Supply Chain Management of Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunication Limited.

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Supply Chain Management of Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunication Limited.

Chapter: – ONE


Background of the report:

Supply chain management, is the management of a network of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers .Supply Chain Management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand, and measuring performance globally.” So the procedures and standards of teaching are upgraded by different universities and institution in our country.


The study will help formulate suitable policies taking into consideration different ideas, suggestions and feelings of the customers and bankers. Furthermore, it may note that executives who are really executing the policies undertaken by the top management will have a chance to communicate their interaction and provide necessary feedback.


Objectives regarding this study are as follows:

General: To study the practice of Supply Chain Management of Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunication Limited.


  • To know how much Ranks IT company follow the supply chain management.
  • To find out the problems of Ranks IT company.
  • To identify major strength and weakness of Ranks ITT in respect to other IT company.
  • To know application of supply chain management in Bangladesh.
  • To recommend for the development of the supply chain management in Ranks IT company


The duration of the study was a very short span of time. It was three month long internship program (June 2011 to August 2011). It was very much hard to complete a report as well as assigned tasks by the Ranks ITT. So I had to complete this study facing very much time presser.

This report covers only Supply Chain management of Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications Limited.Especially this report emphasizes on the national IT Company and over all problems and function. It considers all IT Companies and their problems and their lack age.


We know there are two source of collecting data. Such as

1. Primary Source:

Collect Information from Employee and Management.

2. Secondary Source

Collect Information from Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications Limited Official Record and Company web site.


The major limitations of this study are:

* Lack of sufficient record of company.

* Lack of time frame.

* Lack of knowledge about supply chain management

* To maintain company privacy.

Chapter: – TWO

About Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications is the market leader of nationwide data communication network service with over USD 4 million investments. Under a strategic infrastructure sharing agreement with Grameen Phone (GP), Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications retails excess capacity of 1,945 km of GP Fiber Optics Network in 62 districts and operates over 42 Point-of-Presence (PoP) throughout Bangladesh.

Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications, a member of RANGS Group was founded in 2001, and currently the company serves more than 100 large and mid-tier business customers in the financial services, travel/hospitality, manufacturing, government, media/entertainment, and technology and retail industries. Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications customer portfolio includes global network/application providers, e.g. SWIFT, SITA/Equant, Vanco (UK), Abacus, multinational companies, e.g. Aventis, FedEx, CITI Group, Lafarge Cement, British Airways, UNDP, UNESCO, Wartsila, State Bank of India, Plan International, Maersk Logistics, International Jute Study Group, SMEC Bangladesh, Tullow Bangladesh and national companies e.g. Bank Asia, One Bank, Eastern Bank ltd., AB Bank Ltd, Brac Bank Ltd, DBBL, Janata Bank, Apex Footware, Delta Life Insurance, Famous Perfumeries, Gemcon Group etc. andas well as other local ISPs and operators. In addition to GP, Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications also entered into strategic partnership with SITA/Equant as their network provider in the territory of Bangladesh, providing carrier service to SITA clients. Headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications is a limited liability company since 2001.

The RANGS Group

The RANKS Information Technology & Telecommunications Ltd is a new and dynamic addition to the RANGS GROUP. The Group is a conglomerate of a number of companies with diversified business areas. Now a few words about RANGS Group, in 1979, a group of dynamic thinking entrepreneurs came together to sow the first seeds of the RANGS GROUP. Nearly two decades later, those early seeds have matured into large tree with branches spread over various growth sectors.

With one year of it’s opening, RANGS was awarded the sole distributorship of Mitsubishi Motor Corporation. Today, the company also represents Eicher Motors Limited, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, BPL, Cannon and Pioneer. The Group maintains close relations with all its foreign principals, thereby guaranteeing quality products and efficient service to customers in Bangladesh.

Company Information

Company Name Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications Limited.

