Questionnaire Survey on Impact of Communication Skills on Learning

Questionnaire Survey on Impact of Communication Skills on Learning

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Age: _______________________   Educational Qualification: ____________________________

Name of the Institute/University: ___________________________________________________

Program/ Subject Enrolled in_______________________________________________________

Year: _______________________Current CGPA:________Email:___________________________

Part-A: Reading

Statement/Comment Always     (5) Usually    (4) Sometimes (3) Rarely      (2) Never       (1)
1.    I adjust my speed to the type of reading material.
2. I avoid moving my lips when I read.
3. I try to see the relations between title, headings, and sub-headings.
4. I pay great attention to words in italics.
5. I read to answer questions I pose to myself.
6. I talk about my reading with others.
7. I read the preface, contents, and introduction.
8. I pay attention to the first sentence in a paragraph.
9. I avoid backward glances and re-reading words.
10. I have a fixed place for serious study, another for light reading.
11. I begin by reading summaries at the end of chapters.
12. I concentrate on meaning, not on words.

Part-B: Writing

Statement/Comment Always     (5) Usually    (4) Sometimes (3) Rarely      (2) Never       (1)
1. I prefer vivid picture words to abstract words.
2. I prefer one-syllable words to two-syllable words.
3. I picture the reader clearly in my mind.
4. I write in terms of the experience of the reader.
5. I prefer active to passive voice.
6. I ask myself: “Just what do I want to say” before beginning.
7. I have one thought only in each paragraph.
8. I avoid the use of qualifiers, e.g., ‘very’, ‘little’.
9. I try to avoid beginning sentences with ‘however’, ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’ or ‘nor’.
10. My style is informal, punchy and image-filled.
11. I keep my average sentence length short.
12. I go back over my writing to see which words I can cut out.

Part-C: Learning

Statement/Comment Always     (5) Usually    (4) Sometimes (3) Rarely      (2) Never       (1)
1. I adapt my speed to the difficulty of the matter.
2. I avoid word-by-word reading.
3. I resist the temptation to go back, re-read material I have read.
4. I read some words with greater care than others.
5. I quickly survey or glance over a chapter before I begin a careful line-by-line reading.
6. I remain interested by guessing what the author will say next.
7. With material that is more concerned with ideas than facts, I locate the topic sentence of paragraphs.
8. I make use of signal words and other cues when reading for main ideas.
9. Before using a textbook, I study the arrangement and contents of the entire book.
10. When studying a textbook, I turn chapter heading into questions and then read to answer them.
11. When reading and studying, I pause at the end of a section to recite or state in my own words the material treated therein.
12. I make brief outline notes of my textbook as I studying it.

Part-D: Speaking

Statement/Comment Always     (5) Usually    (4) Sometimes (3) Rarely      (2) Never       (1)
1. Before speaking my first words, I take an easy breath, wait for silence, pick out a face on the left, center, and right of the audience, pause and then begin.
2. Even if there is little time for preparation, I think, at least, of how I will begin and how I will end my talk.
3. As far as time and opportunity allow, I try to get data on my audience before I begin work on my speech.
4. I do not use a microphone unless it is quite necessary.
5. If possible, I prefer to stand on the same level as my audience rather than on a platform above them.
6. At the beginning of my talk I check whether those in the rear can hear me.
7. I use, as a rough estimate of the effectiveness of my talk, the amount of discussion it generates.
8. I am conscious that there is a point of diminishing returns in speaking and end my talk swiftly when I’ve made my point.
9. Even if I do not write out my speech ahead of time, I will at least have a half-page systematic outline of it.
10. I stand erect, yet relaxed, being careful neither to lean on anything nor to cross my legs.
11. I fill my talk with comparisons, vivid illustrations, and striking statements or questions.
12. I go through my speech to cut out abstract, pictureless sentences, especially where they occur consecutively.
13. I am conscious that I speak to the audience though may channels other that my voice: my eyes, my facial expression, my arms, shoulders and whole body.
14. I am aware that it is most important in the beginning to set up a warm relationship with the audience.
15. While I am concerned about my message, I am even more concerned about the audience.

Part-D: Listening

Statement/Comment Always     (5) Usually    (4) Sometimes (3) Rarely      (2) Never       (1)
1. An effective listener pays attention both to what a person is saying and what she or he is not saying.
2. We can understand another person well even if we don’t ‘here’ their feelings.
3. I can listen better to my subordinates if we have worked through our expectations of one another.
4. Words fully express what a person feels.
5. We tend to hear things which support our prejudices and not hear things which counteract them.
6. Listening with understanding to another means agreeing with him or her.
7. Persons who listen with understanding run the danger of being changed themselves.
8. Our very natural tendency to evaluate is a help to effective listening.
9. Some things can only be said with the help of the listener.
10. Listening is primarily a word process, not a people process.
11. As I listen, I should be aware of my own feelings.
12. It’s more important that the other be given a chance to talk than that he or she be understood.
13. Advice giving or dogmatic statements tend to superiorize the speaker.
14. Silence is not communicative.

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