissal.
9: Joining formalities– take place when a new employee joins the company.
10: Computerization
11: Helpdesk
12: Employee verification-take place at the time of joining of the new employee.
13: Surveys
14: Project trainees
15: Counseling and grievance handling-both are different as counseling is basically helping out in personal problems whereas, grievances Handling involves the handling of complains that the employees has towards the management.
All the above head are included in the human resource development and involves the overall development of individual employees which in turn increases the overall profit of the company.
4.1 Recruitment:
Recruitment is “hiring” of employees from outside. Recruitment has been regarded as the most important function of the HR department , because unless the right type of people are hired, even the best plans, organization chart and control system would not do much good.
Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicant for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. Accordingly the purpose of recruitment is to locate sources of manpower to meet the job requirements and job specification.
It is defined as “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of staffing schedule and to apply effective measures for attracting the manpower to adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an effective workforce”.
Yoder points out that recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employee effective measures to attracting that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an effective workforce.
Edwin B Flippo defines recruitment as “the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization.”
“It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their application are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.”
4.1.1 Methods of Recruitment:
Dunn and Stephens summaries the possible recruiting methods into three categories, namely
1: Direct method
2: Indirect method
3: Third party method
o Direct Method:
The direct method includes sending of the recruiters to different educational and professional institutions, employees contact with public and mannered exhibits. One of the widely used methods is sending the recruiters to different colleges and technical schools. This is mainly done with the cooperation of the placement office of the college. Sometimes, firms directly solicit information from the concerned professors about student with outstanding records.
Other direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and seminars, setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go the desired centers. It is also known as internal sourcing method. The most common internal sources of internal recruitment are:
1. personal recommendations
2. notice boards
3. newsletters
4. memoranda
1) Personal References
The existing employees will probably know their friends or relatives or colleagues who could successfully fill the vacancy. Approaching them may be highly efficient method of recruitment but will almost certainly offend other workers who would have wished to have been considered for the job. To keep employees satisfied make sure that potentially suitable employees are informed of the vacancy so that they can apply. Also anyone else who is likely to be interested is told about its well so that they can apply for the job.
2) Notice Boards
This is the convenient and simple method of passing on important messages to the existing staff. A job advertisement pinned to a notice board will probably be seen and read by a sufficient number of appropriate employees at little or no cost. However many of the staff will probably not learn of the vacancy in this way either because the notice board poorly located or is full of out dated notices that they don’t bother to look at it, as they assume there is nothing new to find out. A notice board must be ensured that it is well suited. Wherever it is been placed it should be certain that it is seen by everyone. It means there must be equal opportunity to see to it and this happens when they know that just important topical notices are on display. Attention must be paid to the design and contents of the notice if it is to catch the eye and make the employee read on and then want to apply for the job.
3) Newsletters
Many companies regularly produce in-house newsletters, magazines or journals for their staff to read. It is hoped that latest company news sheet is read avidly by all staff thus ensuring that everyone is aware of the job opportunity advertised in it. Unfortunately this is not always so, because it is sometimes not circulated widely enough and employees may find it boring and choose not to read it. Newsletter can be utilized as the source of recruitment if it is convinced that everybody will see a copy.
4) Memorandum
Possibly the best way of circulating news of the job vacancy is to send memorandum to department managers to read out to the teams or to write all employees perhaps enclosing memoranda in wage packets if appropriate. However it can be a time consuming process to contact staff individually, especially if there is a large work force. It should also be kept in mind as to in which way the memorandum is phrased out so that the job appeals to likely applicants.
o Indirect Method:
Indirect method involves mainly advertising in newspapers, on the radios, in trade and professional journals, technical magazines and brochures. Advertisements in newspapers and or trade journals and magazines are the most frequently used methods. Senior post is largely filled with such methods. Advertising is a very useful for recruiting blue color and hourly worker, as well as scientific, professional, and technical employees.
Local newspaper can be good sources of blue collar workers, clerical employees, and lower level administrative employees. The main point is that the higher the position in the organization the more dispersed advertisement is likely to be. The search for the top executive might include advertisement in a national periodical, whereas the advertisement of the blue color jobs usually confine to the daily newspaper.
According to the Advertisement tactic and strategy in personnel Recruitment, three main points need to be borne in the mind before an advertisement in inserted.
First, to visualize the type of applicants one is trying to recruit.
Second, to write out a list of advantages the company offers, or why should the reader join the company.
Third, to decide where to run the advertisement , not only in which area, but also in which newspaper having a local, state or a nation- wide circulation.
o Third Party:
These include the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies, and placement offices of schools colleges and professional associations recruiting firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college professors, and friends and relatives.
Private employment agencies are the most widely used sources. They charge a small fee from the applicant. They specialize in specific occupation; general office help, salesmen, technical workers, accountant, computer staff, engineers and executives.