Company Head Office Red Crescent Borak Tower (Level 10)

71-72 Old Elephant Road

Eskaton, Dhaka 1000

Phone 9361369, 9361381, 04474700178

04474700179, Fax: 9361349

Details of Ownership Limited Company

Key Management Team Vice Chairman: Mr. Fazle Selim

Chief Operating Officer: Mr. Iqbal Chowdhuriy

Established 2001


Corporate Office

Red Crescent Borak Tower (Level 10)

71-72 Old Elephant Road

Eskaton, Dhaka 1000

Phone: 9361369, 9361381, 04474700178

04474700179, Fax: 9361349

Dhaka Support Offices

Gulshan Uttara

Project Builders Ltd. Tower HM Plaza

39 (Old), 17 (New), Gulshan House 34, Road 2,

North C/A, Dhaka 1212 Sector 3, Uttara Model Town

Dhaka 1230,

Sheba House Dhanmondi

Plot 34, Road 46 Dhanmondi City College

Gulshan North C/A, Dhaka 1212 Road 2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka

Motijheel Kawranbazar

Uttara Bank Limited Building Hasan Plaza 5th floor

90, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 1000 53 Kawranbazar, Dhaka-1215

Regional Support Offices

Chittagong Sylhet

Der-e-Shadehi Building Hotel Dargahgate

69, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong Airport Road, East Dargahgate, Sylhet

Phone: 01711437316

Barisal Khulna

134, Save Health Railway Station

Sadar Road, Barisal


Railway Station

Management Body of Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications:

Management Body
No Name Designation
1 A. Rouf Chowdhury Chairman
2 Md. Fazle Selim Executive Vice Chairman
3 Zakia Rouf Chowdhury Managing Director
4 Rukhsana Selim Joint Managing Director
5 Eqbal Chowdhury COO

Their Mission:

They are on the middle of journey of excellence and have a long way to go. Quality service and customer satisfaction, the principles on which RANKS ITT was formed, continue to be our primary objectives and we strive ceaselessly to improve on them. Their corporate strategy aims at creating a path of dynamic growth: we intend to transcend narrow business borders and evolve into a much wider and stranger house of business.

……. to focus on your success



Gaining commitment


Employee’s participation

Autonomy of operating units
Tolerance for Risk
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Excellent leadership within

Learning structures

Winning together

Through partnership

Best in class through innovative solutions & services

And they are a determined band of people with a vision to become a partner in progress in the new millennium.

SWOT Analysis of Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications:


* IT is a sister concern of Rangs Group Which Consists of forty companies.

* Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications are a knowledge base company, powered by the information technology. So it will served future need all time.

* Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications working area is vast as we are number one company who really deal with the connectivity throughout the country.

* The beneficiary of our secured companywide WAN are all government, Bank, Insurance and different agencies who needs on line real time transaction.

* They are the only company who are providing instant technological support all most all districts.

* Based on our vast WAN deployment present government has been utilizing their agencies digitization process.

* They are covering all stock exchange of Bangladesh through our data and WAN connectivity.


* Due to Their poor infrastructure, we are not able to provide highest level of technological benefit all sort of much people.

* As technology is concern, so the fund plays a big role to adapt new technological backbone and the fund is always critical to takes place.

* BTCL should build a very strong backbone and only should provide connectivity to the service provider like us not to the consumer directly.

* Regulatory process has to be pro-service provider, where rules and regulations should be universal and logical.


* As technology is the concerned, so there is always opportunity to become bigger and bigger as time pass on.

* All institutions becoming coverage of digital data processing and we are the leader of providing a large amount of opportunity in this area.

* All web bases; data base is becoming big role of every body’s personal need and Ranks will provide the link.

* They are working heights level of technological resources, where the opportunity window is open and there is no limit of need.


* Security of technology.

* Uncertainness and disaster.

* Needs the heights level of defender reliability?

* High skill worker are not available compare with fast world.

Chapter – THREE

Definitions of Supply Chain:

A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. In sophisticated supply chain systems, used products may re-enter the supply chain at any point where residual value is recyclable.

A typical supply chain begins with ecological and biological regulation of natural resources, followed by the human extraction of raw material, and includes several production links (e.g., component construction, assembly, and merging) before moving on to several layers of storage facilities of ever-decreasing size and ever more remote geographical locations, and finally reaching the consumer.

Many of the exchanges encountered in the supply chain will therefore be between different companies that will seek to maximize their revenue within their sphere of interest, but may have little or no knowledge or interest in the remaining players in the supply chain. More recently, the loosely coupled, self-organizing network of businesses that cooperates to provide product and service offerings has been called the Extended Enterprise.

Marketing Logistics and Supply Chain Management

In today’s global marketplace, selling a product is sometimes easier than getting it to cus­tomers. Companies must decide on the best way to store, handle, and move their products and services so that they are available to customers in the right assortments, at the right time, and in the right place. Physical distribution and logistics effectiveness has a major impact on both customer satisfaction and company costs. Here we consider the nature and importance of logistics management in the supply chain, goals of the logistics system, major logistics functions, and the need for integrated supply chain management.

