Mr. Z
Dear Sir,
RE: Legal Opinion – Contract between Mr. A and company 1.
We refer to your letter dated 24 September 2006 on the above subject.
You have requested our legal opinion regarding whether the terms and conditions of the Draft agreement between Mr. A and Company 1 (“Sponsorship Agreement”) match/contradict with the Terms and Conditions set in the agreement signed between BCCB and Mr. A (“BCCB Agreement”).
According to Clause 7.1 of the BCCB Agreement, Mr. A shall be entitled to have sponsorship other than through BCCB. But under this clause Mr. A undertook that any outside sponsorship should not in anyway be in conflict with those sponsors who sponsor the Bangladesh team or BCCB.
So Mr. A can legally enter into the Sponsorship Agreement with Company 1.
But please note that under clause 1 of the Sponsorship Agreement Mr. A have to use the Sticker or Monogram of “ANIVA” Pure Drinking Water on his cricket bat during the entire period of the contract and also under clause 5 of the said Agreement Mr. A is not allowed to use any other Sticker, Monogram or any other viewable object of other companies except bat manufacturing logo during the tenure of the Sponsorship Agreement. Please check whether clause 2 and 5 of the Sponsorship Agreement conflicts, in any way, with the interests of the Sponsors of the Bangladesh team or BCCB.
Apart from the above observations, there are no other contradictions between the Terms and Conditions of the Sponsorship Agreement and the Terms and Conditions of the BCCB Agreement.
If you have any further query, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
For: “The Lawyers & Jurists”