Print and Out-of-Home Media

Print and Out-of-Home Media

The Media Industry

•      Media-delivered news, information, and advertising make the news and information possible

Basic Media Concepts

•      Media mix

–   The way various types of media are strategically combined in an advertising plan

•      Media vehicle

–   A specific TV program, newspaper, magazine, or radio station or program

Basic Media Concepts

•    Planning and Buying

•    Reach and Frequency

•    Impressions

•    Media Key Players

•      Media planning

–    The way advertisers identify and select media options

•      Media buying

–    Identifying specific vehicles, negotiating the costs to advertise in them, and handling billing and payment

Basic Media Concepts

•    Planning and Buying

•    Reach and Frequency

•    Impressions

•    Media Key Players

•      Reach

–    The percentage of the media audience exposed at least once to the advertiser’s message during a specific time frame

•      Frequency

–    The number of times a person is exposed to the advertisement

Basic Media Concepts

•    Planning and Buying

•    Reach and Frequency

•    Impressions

•    Media Key Players

•      The opportunity for one person to be exposed one time to an ad

•      In print, impressions estimate the actual readership

•      In broadcast, impression estimates viewers for TV and listeners for radio

Basic Media Concepts

•    Planning and Buying

•    Reach and Frequency

•    Impressions

•    Media Key Players

•      Media salespeople work for a medium

•      Media reps are people or companies that sell space or time for a variety of media

Print Media

•    Print advertising includes printed advertisements in newspapers, magazines, brochures, posters, and outdoor boards

•    Print provides more detailed information, rich imagery, and a longer message life


•      Used by advertisers trying to reach a local market

•      Primary function is to carry news

•      Market selectivity allows newspapers to target specific consumer groups

Structure of the Industry

•      Frequency of publication

•      Format and size

•      Circulation


Types of Advertising

•      Classified

•      Display

•      Supplements

Newspaper Readership

•      Tends to be highest among older people and people with a higher educational level

•      Measuring the newspaper audience

Newspaper Advertising


•      Range of market coverage

•      Comparison shopping

•      Positive consumer attitudes

•      Flexibility

•      Interaction of national and local


•      Short life span

•      Clutter

•      Limited coverage of certain groups

•      Poor reproduction


•     Most magazines today are special interest publications aimed at narrower target markets

•     Specialty magazines seem to have an edge over more general publications in terms of maintaining growth

•     Upscale magazines provide an ideal place for the image advertising of luxury products

Magazine Advertising


•      Target audience

•      Audience receptivity

•      Long life span

•      Format

•      Visual quality

•      Sales promotions


•      Limited flexibility

•      Lack of immediacy

•      High cost

•      Distribution


•    Both a container and a communication vehicle

•    The last ad a customer sees before making the decision to buy

•    Constant brand reminder once on the shelf at home or in the office

Out-of-Home Advertising

•      Outdoor advertising

–   Billboards and posters in public locations

Size and format

•      Printed posters

•      Painted bulletin

Buying Outdoor

•      Showings

•      Traffic count

Out-of-Home Advertising


•      High impact medium

•      Larger-than-life visuals

•      Hard to ignore structure

•      Least expensive


•      Message could fail to be seen or have impact

•      Passive medium

•      Extensive regulation

Out-of-Home Advertising

•      On-Premise Signs

–    Retail signs that identify stores

•      Posters

–    Used on the sides of buildings and vehicles, as well as on bulletin boards and kiosks

•      Kiosks

–    Designed for public posting of notices and advertising posters

•      Transit advertising

–    Includes posters in bus, train, airport, and subway stations

Directory Advertising

•      Books that list names, phone numbers, and addresses of people or companies

•      Tells people where to go to get the product or service they want

•      Reaching an audience already in need of something

–   Yellow Pages

–   Other Directories

Directory Advertising


•      Consumers initiate the search process

•      Inexpensive (1:15 ROI)

•      Flexibility

•      Long life


•      Competitive clutter

•      Consumers who cannot easily use directories

Using Print Advertising

Use Newspapers If…

•      You are a local business

•      Desire extensive market coverage

•      Product is consumed in a predictable manner

•      No need to demonstrate the product

•      Moderate to large budget

Use Magazines If…

•      Well-defined target audience

•      Want to reinforce or remind audience

•      Product must be shown accurately and beautifully

•      Need to relate moderate to extensive information

•      Moderate to large budget

Using Print Advertising

Use Out-of-Home If…

•      Local business that wants to sell locally

•      Regional or national business that wants to remind or reinforce

•      Product requires little information and little demonstration

•      Small to moderate budget

Use Directories If…

•      Local business or can serve local customers

•      Want to create action

•      Want to allow comparisons or provide basic inquiry and purchase information

•      Small to moderate budget