Nature and Importance of Marketing Logistics

‘To some managers, marketing logistics means only trucks and warehouses. But modern logis­tics are much more than this. Marketing logistics—also called physical distribution—involves planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of goods, services, and related information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet customer requirements at ,a profit. In short, it involves getting the right product to the right customer in the right place at the right time.

In the past, physical distribution typically started with products at the plant and then tried to fire low-cost salutations to get them to customers. However, today’s marketers prefer customer-centered logistics thinking, which starts with the marketplace and works backward to the factory, or even to sources of supply. Marketing logistics involves not only outbound distribution (moving products from the factory to resellers and ultimately customers) but also inbound distribution (moving products and materials from suppliers to the factory) and reverse distribution (moving broken, unwanted, or excess products returned by consumers or resellers). That is, it involves entire supply chain management—managing upstream and downstream value-added flows of materials, final goods, and related information among sup­pliers, the company, resellers, and final consumers.

The logistics manager’s task is to coordinate activities of suppliers, purchasing agents, marketers, channel members, and customers. These activities include forecasting, informa­tion systems, purchasing, production planning, order processing, inventory, warehousing, and transportation planning.

Companies today are placing greater emphasis on logistics for several reasons. First, companies can gain a powerful competitive advantage by using improved logistics to give customers better service or lower prices. Second, improved logistics can yield tremendous cost savings to both the company and its customers. As much as 20 percent of an average product’s price is accounted for by shipping and transport alone. This far exceeds the cost of advertising and many other marketing costs. Last year, American companies spent almost $1.2 trillion—about 9.6 percent of gross domestic product—to wrap, bundle, load, unload, sort, reload, and transport goods. By itself, Ford has more than 500 million tons of finished vehicles, production parts, and aftermarket parts in transit at any given time, running up an annual logistics bill of around $4 billion.12 Shaving off even a small fraction of these costs can mean substantial savings.

Third, the explosion in product variety has created a need for improved logistics manage­ment. For example, in 1911 the typical A&P grocery store carried only 270 items. The store manager could keep track of this inventory on about 10 pages of notebook paper stuffed in a shirt pocket. Today, the average A&P carries a bewildering stock of more than 25,000 items. A Wal-Mart Super center store carries more than 100,000 products, 30,000 of which are grocery products.Ordering, shipping, stocking, and controlling such a variety of products present a sizable logistics challenge.

Finally, improvements in information tech­nology have created opportunities for major gains in distribution efficiency. Today’s compeer flies are using sophisticated supply chain man­agement software, Web-based logistics systems, point-of-sale scanners, uniform product codes, satellite tracking, and electronic transfer of order and payment data. Such technologies let them quickly and efficiently manage the flow of goods, information, and finances through the supply chain.

Goals of the Logistics System

Some companies state their logistics objective as providing maximum customer service at the least cost. Unfortunately, no logistics system can both maximize customer service and mini­mize distribution costs. Maximum customer service implies rapid delivery, large inventories, flexible assortments, liberal returns policies, and other services—all of which raise distribu­tion costs. Contrast, minimum distribution costs imply slower delivery, smaller invento­ries, and larger shipping lots—which represent a lower level of overall customer service.

The goal of marketing logistics should be to provide a targeted level of customer service at the least cost. A company must first research the importance of various distribution ser­vices to customers and then set desired service levels for each segment. The objective is to maximize profits, not sales. Therefore, the company must weigh the benefits of providing higher levels of service against the costs. Some companies offer less service than their com­petitors and charge a lower price. Other companies offer more service and charge higher prices to cover higher costs.

Major Logistics Functions

Given a set of logistics objectives, the company is ready to design a logistics system that will minimize the cost of attaining these objectives. The major logistics functions include warehousing, inventory management, transportation, and logistics information management.


Production and consumption cycles rarely match. So most companies must store their tangi­ble goods while they wait to be sold. For example, Snapper, Toro, and other lawn mower man­ufacturers run their factories all year long and store up products for the heavy spring and summer buying seasons. The storage function overcomes differences in needed quantities and timing, ensuring that products are available when customers are ready to buy them.

A company must decide on how many and what types of warehouses it needs and where they will be located. The company might use either scrooge warehouses or distribution cen­ters. Storage warehouses store goods. for moderate to lo ~g periods. Distribution centers are designed to move goods rather than just store them. They are large and highly automated warehouses designed to receive goods from various plants and suppliers, take orders, fill them efficiently, and deliver goods to customers as quickly as possible.

For example, Wal-Mart operates a network of more than 100 huge U.S. distribution centers and another 57 around the globe. A single center, which might serve the daily needs of 120 Wal-Mart stores, typically contains some 1.2 million square feet of space (about 29 football fields) under a ~single roof. One huge center near Williamsburg, Virginia, contains more than 3 million square feet. At a typical center, laser scanners route as many as 190,000 cases of goods per day along 11 miles of conveyer belts, and the center’s 1,000 workers load or unload some 500 trucks daily. Wal-Mart’s Monroe, Georgia, distribution center contains a 127,000-square-foot freezer that can hold 10,000 pallets—room enough for 58 million Popsicles. Like almost everything else these days, warehousing has seen dramatic changes in technology in recent years. Older, multistory­ need warehouses with outdated materials-handling methods are steadily being replaced by newer, single-storied automated ware­ houses with advanced, computer-controlled materials-handling systems requiring few employees. Computers and scanners read orders and direct lift trucks, electric hoists, or robots to gather goods, move them to loading docks, and issue invoices.

Inventory Management

Inventory management also affects customer satisfaction. Here, managers must maintain the delicate balance between carrying too little inventory and carrying too much. With too little stock, the firm risks not having products when customers want to buy. To remedy this, the firm may need costly emergency shipments or production. Carrying too much inventory results in higher-than-necessary inventory-carrying costs and stock obsolescence. Thus, in managing inventory, firms must balance the costs of carrying larger inventories against resulting sales and profits. Many companies have greatly reduced their inventories and related costs through just-in-time logistics systems. With such sys­tems, producers and retailers carry only small inventories of parts or merchandise, often only enough for a few days of operations. For example, Dell, a master just-in-time producer, carries just 2 to 3 days of inventory, whereas competitors might carry 40 days of even 60.15 new stocks arrives exactly when needed, rather than being stored in inventory until being used. Just-in-time systems require accurate forecasting along with fast, frequent, and flexible delivery so that new supplies will be available when needed. However, these systems result in substantial savings in inventory carrying and handling costs.

Marketers are always looking for new ways to make inventory management more efficient. In the not-too-clashing future, handling inventory might even become fully automated. For example, in Chapter 3, we discussed RFID or “smart tag” technology, by which. Small transmitter chips are embedded in or placed on products and packaging on everything from flowers and razors to tires. “Smart” products could make the entire supply chain—which accounts for nearly 75 percent of a product’s cost—intelligent aria automated. Companies using RFID would know, at any time, exactly where a product is located physically within the supply chain. “Smart shelves” would not only tell them when it’s time to reorder, but would also place the order automatically with their suppliers. Such exciting new information technology applications will revolutionize distribution as we know it. Many large and resourceful marketing companies, such as Procter & Gamble, IBM, Wal-Mart, Levi Strauss, and Best Buy, are investing heavily to make the full use of RFID technology a reality.


The choice of transportation carriers affects the pricing of products, delivery performance, and condition of the goods when they arrive—all of which will affect customer satisfaction. In shipping goods to its warehouses, dealers, and customers, the company can choose among five main transportation modes: truck, rail, and water, pipeline, and air, along with an alternative mode for digital products—the Internet. Trucks have increased their share of transportation steadily and now account for nearly 35 percent of total cargo ton-miles (more than 60 percent of actual tonnageEach year in the United States, trucks travel more has 216 billion miles—a distance that has more than dou­bled over the past 20 years—carrying 11 billion tons of freight worth over $9 trillion. Trucks are highly flexible in their routing and time sched­ules and they can usually offer faster service than railroads. They are efficient for short hauls of high-value merchandise. Trucking firms have added many services in recent years. For exam­ple, Roadway Express now offers everything from satellite tracking and 24-hour shipment informa­tion to logistics planning software and “border ambassadors” who expedite cross-border ship­ping operations. Railroads account for 31 percent of total cargo ton-miles moved. They are one of the most cost-effective modes for shipping large amounts of bulk products—coal, sand, minerals, and farm and forest products—over long distances. In recent years, railroads have increased their cus­tomer services by designing new equipment to handle special categories of goods, providing flat-cars for carrying truck trailers by rail (piggyback), and providing in-transit services such as the diversion of shipped goods to other destinations en route and the processing of goods en route.

Water carriers, which account for about 11 percent of cargo ton-miles, transport large amounts of goods by ships and barges on U.S. coastal and inland waterways. Although the cost of water transportation is very low for shipping bulky, low-value, nonperishable products such as sand, coal, grain, oil, and metallic ores, water transportation is the slowest mode and may be affected by the weather. Pipelines, which also account for about 16 crescents of cargo ton-miles, are a specialized means of shipping petroleum, natural gas, and chemicals from sources to markets. Most pipelines are used by their owners to ship their own products. Although air carriers transport less than 5 per­cent of the nation’s goods, they are an important transportation mode. Airfreight rates are much higher than rail or truck rates but airfreight is ideal when speed is needed or distant markets must be reached. Among the most frequently air-freighted products are perishables (fresh fish, cut flowers) and high-value, low-bulk items (tech­nical instruments, jewelry). Companies find that airfreight also reduces inventory levels, packag­ing costs, and the number of warehouses needed. The Internet carries digital products from producer to customer via satellite, cable modem, or telephone wire. Software firms, the media, music companies, and education all make use of the Internet to transport digital products. Although these firms primarily use tra­ditional transportation to distribute CDs, newspapers, and more, the Internet holds the poten­tial for lower product distribution costs. Whereas planes, trucks, and trains move freight and packages, digital technology moves information bits. Shippers also use interposal transportation—combining two or more modes of trans­portation. Piggyback describes the use of rail and trucks; fishy back, water and trucks; train ship, water and rail; and air truck, air and trucks. Combining modes provides advan­tages that no single mode can deliver. Each combination offers advantages to the shipper. For example, not only is piggyback cheaper than trucking alone but it also provides flexibility and convenience. In choosing a transportation mode for a product, shippers must balance many considera­tions: speed, dependability, availability, cost, and others. Thus, if a shipper needs speed, air and truck are the prime choices. If the goal is low cost, then water or pipeline might be best.

Logistics Information Management

Companies manage their supply chains through information. Channel partners often link up to share information and to make better joint logistics decisions. From a logistics perspective, information flows such as customer orders, billing, inventory levels, and even customer data are closely linked to channel performance. The company wants to design a simple, accessible, fast, and accurate process for capturing, processing, and sharing channel information. Information can be shared and managed in many ways—by mail or telephone, through salespeople, or through traditional or Internet-based electronic data interchange (EDD, the computerized exchange of data between organizations. Wal-Mart, for example, maintains ElM links with almost all of its 91,000 suppliers. And where it once took eight weeks, using El)], Krispy Kreme can now turn around 1,000 supplier invoices and process the checks in only i single week.

In some cases, suppliers might actually be asked to generate orders and arrange deliveries for their customers. Many largo retailers—such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot—work closely with major suppliers such as Procter & Gamble or Black & Decker to set up vendor-manage I inventory (VMI) systems or continuous inventory rape enrichment systems. Using VMI, the cus­tomer shares real-time data on sales and current inventory levels with the supplier. The sup­plier then takes full responsibility for managing inventories and deliveries. Some retailers even go so far as to shift inventory and delivery costs to the supplier. Such systems require close cooperation between the buyer and seller.

Integrated Logistics Management

Today, more and more companies are adopting the concept of integrated logistics management. This concept recognizes that providing better customer service and trimming distribution costs require teamwork, both inside the company and among all the marketing channel orga­nizations. Inside, the company’s various departments must work closely together to maximize the company’s own logistics performance. Outside, the company must integrate its logistics system with those of its1suppliers and customers to maximize the performance of the entire distribution system.

Cross-Functional Teamwork inside the Company

In most companies, responsibility for various logistics activities is assigned to many different departments—marketing, sales, finance, operations, purchasing. Too often, each function tries to optimize its own logistics performance without regard for the activities of the other functions. However, Transported, inventory, warehousing, and order-processing activities interact, often in an inverse way. Lower inventory levels reduce inventory-carrying costs. But they may also reduce customer service and increase costs from stockpots, back orders, special production runs, and costly fast-freight shipments. Because distribution activities involve strong trade-offs, decisions by different functions must be coordinated to achieve better over­all logistics performance. The goal of integrated supply chain management is to harmonize all of the company’s logistics decisions. Close working relationships among departments can be achieved in sev­eral ways. Some companies have created permanent logistics committees, made up of man­agers responsible for different physical distribution activities. Companies can also create sup­ply chain manager positions that link the logistics activities of functional areas. For example, Procter & Gamble has created supply managers, who manage all of the supply chain activities for each of its product categories. Many companies have a vice president of logistics with cross-functional authority. Finally, companies can employ sophisticated, system wide supply chain management software, now available from wide range of software enterprises large and small, from SAP to River One and Logility.19 The important thing is that the company must coordinate its logistics and marketing activities to create high market satisfaction at a reason­able cost.

Building Logistics Partnerships

Companies must do more than improve their own logistics. They must also work with other channel partners to improve whole-channel distribution. The members of a marketing chan­nel are linked closely in creating customer value and building customer relationships. One company’s distribution system is another company’s supply system. The success of each channel member depends on the performance of the entire supply chain. For example, IKEA can create its stylish but affordable furniture and deliver the “IKEA lifestyle” only if its entire supply chain—consisting of thousands of merchandise designers and suppliers, trans­port companies, warehouses, and service providers—operates at maximum efficiency and Smart companies coordinate their logistics strategies and forge strong partnerships with sup­pliers and customers to improve customer service and reduce channel costs. Many companies have created cross-functional, cross-company teams. For example, Procter & Gamble has a team of more than 200 people working in Bentonville, Arkansas, home of Wal-Mart.2° The P&G are work jointly with their counterparts at Wal-Mart to find ways to squeeze costs out of their distribution system. Working together benefits not only P&G and Wal-Mart but also their shared final consumers. Other companies partner through shared pro­jects. For example, many large retailers are work­ing closely with suppliers on in-store programs. Home Depot allows key suppliers to use its stores as a testing ground for new merchandising pro­grams. The suppliers spend time at 1-lome Depot stores watching how their product sells -and how customers relate to it. They then create programs specially tailored to Home Depot and its cus­tomers. Clearly, both the supplier and the customer benefit from such partnerships. The point is that all supply chain members must work together in the cause of bringing value to final consumers.

Third-Party Logistics

Most big companies love to make and sell their products. But many loathe the associated logistics “grunt work.” They detest the bundling, loading, unloading, sorting, storing, reloading, transporting, customs clearing, and tracking required to supply their factories and to gut products out to customer They hate it so much. g numb of firms now outsource some or all us their 1ogisac third-party logistics (3PL) providers. These “3PLs”—companies such as UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Penske Logistics, BAX Global, Ryder System, FedEx Logistics, or Roadway Logistics Services-.—-help clients to tighten up sluggish, overstuffed supply chains, slash inventories, and get products to customers more quickly and reliably. For example, UPS’s Supply Chain Services unit provides clients with a wide range of logistics services, from inventory control, warehousing, and transportation management to customer service and fulfillment, According to a recent survey of chief logistics executives at Fortune 500 companies, 82 percent of these companies use third-party logistics (also called 3PL, outsourced logistics, or contract logistics) services. In just the past ten years, the 3PL market has tripled in size to more than $100 billion.21

Companies use third-party logistics providers for several reasons. First, because getting the product to market is their main focus, these providers can often do it more efficiently and at lower cost. Outsourcing typically results in 15 percent to 30 percent cost savings. Second, outsourcing logistics frees a company to focus more intensely on its core business. Finally, integrated logistics companies understand increasingly complex logistics environments. This can be especially helpful to companies attempting to expand their global market coverage. For example, companies distributing their products across Europe face a bewildering array of environmental restrictions that affect logistics, including packaging standards, truck size and weight limits, and noise and emissions pollution controls. By outsourcing its logistics, a com­pany can gain a complete pan-European distribution system without incurring the costs, delays, and risks associated with setting up its own system.

(Kotler, 2010)

Chapter: – FOUR

Findings: Supply Chain Management in Ranks information Technology & Telecommunication Limited.


Deliver to Technical


Of Vendors Deliver product Purchase Fund


At First Supply chain management get requisition from technical team. Supply chain department coordination with finance department from the initiation of purchase requisition. After prepare all the document get approval from higher management. Prepare the comparative statement and select suitable supplier. Issue the work order/purchase order to the vendor and follow up delivery. Supply chain maintains the supplier data, purchase history of the company, supplier evaluation and advice eligibility to carry over. Supply chain also keeps informed of current development in field of purchasing prices, market conditions and new products.

Supply Chain developing also developing and maintain minimum/maximum inventory system database, standard operating procedure.

Services offered by the Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications

As the technology leader Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications combines its carrier class technology deployment and national coverage with superior customer support which allows companies to increase productivity, generate greater revenue, decrease costs and improve customer service.

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications portfolio includes following services:

1. Data Communication Services

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications is fully capable of connecting geographically dispersed locations anywhere in Bangladesh through its 30 Pops.

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications is currently providing following types of basic data communication carrier services for different level of corporate clients:

i. Point-to-point leased line data communication over HDSL/iDSL local loop

ii. Point- to-point IP transit service over Ethernet wireless/xDSL local loop

iii. Point- to-multipoint IP transit service over Ethernet wireless/xDSL local loop

Offer may include both bundled and unbundled services, i.e. with or without routing devices, for our corporate clients

2. International IP-VPN service (IPSec based)

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications Managed Virtual Private Network (VPN) service provides strong security and encryption, allowing customer to take full advantage of the cost economies and global nature of the Internet, versus dedicated data network platforms such as Frame Relay or ATM. Linking multiple offices and remote workers, this service runs over the Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications existing Internet connections.

Our Managed VPN service uses IPSec technology for strong encryption and privacy guarantees. For an additional layer of security, an optional managed firewall that protects branch offices may be activated. This fully managed firewall reduces capital costs by having both a VPN and firewall in a single device.

IP – VPN service feature includes:

§ Fully integrated firewall

§ Fully managed planning, installation and implementation

§ IPSec technology ensures security and carrier independence

§ Intelligent route-control technology that guarantees performance over the Internet

§ 24x7x365 maintenance and monitoring

3. Internet Services

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications is one of the few National Internet Service Provider licensed to operate throughout Bangladesh. Their 1,945 km of national fiber optic coverage places us in a unique position to offer Internet services anywhere in Bangladesh. At present Ranks– Information Technology & Telecommunications is having its footprint in all 6 divisional HQs and 20 districts in Bangladesh providing them with Internet and Data communication services.

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications Internet portfolio includes following services:

i. Broadband access, nX64kbps

ii. Digital dial-up Internet service

4. Professional Services

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications Professional Services is a team of Solutions Architects with extensive experience and specific up-to-date network optimization skills that work with organizations on a consultative basis both to optimize existing multi-homed networks and to help companies who would like to build redundant infrastructures reach their goals. By partnering with Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications Professional Services, customer can now have the ability to migrate vital business practices and processes to IP networks.

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications Professional Services offerings are delivered in flexible packages that meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Whether customers are with an enterprise, service provider, or technology company, Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications Professional Services has a solution that will fit your company’s needs. Services range from handling complex wide area network (WAN) assessments and optimization of specific technologies to network audits and ad hoc engineering support for organizations that lack specific expertise. Solutions Architects are vendor independent and will work with you to develop the right solution

5. Collocation Services

Sitting on the edge of the most robust network backbone available today in Bangladesh, our carrier-class collocation facilities include fully redundant connectivity with the service, support and security you expect from Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications collocation. When combined with industry-leading service level agreements (SLAs), covering collocation and connectivity, the Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications collocation solution has no equal. Whether the collocation facility is Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications – owned and operated or among of the select group of providers, the benefits and services that you receive are second to none.

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications collocation feature includes:

· Locking cabinets, custom cages and suites

· AC or DC power available

· Fault-tolerant 3 tire redundant power

· Fully redundant environmental systems

· Controlled temperature and humidity

· Fire-threat detection and suppression

· 24 x 7/365 critical monitoring/disaster prevention

· 24 x 7/365 technical support/assistance

· 24 x 7/365 secured access to facilities

6. Business Services:

· IT Training

· Network Consulting

· ICT Consulting

· Managed Network Services

· Network Security Consulting Services.

· e-Governance & e-Commerce Services & Consulting

Service Level Agreement

To us, a Service Level Agreement (SLA) isn’t a formality – it’s their promise. Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications provides the service levels required to ensure high-performance, reliability and availability, while maximizing your user experience when moving business-critical applications across the Network/Internet. By surpassing the industry’s metric for standard performance, we offer the industry’s only proactive, performance guarantee that covers the entire Network/Internet, not just one single network. We can guarantee these levels of reliability and performance because we connect to and leverage the major backbone providers and use our intelligent route-control technology to select the optimal path to deliver your traffic.

The Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications SLA guarantees packet delivery to the Internet over all the major IP backbones. They proactively monitor, notify and credit your account if there is an infraction. If a qualifying service outage lasts longer than thirty minutes, we’ll also credit your monthly bill. And our network is just as good as our response times. Our SLA is another demonstration of our commitment to building performance and trust with each individual Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications customer.

Service Level Agreement addresses:

Service Availability: If their service is down for more than thirty consecutive minutes for reasons other than scheduled maintenance or local loop, they will proactively receive a credit on your monthly invoice.

Install Intervals: Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications guarantees that the installation of their Ethernet connectivity will be completed within 25 business days of order acceptance, credit approval and capacity approval. Bangladesh-based E1 connectivity will be installed within 45 business days from order acceptance and credit approval. If these Install Intervals are not met, Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications will credit 100% of any Install fees charged for the affected service.

DNS Services: Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications guarantees its high-availability DNS service will always be available. Any measurable interruption in DNS service will result in a full credit on the entire monthly DNS charge. And unlike any other provider, any interruption will result in credits against IP services.

Collocation (space, power, environmental): Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications offers highly-competitive SLAs for collocation covering power, environment and security, offering credits up to one week for violations of stated service levels. Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications will also monitor and control access to its facilities at all times, and will provide electronic or written logs upon a customer’s request.

Internet Performance Metrics and Reporting: Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications has built a robust performance management system that captures service quality metrics from our Overlay Network on a 24x7x365 basis. Service quality measurements are based on active monitoring systems that gather performance statistics on a regular basis using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) based round trip measurements.

Customer Support

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications delivers unmatched customer support, providing direct access to superior network operations engineers who have the expertise and information to resolve questions quickly and effectively. Ranks – ITT Network Operations Center (NOC) and Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is staffed by certified network engineers 24x7x365 who assume immediate responsibility for your needs

Benefits of Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications TAC include but not limited to the following:

§ Facilitate the network management on those locations with minimal onsite technical support personnel

§ Integrated network management over different locations

§ Facilitate the multi-location troubleshooting

§ 24 hours online network events tracking

§ 24 hours online traffic status monitoring

Partners of Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications strategic partnerships are designed to take our technology and services one step further – to help deliver a single source, best-of-breed managed solution with true end-to-end control. From Value-Added Resellers to business partner network services, Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications enters into strategic partnering arrangements with companies that are leaders in their respective markets and can contribute to our business and quality of service for our customers as we expand globally.

Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications forms strategic Alliance partnerships with companies that augment and complement the Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications solution portfolio to provide an end-to-end network infrastructure to our customers. Our Alliance partners provide the best-in-class solutions and when combined with Ranks – Information Technology & Telecommunications technologies and services provide an unprecedented improvement in application performance across the Internet or private network.

Service partners:

Service Partners are those who help us to provide service to the client through their network. The Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications Service Partners are:

Technology partners:

Technology Partners are those who help us to support Ranks ITT Clients though there equipment. The Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunications Technology Partners are:

Channel partners:

Leading service provider of IT business solutions and communication services are chosen Ranks Information Technology & Telecommunication as provider for implementation of their communication Standard.

Ranks- Information Technology & Telecommunications Distributorship:

Ranks-ITT is now the authorizeddistributor of Cisco, Huawei & Motorola. Now it will be more convenient for our clients to procure all these above branded peripheral items from us, which will save lead time to procure as well as more cheaper than before. From now on Ranks-ITT is the exclusive distributor as well as solution provider of these companies in Bangladesh.

Key Customers

Financial Management Reform Program (FMRP) is a DFID funded IT project for the Ministry of Finance. It is the biggest IT project ever to be launched in Bangladesh, with the Wide Area Network covering 58 districts all around Bangladesh. Ranks ITT has have had the privilege to build the WAN infrastructure of the FMRP Project, including providing Fiber Optical & Radio solutions for Ministries, Chief Accounts Offices, and Divisional Controller Accounts & District Accounts Offices around Bangladesh. Ranks ITT provides FMRP with full support, maintenance and managed services for the whole wide area network.

Abacus is Asia Pacific’s leading travel facilitator. Abacus has access to a comprehensive network of travel agents across Asia-Pacific. In Bangladesh, most travel agents rely on the Abacus system for processing their airline bookings, and Ranks ITT is proud to say that Abacus relies on the Ranks ITT Network infrastructure.

SITA is the world’s leading service provider of IT business solutions and communication services to the air transport industry. SITA manages complex communication solutions for its air transport, government and GDS customers over the world’s most extensive communication